BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: SCAN90CP02

-- Copyright National Semiconductor Corporation 2003
-- Boundary Scan Description Language, BSDL Model for SCAN90CP02
-- 1.5 Gbps 2x2 LVDS switch
-- National Semiconductor Customer Service Center
-- N. America  (800) 272-9959
-- Europe Germany p49 (0) 69 9508 6208
-- 01 23 October 2003  Initial Release
-- 02 17 March 2004 Revised Pin Map table,added reference to Apps Note 1313
-- 04 02 Sept 2004  Added support for LQFP_PACKAGE
-- go to,3031,665,00.html
-- for latest revision of the BSDL

entity SCAN90CP02 is
    generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "UNDEFINED");

    port (IN_POS0   :in bit;
          IN_NEG0   :in bit;
          IN_POS1   :in bit;
          IN_NEG1   :in bit;
          OUT_POS0  :out bit;
          OUT_NEG0  :out bit;
          OUT_POS1  :out bit;
          OUT_NEG1  :out bit;
          SEL0      :in bit;
          SEL1      :in bit;
          EN_N0     :in bit;
          EN_N1     :in bit;
          PEM00     :in bit;
          PEM01     :in bit;
          PEM10     :in bit;
          PEM11     :in bit;
          GND       :linkage bit;
          GND2      :linkage bit_vector(0 to 4);
          VDD       :linkage bit_vector(0 to 4);
          NC        :linkage bit_vector(0 to 1);
          TDO       :out bit;
          TDI       :in bit;
          TMS       :in bit;
          TCK       :in bit;
          TRST      :in bit);

     use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
     use STD_1149_6_2003.all;

     attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of SCAN90CP02 : entity is

     attribute PIN_MAP of SCAN90CP02 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;



    attribute PORT_GROUPING of SCAN90CP02 : entity is
                          "(IN_POS0, IN_NEG0), (IN_POS1, IN_NEG1))";

    attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO : signal is true;

    attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (25.0e6, BOTH);
    attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRST : signal is true;

    attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of SCAN90CP02 : entity is 8;

    attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of SCAN90CP02 : entity is

       "EXTEST          (00000000),"&
       "IDCODE          (10000001),"&
       "PRELOAD         (10000010),"&
       "SAMPLE          (10000010),"&
       "HIGHZ           (10000100),"&
       "CLAMP           (10001000),"&
       "EXTEST_PULSE    (10010000),"&
       "EXTEST_TRAIN    (10100000)";
 --      "SA_PRELOAD      (00000001),"&
 --      "SA              (00000010),"&
 --      "SA_BYPASS       (00000100),"&
 --      "PRE             (01000001)";

    attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of SCAN90CP02 : entity is "XXXXXX01";

    attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of SCAN90CP02 : entity is
        "0000" &                -- version
        "1101011000000000" &    -- part number D600
        "00000001111" &         -- manufacturer's identity
        "1";                    -- required by 1149.1

    --attribute SA_REGISTER of SCAN90CP02 : entity is
    --    "XXXXXXXXXX";
    --attribute PRE_REGISTER of SCAN90CP02 : entity is
    --    "XX";

    attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of SCAN90CP02 : entity is
      "DEVICE_ID    (IDCODE)," &
      "BYPASS       (CLAMP, HIGHZ, BYPASS)" ;

    --see Applications Note AN-1313";
    --    "SA_REGISTER     (SA_PRELOAD, SA)"&
    --    "PRE_REGISTER    (PRE)";

    attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH   of SCAN90CP02 : entity is 18;
    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of SCAN90CP02 : entity is
  -- num cell   port     function   safe [ccell disval rslt]
     -- TDO
   "0  (BC_4, IN_NEG1  ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "1  (BC_4, IN_POS1  ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "2  (BC_4, IN_NEG0  ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "3  (BC_4, IN_POS0  ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "4  (AC_1, OUT_POS1 ,OUTPUT3        , X, 8, 0, Z),"  &
   "5  (AC_SELU, *     ,INTERNAL       , 0),"  &
   "6  (AC_1, OUT_POS0 ,OUTPUT3        , X, 9, 0, Z),"  &
   "7  (AC_SELU, *     ,INTERNAL       , 0),"  &
   "8  (BC_1, *        ,CONTROL        , 0),"  &
   "9  (BC_1, *        ,CONTROL        , 0),"  &
   "10 (BC_4, PEM00    ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "11 (BC_4, PEM10    ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "12 (BC_4, PEM01    ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "13 (BC_4, PEM11    ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "14 (BC_4, EN_N1    ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "15 (BC_4, EN_N0    ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "16 (BC_4, SEL1     ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X),"  &
   "17 (BC_4, SEL0     ,OBSERVE_ONLY   , X) "  ;

     -- TDI

     attribute DESIGN_WARNING of SCAN90CP02 : entity is
      "Stuck At not definable in BSDL see Applications Note AN-1313;"&
      "Note that all references to SA_PRELOAD, SA, SA_BYPASS;"&
      "and SA_REGISTER are commented out";

     attribute AIO_COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of SCAN90CP02 : entity is

     attribute AIO_Pin_Behavior of SCAN90CP02 : entity is
      "IN_POS0, IN_POS1 : LP_time=10.0e-9 HP_time=1.0e-6;"&
      "OUT_POS1 : AC_Select=5;"&
      "OUT_POS0 : AC_Select=7";

end SCAN90CP02;