BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: TMS320VC5441_cpu_C

--TI TMS320VC5441 16-Bit 176-pin Fixed-Point DSP with Boundary Scan --
--  Supported Devices: TMS320VC5441 176-pin Revision 1.0 and higher --
--                                                                  --
--           This file contains the boundary scan description       --
--                    of CPU C of the 5441 only.                    --
--                                                                  --
--  Created by    : Texas Instruments Incorporated                  --
--  Documentation : TMS320VC54x Users Guide                         --
--  BSDL Revision : 1.1 - Original                                  --
--                                                                  --
--  BSDL status   : Preliminary                                     --
--  Date created  : 08/03/2000                                      --
--                                                                  --
--                          IMPORTANT NOTICE                        
--  Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) reserves the right to make 
--  changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor 
--  product or service without notice, and advises its customers to 
--  obtain the latest version of the relevant information to 
--  verify, before placing orders, that the information being 
--  relied on is current.                                  
--  TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products and 
--  related software to the specifications applicable at the time 
--  of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and 
--  other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI 
--  deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of 
--  all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, 
--  except those mandated by government requirements. 
--  Certain applications using semiconductor devices may involve 
--  potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property 
--  or environmental damage ("Critical Applications").    
--    CRITICAL APPLICATIONS.                    

--  Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood 
--  to be fully at the risk of the customer.  Use of TI products 
--  in such applications requires the written approval of an 
--  appropriate TI officer. Questions concerning potential risk 
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--  In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's 
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--  customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards.     

--  TI assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer 
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--  semiconductor products or services might be or are used.
--            Copyright (c) 2000, Texas Instruments Incorporated 

entity TMS320VC5441_cpu_C is
    generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "PGF");

     (C_BCLKR0  : inout bit;  
      BCLKR1    : inout bit;  

      C_BCLKX0  : inout bit;
      BCLKX1    : inout bit;

      C_BDR0    : in bit;
      BDR1      : in bit;

      C_BDX0    : out bit;
      BDX1      : out bit;

      C_BFSR0   : inout bit;
      BFSR1     : inout bit;

      C_BFSX0   : inout bit;
      BFSX1     : inout bit;

      C_GPIO0  : inout bit;
      C_GPIO1  : inout bit;
      C_GPIO2  : inout bit;
      C_GPIO3  : inout bit;

      C_RS     : in bit;
      C_NMI    : in bit;
      C_INT    : in bit;

      TMS      : in bit;
      TCK      : in bit;
      TDI      : in bit;
      TDO      : out bit;
      TRST     : in bit;
      EMU0     : in bit;
      EMU1     : in bit;

      CVDD     : linkage bit_vector(1 to 4);
      DVDD     : linkage bit_vector(1 to 3);
      VSS      : linkage bit_vector(1 to 5));

    use STD_1149_1_1994.all; -- Get standard attributes and definitions
    use TI_BIDIR.all;        -- Get C54X BIDIR cell attributes
--  This package type TI_BIDIR must be available to your toolset.   --
--  In most cases this text should be placed in a separate file     --
--  named 'TI_BIDIR' that can be referenced via the previous        --
--  'use TI_BIDIR.all' statement.                                   --
--    package TI_BIDIR is
--        use STD_1149_1_1990.all;
--        constant BC_BIDIR : CELL_INFO;
--    end TI_BIDIR;
--    package body TI_BIDIR is
--        constant BC_BIDIR : CELL_INFO :=
--         ((BIDIR_IN, EXTEST,  PI),  (BIDIR_OUT, EXTEST,  PI),
--          (BIDIR_IN, SAMPLE,  PI),  (BIDIR_OUT, SAMPLE,  PI),
--          (BIDIR_IN, INTEST,  PI),  (BIDIR_OUT, INTEST,  PI));
--    end TI_BIDIR;
--    attribute BOUNDARY_CELLS of TMS320VC5441_cpu_C : entity is
--              "BC_1, BC_2, BC_BIDIR";

attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of TMS320VC5441_cpu_C: entity is "STD_1149_1_1993";

    attribute PIN_MAP of TMS320VC5441_cpu_C : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
    constant PGF : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
    "  C_BDR0     :  77,  "   &
    "  C_BDX0     :  83,  "   &
    "  C_BFSR0    :  88,  "   &
    "  C_BCLKR0   :  80,  "   &
    "  C_BCLKX0   :  73, "   &
    "  C_BFSX0    :  89, "   &
    "  BCLKX1     :  107, "   &
    "  BDR1       :  101, "   &
    "  BDX1       :  100, "   &

    "  BFSX1      :  105, "   &
    "  BFSR1      :  104, "   &
    "  BCLKR1     :  102, "   &
    "  C_GPIO1    :  84,  "   &
    "  C_NMI      :  112, "   &

    "  C_GPIO0    :  81,  "   &
    "  C_INT      :  97,  "   &

    "  C_GPIO3    :  79,  "   &
    "  C_GPIO2    :  85,  "   &
    "  C_RS       :  99,  "   &

    "  TCK        :  119, "   &
    "  TMS        :  120, "   &
    "  TDO        :  38,  "   &
    "  EMU0       :  24,  "   &
    "  TRST       :  121, "   &
    "  TDI        :  12,  "   &
    "  EMU1       :  117, "   &

    "  CVDD:(109,142,146,162),             "&
    "  DVDD:(103,118,134),                 "&
    "  VSS: (94,106,114,126,127)"          ;

-- *********************************************************

    attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI      : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS      : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO      : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRST     : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK      : signal is (25.00e6, BOTH);

    attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of TMS320VC5441_cpu_C : entity is "(EMU1,EMU0)(11)";

    attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of TMS320VC5441_cpu_C : entity is 8;
    attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of TMS320VC5441_cpu_C : entity is
              "EXTEST    (00000000), " &
              "BYPASS    (11111111), " &
              "HIGHZ     (00000110), " &
              "SAMPLE    (00000010)  " ;

    attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of TMS320VC5441_cpu_C : entity is "XXXXXX01";

    attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of TMS320VC5441_cpu_C : entity is
              "BOUNDARY (EXTEST, SAMPLE)," &
              "BYPASS   (BYPASS, HIGHZ)  " ;

attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH   of TMS320VC5441_cpu_C: entity is 33;
    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of TMS320VC5441_cpu_C: entity is

-- CELL  CELL       PIN           CELL        CNTRL
--   #   NAME      ,NAME         ,TYPE    ,  ,CELL
    "0   (BC_2     ,C_INT	   ,INPUT   ,X             ), "  &
    "1   (BC_2     ,C_NMI	   ,INPUT   ,X             ), "  &
    "2   (BC_2     ,C_RS	   ,INPUT   ,X             ), "  &
    "3   (BC_BIDIR ,C_GPIO3      ,BIDIR   ,X ,7     ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "4   (BC_BIDIR ,C_GPIO2      ,BIDIR   ,X ,8     ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "5   (BC_BIDIR ,C_GPIO1      ,BIDIR   ,X ,9     ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "6   (BC_BIDIR ,C_GPIO0      ,BIDIR   ,X ,10    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "7   (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "8   (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "9   (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "10  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "11  (BC_1     ,C_BDX0	   ,OUTPUT3 ,X ,16    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "12  (BC_BIDIR ,C_BFSX0      ,BIDIR   ,X ,17    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "13  (BC_BIDIR ,C_BFSR0      ,BIDIR   ,X ,18    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "14  (BC_BIDIR ,C_BCLKX0     ,BIDIR   ,X ,19    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "15  (BC_BIDIR ,C_BCLKR0     ,BIDIR   ,X ,20    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "16  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "17  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "18  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "19  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "20  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "21  (BC_2     ,C_BDR0	   ,INPUT   ,X             ), "  &

    "22  (BC_1     ,  BDX1       ,OUTPUT3 ,X ,27    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "23  (BC_BIDIR ,  BFSX1      ,BIDIR   ,X ,28    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "24  (BC_BIDIR ,  BFSR1      ,BIDIR   ,X ,29    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "25  (BC_BIDIR ,  BCLKX1     ,BIDIR   ,X ,30    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "26  (BC_BIDIR ,  BCLKR1     ,BIDIR   ,X ,31    ,1 ,Z), "  &
    "27  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "28  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "29  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "30  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "31  (BC_1     ,*   	   ,CONTROL ,1             ), "  &
    "32  (BC_2     ,  BDR1	   ,INPUT   ,X             ) "   ;

end TMS320VC5441_cpu_C;