BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: neuron5000

-- Description:
--  Boundary Scan Definition Language (BSDL) File for Neuron5000
-- ====================================================================
-- ********************************************************************
-- This BSDL has been validated for syntax and semantics compliance to
-- IEEE 1149.1 using the ASSET/Agilent BSDL Validation Service.
-- ********************************************************************
-- ====================================================================

entity neuron5000 is
    generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME");

    port (
        -- Power & Ground
        VIN3V3       : linkage  bit;                -- 3.3V supply in
        VDD3V3       : linkage  bit_vector(1 to 5); -- 3.3V
        AVDD3V3      : linkage  bit;                -- 3.3V analog supply in
        VDD1V8       : linkage  bit_vector(1 to 3); -- 1.8V core supply in
        AGND         : linkage  bit;                -- Analog ground
        GND          : linkage  bit_vector(1 to 2); -- Digial ground
        VDDPLL       : linkage  bit;                -- 1.8V - Special handling on the board
        GNDPLL       : linkage  bit;
        VOUT1V8      : linkage  bit;                -- 1.8V supply out

        -- Clocks & Resets (& Service)
        RSTn         : inout    bit;
        SVCn         : inout    bit;
        XIN          : linkage  bit;
        XOUT         : linkage  bit;

        -- Test
        TDI          : in       bit;
        TMS          : in       bit;
        TCK          : in       bit;
        TRSTn        : in       bit;
        TDO          : out      bit;

        -- Network
        CP0          : inout    bit;
        CP1          : inout    bit;
        CP2          : inout    bit;
        CP3          : inout    bit;
        CP4          : inout    bit;

        -- Serial Memory
        CS0n         : inout    bit;
        SDA_CS1n     : inout    bit;
        SCL          : inout    bit;
        MISO         : inout    bit;
        MOSI         : inout    bit;
        SCK          : inout    bit;

        -- GPIO
        IO0          : inout    bit;
        IO1          : inout    bit;
        IO2          : inout    bit;
        IO3          : inout    bit;
        IO4          : inout    bit;
        IO5          : inout    bit;
        IO6          : inout    bit;
        IO7          : inout    bit;
        IO8          : inout    bit;
        IO9          : inout    bit;
        IO10         : inout    bit;
        IO11         : inout    bit;

        -- no connect
        NC           : linkage  bit);

    use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
    use LVS_BSCAN_CELLS.all;

    attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of neuron5000: entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";

    --Pin mappings

    attribute PIN_MAP of neuron5000: entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

    "SVCn                 : 1                        , " &
    "IO0                  : 2                        , " &
    "IO1                  : 3                        , " &
    "IO2                  : 4                        , " &
    "IO3                  : 5                        , " &
    "VDD1V8               : (6,16,44)                , " &
    "IO4                  : 7                        , " &
    "VDD3V3               : (8,18,30,41,42)          , " &
    "IO5                  : 9                        , " &
    "IO6                  : 10                       , " &
    "IO7                  : 11                       , " &
    "IO8                  : 12                       , " &
    "IO9                  : 13                       , " &
    "IO10                 : 14                       , " &
    "IO11                 : 15                       , " &
--   VDD1V8               : 16
    "TRSTn                : 17                       , " &
--   VDD3V3               : 18
    "TCK                  : 19                       , " &
    "TMS                  : 20                       , " &
    "TDI                  : 21                       , " &
    "TDO                  : 22                       , " &
    "XIN                  : 23                       , " &
    "XOUT                 : 24                       , " &
    "VDDPLL               : 25                       , " &
    "GNDPLL               : 26                       , " &
    "VOUT1V8              : 27                       , " &
    "RSTn                 : 28                       , " &
    "VIN3V3               : 29                       , " &
--   VDD3V3               : 30
    "AVDD3V3              : 31                       , " &
    "CP0                  : 32                       , " &
    "AGND                 : 33                       , " &
    "CP1                  : 34                       , " &
    "NC                   : 35                       , " &
    "GND                  : (36,49)                  , " &
    "CP2                  : 37                       , " &
    "CP3                  : 38                       , " &
    "CP4                  : 39                       , " &
    "CS0n                 : 40                       , " &
--   VDD3V3               : 41
--   VDD3V3               : 42
    "SDA_CS1n             : 43                       , " &
--   VDD1V8               : 44
    "SCL                  : 45                       , " &
    "MISO                 : 46                       , " &
    "SCK                  : 47                       , " &
    "MOSI                 : 48                         ";
--   GND                  : 49                              -- ground slug on the back

   attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRSTn : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI   : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS   : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO   : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK   : signal is (1.0000000000000000000e+07, BOTH);

   attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of neuron5000: entity is 25;

   attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of neuron5000: entity is
      "IDCODE       (1111111111111111111111110)," &
      "BYPASS       (0000000000000000000000000, 1111111111111111111111111)," &
      "EXTEST       (1111111111111111111101000)," &
      "SAMPLE       (1111111111111111111111000)," &
      "PRELOAD      (1111111111111111111111000)," &
      "HIGHZ        (1111111111111111111001111)," &
      "CLAMP        (1111111111111111111101111) " ;

   attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of neuron5000: entity is "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx01";

   attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of neuron5000: entity is
      "0001"             & -- version
      "0011001000000000" & -- part number - neuron
      "01100010111"      & -- manufacturer's identity
      "1";                   -- required by 1149.1

   attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of neuron5000: entity is
      "BOUNDARY     ( SAMPLE, PRELOAD )," &
      "BYPASS       ( HIGHZ, CLAMP, BYPASS ) " ;

    --Boundary scan definition
    attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of neuron5000: entity is 50;

    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of neuron5000: entity is
    -- num  cell         port               function       safe     [ccell disval  rslt]
    "  49   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  48   (LV_BC_7    , RSTn             , bidir        , X    ,   49     , 1     , Pull1),"&
    "  47   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  46   (LV_BC_7    , CP0              , bidir        , X    ,   47     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  45   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  44   (LV_BC_7    , CP1              , bidir        , X    ,   45     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  43   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  42   (LV_BC_7    , CP2              , bidir        , X    ,   43     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  41   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  40   (LV_BC_7    , CP3              , bidir        , X    ,   41     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  39   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  38   (LV_BC_7    , CP4              , bidir        , X    ,   39     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  37   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  36   (LV_BC_7    , CS0n             , bidir        , X    ,   37     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  35   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  34   (LV_BC_7    , SDA_CS1n         , bidir        , X    ,   35     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  33   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  32   (LV_BC_7    , SCL              , bidir        , X    ,   33     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  31   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  30   (LV_BC_7    , MISO             , bidir        , X    ,   31     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  29   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  28   (LV_BC_7    , SCK              , bidir        , X    ,   29     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  27   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  26   (LV_BC_7    , MOSI             , bidir        , X    ,   27     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  25   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  24   (LV_BC_7    , SVCn             , bidir        , X    ,   25     , 1     , Pull1),"&
    "  23   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  22   (LV_BC_7    , IO0              , bidir        , X    ,   23     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  21   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  20   (LV_BC_7    , IO1              , bidir        , X    ,   21     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  19   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  18   (LV_BC_7    , IO2              , bidir        , X    ,   19     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  17   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  16   (LV_BC_7    , IO3              , bidir        , X    ,   17     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  15   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  14   (LV_BC_7    , IO4              , bidir        , X    ,   15     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  13   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  12   (LV_BC_7    , IO5              , bidir        , X    ,   13     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  11   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  10   (LV_BC_7    , IO6              , bidir        , X    ,   11     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "   9   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "   8   (LV_BC_7    , IO7              , bidir        , X    ,    9     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "   7   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "   6   (LV_BC_7    , IO8              , bidir        , X    ,    7     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "   5   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "   4   (LV_BC_7    , IO9              , bidir        , X    ,    5     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "   3   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "   2   (LV_BC_7    , IO10             , bidir        , X    ,    3     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "   1   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "   0   (LV_BC_7    , IO11             , bidir        , X    ,    1     , 1     , Z   )";

end neuron5000;