BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: L3

--   L3, 973 device.
--   BSDL File created/edited by BCAD BSD Editor Version 3.1
--   BSDL File for PQL_176, 973 device, Y3 version, 03/02/2000

entity L3 is

generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "PQL_176" );

port (
	AD0: inout bit;
	AD1: inout bit;
	AD10: inout bit;
	AD11: inout bit;
	AD12: inout bit;
	AD13: inout bit;
	AD14: inout bit;
	AD15: inout bit;
	AD16: inout bit;
	AD17: inout bit;
	AD18: inout bit;
	AD19: inout bit;
	AD2: inout bit;
	AD20: inout bit;
	AD21: inout bit;
	AD22: inout bit;
	AD23: inout bit;
	AD24: inout bit;
	AD25: inout bit;
	AD26: inout bit;
	AD27: inout bit;
	AD28: inout bit;
	AD29: inout bit;
	AD3: inout bit;
	AD30: inout bit;
	AD31: inout bit;
	AD4: inout bit;
	AD5: inout bit;
	AD6: inout bit;
	AD7: inout bit;
	AD8: inout bit;
	AD9: inout bit;
	AS_EBOE_L: inout bit;
	CLK: in bit;
	C_BEL0: inout bit;
	C_BEL1: inout bit;
	C_BEL2: inout bit;
	C_BEL3: inout bit;
	DEVSELL: inout bit;
	EAR_L: in bit;
	EBCLK: in bit;
	EBD0: inout bit;
	EBD1: inout bit;
	EBD2: inout bit;
	EBD3: inout bit;
	EBD4: inout bit;
	EBD5: inout bit;
	EBD6: inout bit;
	EBD7: inout bit;
	EBDA10: inout bit;
	EBDA11: inout bit;
	EBDA12: inout bit;
	EBDA13: inout bit;
	EBDA14: inout bit;
	EBDA15: inout bit;
	EBDA8: inout bit;
	EBDA9: inout bit;
	EBUA_EBA0: inout bit;
	EBUA_EBA1: inout bit;
	EBUA_EBA2: inout bit;
	EBUA_EBA3: inout bit;
	EBUA_EBA4: inout bit;
	EBUA_EBA5: inout bit;
	EBUA_EBA6: inout bit;
	EBUA_EBA7: inout bit;
	EBWE_L: inout bit;
	EECS: inout bit;
	EROMCS_L: inout bit;
	FRAMEL: inout bit;
	GNTL: in bit;
	IDSEL: in bit;
	INTAL: out bit;
	IRDYL: inout bit;
	IREF: linkage bit;
	LED1: inout bit;
	LED2: inout bit;
	LED3: inout bit;
	LNKSTL: inout bit;
	MCLOCK: linkage bit;
	MDATA: linkage bit;
	MIRQL: linkage bit;
	PAR: inout bit;
	PERRL: inout bit;
	PG: in bit;
	PME_L: out bit;
	REQL: inout bit;
	RSTL: in bit;
	RWU: inout bit;
	RXM: linkage bit;
	RXP: linkage bit;
	SDIM: linkage bit;
	SDIP: linkage bit;
	SERRL: inout bit;
	STOPL: inout bit;
	TCK: in bit;
	TDI: in bit;
	TDO: out bit;
	TMS: in bit;
	TRDYL: inout bit;
	TXM: linkage bit;
	TXP: linkage bit;
	VDD: linkage bit;
	VSS: linkage bit;
	WUMI: inout bit;
	XCLK: linkage bit;
	XTAL1: linkage bit;
	XTAL2: linkage bit

use STD_1149_1_1994.all;

	entity is "STD_1149_1_1993";

attribute PIN_MAP of L3 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

constant PQL_176: PIN_MAP_STRING:=
	"AD0:61," &
	"AD1:60," &
	"AD10:41," &
	"AD11:39," &
	"AD12:38," &
	"AD13:36," &
	"AD14:35," &
	"AD15:33," &
	"AD16:16," &
	"AD17:14," &
	"AD18:12," &
	"AD19:11," &
	"AD2:58," &
	"AD20:9," &
	"AD21:8," &
	"AD22:6," &
	"AD23:4," &
	"AD24:173," &
	"AD25:172," &
	"AD26:170," &
	"AD27:168," &
	"AD28:167," &
	"AD29:166," &
	"AD3:56," &
	"AD30:165," &
	"AD31:162," &
	"AD4:55," &
	"AD5:53," &
	"AD6:52," &
	"AD7:50," &
	"AD8:47," &
	"AD9:42," &
	"AS_EBOE_L:65," &
	"CLK:158," &
	"C_BEL0:48," &
	"C_BEL1:32," &
	"C_BEL2:17," &
	"C_BEL3:174," &
	"DEVSELL:24," &
	"EAR_L:143," &
	"EBCLK:66," &
	"EBD0:103," &
	"EBD1:102," &
	"EBD2:101," &
	"EBD3:99," &
	"EBD4:97," &
	"EBD5:96," &
	"EBD6:95," &
	"EBD7:93," &
	"EBDA10:82," &
	"EBDA11:84," &
	"EBDA12:85," &
	"EBDA13:86," &
	"EBDA14:91," &
	"EBDA15:92," &
	"EBDA8:79," &
	"EBDA9:81," &
	"EBUA_EBA0:67," &
	"EBUA_EBA1:69," &
	"EBUA_EBA2:72," &
	"EBUA_EBA3:73," &
	"EBUA_EBA4:74," &
	"EBUA_EBA5:75," &
	"EBUA_EBA6:76," &
	"EBUA_EBA7:77," &
	"EBWE_L:64," &
	"EECS:142," &
	"EROMCS_L:63," &
	"FRAMEL:19," &
	"GNTL:159," &
	"IDSEL:3," &
	"INTAL:156," &
	"IRDYL:20," &
	"IREF:117," &
	"LED1:140," &
	"LED2:139," &
	"LED3:130," &
	"LNKSTL:135," &
	"MCLOCK:110," &
	"MDATA:108," &
	"MIRQL:106," &
	"PAR:30," &
	"PERRL:27," &
	"PG:155," &
	"PME_L:145," &
	"REQL:160," &
	"RSTL:157," &
	"RWU:147," &
	"RXM:127," &
	"RXP:125," &
	"SDIM:124," &
	"SDIP:122," &
	"SERRL:28," &
	"STOPL:25," &
	"TCK:148," &
	"TDI:153," &
	"TDO:151," &
	"TMS:149," &
	"TRDYL:22," &
	"TXM:121," &
	"TXP:119," &
	"VDD:71," &
	"VSS:116," &
	"WUMI:146," &
	"XCLK:137," &
	"XTAL1:113," &

attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (1.00e+07, LOW);
attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of L3 : entity is 4;

attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of L3 : entity is
	"BYPASS ( 1111)," &
	"EXTEST ( 0000)," &
	"IDCODE ( 0001)," &
	"INSCAN0 ( 1000)," &
	"INSCAN1 ( 1001)," &
	"INSCAN2 ( 1010)," &
	"INSCAN3 ( 1011)," &
	"SAMPLE ( 0010)," &
	"SELFTST ( 0101)," &
	"SETBYP ( 0100)," &
	"TRIBYP ( 0011)" ;

attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of L3 : entity is "0001";

attribute INSTRUCTION_PRIVATE of L3 : entity is

attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of L3 : entity is
	"0100" & "0010011000100101" & "00000000001" & "1";

attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of L3 : entity is
		" TRIBYP)," &

attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of L3 : entity is 227;

attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of L3 : entity is
	"   0 (BC_1, LED3, output3, 1, 2, 0, Z)," &
	"   1 (BC_1, LED3, input, 1)," &
	"   2 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"   3 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"   4 (BC_1, LNKSTL, output3, 1, 6, 0, Z)," &
	"   5 (BC_1, LNKSTL, input, 1)," &
	"   6 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"   7 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"   8 (BC_1, LED2, output3, 1, 10, 0, Z)," &
	"   9 (BC_1, LED2, input, 1)," &
	"  10 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  11 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"  12 (BC_1, LED1, output3, 1, 14, 0, Z)," &
	"  13 (BC_1, LED1, input, 1)," &
	"  14 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  15 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"  16 (BC_1, EECS, output3, 1, 18, 0, Z)," &
	"  17 (BC_1, EECS, input, 1)," &
	"  18 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  19 (BC_1, EAR_L, input, 1)," &
	"  20 (BC_1, PME_L, output3, 1, 22, 0, weak1)," &
	"  21 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"  22 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  23 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"  24 (BC_1, WUMI, output3, 1, 26, 0, Z)," &
	"  25 (BC_1, WUMI, input, 1)," &
	"  26 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  27 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"  28 (BC_1, RWU, output3, 1, 30, 0, Z)," &
	"  29 (BC_1, RWU, input, 1)," &
	"  30 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  31 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"  32 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"  33 (BC_1, PG, input, 1)," &
	"  34 (BC_1, INTAL, output3, 1, 35, 0, Z)," &
	"  35 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  36 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"  37 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	"  38 (BC_1, RSTL, input, 1)," &
	"  39 (BC_4, CLK, clock, 1)," &
	"  40 (BC_1, GNTL, input, 1)," &
	"  41 (BC_1, REQL, output3, 1, 43, 0, Z)," &
	"  42 (BC_1, REQL, input, 1)," &
	"  43 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  44 (BC_1, AD31, output3, 1, 48, 0, Z)," &
	"  45 (BC_1, AD31, input, 1)," &
	"  46 (BC_1, AD30, output3, 1, 48, 0, Z)," &
	"  47 (BC_1, AD30, input, 1)," &
	"  48 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  49 (BC_1, AD29, output3, 1, 48, 0, Z)," &
	"  50 (BC_1, AD29, input, 1)," &
	"  51 (BC_1, AD28, output3, 1, 48, 0, Z)," &
	"  52 (BC_1, AD28, input, 1)," &
	"  53 (BC_1, AD27, output3, 1, 57, 0, Z)," &
	"  54 (BC_1, AD27, input, 1)," &
	"  55 (BC_1, AD26, output3, 1, 57, 0, Z)," &
	"  56 (BC_1, AD26, input, 1)," &
	"  57 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  58 (BC_1, AD25, output3, 1, 57, 0, Z)," &
	"  59 (BC_1, AD25, input, 1)," &
	"  60 (BC_1, AD24, output3, 1, 57, 0, Z)," &
	"  61 (BC_1, AD24, input, 1)," &
	"  62 (BC_1, C_BEL3, output3, 1, 64, 0, Z)," &
	"  63 (BC_1, C_BEL3, input, 1)," &
	"  64 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  65 (BC_1, IDSEL, input, 1)," &
	"  66 (BC_1, AD23, output3, 1, 70, 0, Z)," &
	"  67 (BC_1, AD23, input, 1)," &
	"  68 (BC_1, AD22, output3, 1, 70, 0, Z)," &
	"  69 (BC_1, AD22, input, 1)," &
	"  70 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  71 (BC_1, AD21, output3, 1, 70, 0, Z)," &
	"  72 (BC_1, AD21, input, 1)," &
	"  73 (BC_1, AD20, output3, 1, 70, 0, Z)," &
	"  74 (BC_1, AD20, input, 1)," &
	"  75 (BC_1, AD19, output3, 1, 79, 0, Z)," &
	"  76 (BC_1, AD19, input, 1)," &
	"  77 (BC_1, AD18, output3, 1, 79, 0, Z)," &
	"  78 (BC_1, AD18, input, 1)," &
	"  79 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  80 (BC_1, AD17, output3, 1, 79, 0, Z)," &
	"  81 (BC_1, AD17, input, 1)," &
	"  82 (BC_1, AD16, output3, 1, 79, 0, Z)," &
	"  83 (BC_1, AD16, input, 1)," &
	"  84 (BC_1, C_BEL2, output3, 1, 86, 0, Z)," &
	"  85 (BC_1, C_BEL2, input, 1)," &
	"  86 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  87 (BC_1, FRAMEL, output3, 1, 89, 0, Z)," &
	"  88 (BC_1, FRAMEL, input, 1)," &
	"  89 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  90 (BC_1, IRDYL, output3, 1, 92, 0, Z)," &
	"  91 (BC_1, IRDYL, input, 1)," &
	"  92 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  93 (BC_1, TRDYL, output3, 1, 95, 0, Z)," &
	"  94 (BC_1, TRDYL, input, 1)," &
	"  95 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  96 (BC_1, DEVSELL, output3, 1, 98, 0, Z)," &
	"  97 (BC_1, DEVSELL, input, 1)," &
	"  98 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	"  99 (BC_1, STOPL, output3, 1, 101, 0, Z)," &
	" 100 (BC_1, STOPL, input, 1)," &
	" 101 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 102 (BC_1, PERRL, output3, 1, 104, 0, Z)," &
	" 103 (BC_1, PERRL, input, 1)," &
	" 104 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 105 (BC_1, SERRL, output3, 1, 107, 0, Z)," &
	" 106 (BC_1, SERRL, input, 1)," &
	" 107 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 108 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	" 109 (BC_1, PAR, output3, 1, 111, 0, Z)," &
	" 110 (BC_1, PAR, input, 1)," &
	" 111 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 112 (BC_1, C_BEL1, output3, 1, 114, 0, Z)," &
	" 113 (BC_1, C_BEL1, input, 1)," &
	" 114 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 115 (BC_1, AD15, output3, 1, 119, 0, Z)," &
	" 116 (BC_1, AD15, input, 1)," &
	" 117 (BC_1, AD14, output3, 1, 119, 0, Z)," &
	" 118 (BC_1, AD14, input, 1)," &
	" 119 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 120 (BC_1, AD13, output3, 1, 119, 0, Z)," &
	" 121 (BC_1, AD13, input, 1)," &
	" 122 (BC_1, AD12, output3, 1, 119, 0, Z)," &
	" 123 (BC_1, AD12, input, 1)," &
	" 124 (BC_1, AD11, output3, 1, 128, 0, Z)," &
	" 125 (BC_1, AD11, input, 1)," &
	" 126 (BC_1, AD10, output3, 1, 128, 0, Z)," &
	" 127 (BC_1, AD10, input, 1)," &
	" 128 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 129 (BC_1, AD9, output3, 1, 128, 0, Z)," &
	" 130 (BC_1, AD9, input, 1)," &
	" 131 (BC_1, AD8, output3, 1, 133, 0, Z)," &
	" 132 (BC_1, AD8, input, 1)," &
	" 133 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 134 (BC_1, C_BEL0, output3, 1, 136, 0, Z)," &
	" 135 (BC_1, C_BEL0, input, 1)," &
	" 136 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 137 (BC_1, AD7, output3, 1, 141, 0, Z)," &
	" 138 (BC_1, AD7, input, 1)," &
	" 139 (BC_1, AD6, output3, 1, 141, 0, Z)," &
	" 140 (BC_1, AD6, input, 1)," &
	" 141 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 142 (BC_1, AD5, output3, 1, 141, 0, Z)," &
	" 143 (BC_1, AD5, input, 1)," &
	" 144 (BC_1, AD4, output3, 1, 141, 0, Z)," &
	" 145 (BC_1, AD4, input, 1)," &
	" 146 (BC_1, AD3, output3, 1, 150, 0, Z)," &
	" 147 (BC_1, AD3, input, 1)," &
	" 148 (BC_1, AD2, output3, 1, 150, 0, Z)," &
	" 149 (BC_1, AD2, input, 1)," &
	" 150 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 151 (BC_1, AD1, output3, 1, 150, 0, Z)," &
	" 152 (BC_1, AD1, input, 1)," &
	" 153 (BC_1, AD0, output3, 1, 150, 0, Z)," &
	" 154 (BC_1, AD0, input, 1)," &
	" 155 (BC_1, EROMCS_L, output3, 1, 157, 0, Z)," &
	" 156 (BC_1, EROMCS_L, input, 1)," &
	" 157 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 158 (BC_1, EBWE_L, output3, 1, 157, 0, Z)," &
	" 159 (BC_1, EBWE_L, input, 1)," &
	" 160 (BC_1, AS_EBOE_L, output3, 1, 157, 0, Z)," &
	" 161 (BC_1, AS_EBOE_L, input, 1)," &
	" 162 (BC_4, EBCLK, clock, 1)," &
	" 163 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA0, output3, 1, 167, 0, Z)," &
	" 164 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA0, input, 1)," &
	" 165 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA1, output3, 1, 167, 0, Z)," &
	" 166 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA1, input, 1)," &
	" 167 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 168 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA2, output3, 1, 176, 0, Z)," &
	" 169 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA2, input, 1)," &
	" 170 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA3, output3, 1, 176, 0, Z)," &
	" 171 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA3, input, 1)," &
	" 172 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA4, output3, 1, 176, 0, Z)," &
	" 173 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA4, input, 1)," &
	" 174 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA5, output3, 1, 176, 0, Z)," &
	" 175 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA5, input, 1)," &
	" 176 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 177 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA6, output3, 1, 176, 0, Z)," &
	" 178 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA6, input, 1)," &
	" 179 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA7, output3, 1, 176, 0, Z)," &
	" 180 (BC_1, EBUA_EBA7, input, 1)," &
	" 181 (BC_1, EBDA8, output3, 1, 185, 0, Z)," &
	" 182 (BC_1, EBDA8, input, 1)," &
	" 183 (BC_1, EBDA9, output3, 1, 185, 0, Z)," &
	" 184 (BC_1, EBDA9, input, 1)," &
	" 185 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 186 (BC_1, EBDA10, output3, 1, 185, 0, Z)," &
	" 187 (BC_1, EBDA10, input, 1)," &
	" 188 (BC_1, EBDA11, output3, 1, 185, 0, Z)," &
	" 189 (BC_1, EBDA11, input, 1)," &
	" 190 (BC_1, EBDA12, output3, 1, 185, 0, Z)," &
	" 191 (BC_1, EBDA12, input, 1)," &
	" 192 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 193 (BC_1, EBDA13, output3, 1, 192, 0, Z)," &
	" 194 (BC_1, EBDA13, input, 1)," &
	" 195 (BC_1, EBDA14, output3, 1, 197, 0, Z)," &
	" 196 (BC_1, EBDA14, input, 1)," &
	" 197 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 198 (BC_1, EBDA15, output3, 1, 197, 0, Z)," &
	" 199 (BC_1, EBDA15, input, 1)," &
	" 200 (BC_1, EBD7, output3, 1, 204, 0, Z)," &
	" 201 (BC_1, EBD7, input, 1)," &
	" 202 (BC_1, EBD6, output3, 1, 204, 0, Z)," &
	" 203 (BC_1, EBD6, input, 1)," &
	" 204 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 205 (BC_1, EBD5, output3, 1, 204, 0, Z)," &
	" 206 (BC_1, EBD5, input, 1)," &
	" 207 (BC_1, EBD4, output3, 1, 204, 0, Z)," &
	" 208 (BC_1, EBD4, input, 1)," &
	" 209 (BC_1, EBD3, output3, 1, 213, 0, Z)," &
	" 210 (BC_1, EBD3, input, 1)," &
	" 211 (BC_1, EBD2, output3, 1, 213, 0, Z)," &
	" 212 (BC_1, EBD2, input, 1)," &
	" 213 (BC_1, *, control, 0)," &
	" 214 (BC_1, EBD1, output3, 1, 213, 0, Z)," &
	" 215 (BC_1, EBD1, input, 1)," &
	" 216 (BC_1, EBD0, output3, 1, 213, 0, Z)," &
	" 217 (BC_1, EBD0, input, 1)," &
	" 218 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	" 219 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	" 220 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	" 221 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	" 222 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	" 223 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	" 224 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	" 225 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)," &
	" 226 (BC_1, *, internal, 0)";

end L3;