BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: NSC_SCAN921025

-- Copyright National Semiconductor Corporation 2001
-- Boundary Scan Description Language, BSDL Model for NSC_SCAN921025
-- 10-bit LVDS Serializer
-- National Semiconductor Customer Service Center
-- N. America  (800) 272-9959
-- Europe Germany p49 (0) 69 9508 6208
-- 01   Initial
-- 02   14 Mar 01   Verified through additional ATPG tools
--                  Changed BGA_49 to BGA_49_INTEGER. Added BGA_49_BALL
--                  Reversed order of DIN from (9 downto 0) -> (0 to 9)
--                  Corrected ID code
--                  Corrected RUNBIST
-- 03   21 Mar 01   Corrected ID
--                  Corrected cell ordering i.e. cell closest TDO = 0
-- 04   29 Mar 01   Corrected control cells
-- 05   29 Mar 01   Corrected disable value
-- 06   29 Apr 02   Corrected attribute ordering (RUNBIST_EXECUTION) & fixed bist register name

entity NSC_SCAN921025 is
    generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "UNDEFINED");

    port (

        DIN:              in         bit_vector(0 to 9);
        SYNC2:            in         bit;
        SYNC1:            in         bit;
        PWRDN:            in         bit;
        DOp:              out        bit;
       -- DOn             :out        bit;
        DEN:              in         bit;
        TCLK:             in         bit;
        TCLK_R_F:         in         bit;
        TDI:              in         bit;
        TMS:              in         bit;
        TCK:              in         bit;
        TRST:             in         bit;
        TDO:              out        bit;
        DVCC:             linkage    bit_vector(2 downto 0);
        DGND:             linkage    bit_vector(4 downto 0);
        AVCC:             linkage    bit_vector(4 downto 0);
        AGND:             linkage    bit_vector(4 downto 0)

   use STD_1149_1_1994.all;

    attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is "STD_1149_1_1993";

    attribute PIN_MAP of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

-- BGA_49_INTEGER identifies each pin as an integer
    constant BGA_49_INTEGER : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
        "DIN:(3, 8, 23, 15, 24, 22, 30, 29, 37, 39)," &
        "SYNC2:10," &
        "SYNC1:4," &
        "PWRDN:21," &  
        "DOp:28," &     
        --"DOn:26," &     
        "TMS:31," &
        "TCK:38," &
        "TRST:44," &
        "TDO:43," &
        "DVCC:(17, 18, 33)," &
        "DGND:(1, 16, 34, 40, 46)," &
        "AVCC:(5, 6, 11, 14 ,47)," &
        "AGND:(12, 13, 20, 35, 42)";
-- BGA_49_BALL identifies each pin by a "ball" identifier
    constant BGA_49_BALL : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
        "DIN:(A3,B1, D2, C1, D3, D1, E2, E1, F2, F4)," &
        "SYNC2:B3," &
        "SYNC1:A4," &
        "PWRDN:C7," &  
        "DOp:D7," &     
        --"DOn:D5," &     
        "TMS:E3," &
        "TCK:F3," &
        "TRST:G2," &
        "TDO:G1," &
        "DVCC:(C3, C4, E5)," &
        "DGND:(A1, C2, E6, F5, G4)," &
        "AVCC:(A5, A6, B4, B7 ,G5)," &
        "AGND:(B5, B6, C6, E7, F7)";
--    attribute PORT_GROUPING of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is
--        "DIFFERENTIAL_VOLTAGE ( (DOp, DOn))";

    attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO : signal is true;

    attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (25.0e6, BOTH);
    attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRST : signal is true;

    attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is 8;

    attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is
        "BYPASS          (11111111)," &
        "EXTEST          (00000000)," &
        "SAMPLE          (10000010)," &
        "IDCODE          (10000001)," &
        "CLAMP           (10000111)," &
        "HIGHZ           (00000110)," &
        "RUNBIST         (10000011)";

    attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is "XXXXXX01";

    attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is
        "1000" &                -- version
        "1111110000100110" &    -- part number FC26 TX
        "00000001111" &         -- manufacturer's identity
        "1";                    -- required by 1149.1

    attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is
        "BYPASS          (BYPASS, CLAMP, HIGHZ)," &
        "BOUNDARY        (SAMPLE, EXTEST)," &
        "BISTREG[2]      (RUNBIST)," &
        "DEVICE_ID       (IDCODE)";
--    attribute BOUNDARY_CELLS of NSC_SCAN921025 :entity is "BC_1,BC_4";

       attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is 18;

    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER  of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is
     -- num   cell   port                  function   safe [ccell disval rslt]
        "17  (BC_4,  DIN(8),           input, X)," &
        "16  (BC_4,  DIN(7),           input, X)," &
        "15  (BC_4,  DIN(6),           input, X)," &
        "14  (BC_4,  DIN(5),           input, X)," &
        "13  (BC_4,  DIN(4),           input, X)," &
        "12  (BC_4,  DIN(3),           input, X)," &
        "11  (BC_4,  DIN(2),           input, X)," &
        "10  (BC_4,  DIN(1),           input, X)," &
        "9   (BC_4,  DIN(0),           input, X)," &
        "8   (BC_4,  SYNC2,            input, X)," &
        "7   (BC_4,  SYNC1,            input, X)," &
        "6   (BC_4,  PWRDN,            input, X)," &
        "5   (BC_1,  DOp,              output3,      X,  4, 0, Z)," &
        "4   (BC_1,  *,                controlr,     0)," &
        "3   (BC_4,  DEN,              input, X)," &
        "2   (BC_4,  TCLK,             input, X)," &
        "1   (BC_4,  TCLK_R_F,         input, X)," &
        "0   (BC_4,  DIN(9),           input, X)";  

   attribute RUNBIST_EXECUTION of NSC_SCAN921025 : entity is
      "Wait_Duration (10.0e-3), "&
      "Observing HIGHZ At_Pins, "&
      "Expect_Data 01";

end NSC_SCAN921025;