BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: Tsi721

-- ***************************************************************
--      Company:  Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
--      Document number: 
--      Title: BSDL file of Tsi721 (Orion)
--      Generated by : Andi Sugandi
--      Release status: formal issue
--      Security level: client use
--      BSDL Version 2001
--      Group ownership: DFT         Revision Date:
--      Released by  :
--      Revision History:
--              Jun 14, 2011:   initial release
--      BSDL Syntax Checker -> passed Jun 17, 2011 
-- ***************************************************************
-- Generated by boundaryScanGenerate v9.0      Wed Jun 30 03:44:05 GMT 2010 on 01/13/11 16:56:37
-- BSDL Version 2001

-- The default acjt_lvl[4:0] which is controlled by IRbits[{17:14},9] is set to 2'h03
-- VHDL package LVS_BSCAN_CELLS is appended at the end of this file. This LVS_BSCAN_CELLS VHDL file needs
-- to be uploaded when compiling this BSDL.

entity Tsi721 is 
    generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "FCBGA_143_13");

    port (
        -- Port List
        TCK                  : in       bit;
        TDI                  : in       bit;
        TMS                  : in       bit;
        TRSTn                : in       bit;
        TDO                  : out      bit;
        PCTP                 : out      bit_vector( 3 downto 0 );
        PCTN                 : out      bit_vector( 3 downto 0 );
        PCRP                 : in       bit_vector( 3 downto 0 );
        PCRN                 : in       bit_vector( 3 downto 0 );
        PCRSTOn              : inout    bit;
        TEST_BCE             : in       bit;
        TEST_ON              : linkage  bit;
        TEST_BIDIR_CTL       : in       bit;
        RSTn                 : linkage  bit;
        SRRSTOn              : inout    bit;
        SRTP                 : out      bit_vector( 3 downto 0 );
        SRTN                 : out      bit_vector( 3 downto 0 );
        SRRP                 : in       bit_vector( 3 downto 0 );
        SRRN                 : in       bit_vector( 3 downto 0 );
        I2C_SDA              : inout    bit;
        MECS                 : inout    bit;
        SR_BOOT              : in       bit;
        I2C_SCL              : inout    bit;
        CLKMOD               : in       bit;
        GPIO                 : inout    bit_vector( 15 downto 0 );
        STRAP_RATE           : in       bit_vector( 2 downto 0 );
        PCCLKP                  : linkage  bit;
        PCCLKN                  : linkage  bit;
        REFCLKP                 : linkage  bit;
        REFCLKN                 : linkage  bit;
        PCBIAS                  : linkage  bit;
        SRBIAS                  : linkage  bit;

        VDD                     : linkage  bit_vector( 7 downto 0 );
        AVDD25                  : linkage  bit_vector( 7 downto 0 );
        AVDD10                  : linkage  bit_vector( 7 downto 0 );
        VDDIO                   : linkage  bit_vector( 9 downto 0 );
        AVTT                    : linkage  bit_vector( 7 downto 0 );
        VSS                     : linkage  bit_vector( 27 downto 0 ) );

    use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
    use STD_1149_6_2003.all;
    use LVS_BSCAN_CELLS.all;

    attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of Tsi721: entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";

    --Pin mappings

    attribute PIN_MAP of Tsi721: entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

    constant FCBGA_143_13: PIN_MAP_STRING := 
    "TCK                  : E11  , " &
    "TDI                  : F11  , " &
    "TMS                  : H11  , " &
    "TRSTn                : J11  , " &
    "TDO                  : D11  , " &
    "PCTP                 :(A10  , " &  -- PCTP[3]
                           "A9   , " &  -- PCTP[2]
                           "A6   , " &  -- PCTP[1]
                           "A5  ), " &  -- PCTP[0]
    "PCTN                 :(B10  , " &  -- PCTN[3]
                           "B9   , " &  -- PCTN[2]
                           "B6   , " &  -- PCTN[1]
                           "B5  ), " &  -- PCTN[0]
    "PCRP                 :(A11  , " &  -- PCRP[3]
                           "A8   , " &  -- PCRP[2]
                           "A7   , " &  -- PCRP[1]
                           "A4  ), " &  -- PCRP[0]
    "PCRN                 :(B11  , " &  -- PCRN[3]
                           "B8   , " &  -- PCRN[2]
                           "B7   , " &  -- PCRN[1]
                           "B4  ), " &  -- PCRN[0]
    "PCRSTOn              : D12  , " &
    "TEST_BCE             : E12  , " &
    "TEST_ON              : F12  , " &
    "TEST_BIDIR_CTL       : G12  , " &
    "RSTn                 : H12  , " &
    "SRRSTOn              : J12  , " &
    "SRTP                 :(M10  , " &  -- SRTP[3]
                           "M9   , " &  -- SRTP[2]
                           "M6   , " &  -- SRTP[1]
                           "M5  ), " &  -- SRTP[0]
    "SRTN                 :(L10  , " &  -- SRTN[3]
                           "L9   , " &  -- SRTN[2]
                           "L6   , " &  -- SRTN[1]
                           "L5  ), " &  -- SRTN[0]
    "SRRP                 :(M11  , " &  -- SRRP[3]
                           "M8   , " &  -- SRRP[2]
                           "M7   , " &  -- SRRP[1]
                           "M4  ), " &  -- SRRP[0]
    "SRRN                 :(L11  , " &  -- SRRN[3]
                           "L8   , " &  -- SRRN[2]
                           "L7   , " &  -- SRRN[1]
                           "L4  ), " &  -- SRRN[0]
    "I2C_SDA              : M1   , " &
    "MECS                 : M2   , " &
    "SR_BOOT              : M3   , " &
    "I2C_SCL              : L1   , " &
    "CLKMOD               : L2   , " &
    "GPIO                 :(G2   , " &  -- GPIO[15]
                           "F2   , " &  -- GPIO[14]
                           "E2   , " &  -- GPIO[13]
                           "D2   , " &  -- GPIO[12]
                           "C2   , " &  -- GPIO[11]
                           "B2   , " &  -- GPIO[10]
                           "A2   , " &  -- GPIO[9]
                           "K1   , " &  -- GPIO[8]
                           "J1   , " &  -- GPIO[7]
                           "H1   , " &  -- GPIO[6]
                           "G1   , " &  -- GPIO[5]
                           "F1   , " &  -- GPIO[4]
                           "E1   , " &  -- GPIO[3]
                           "D1   , " &  -- GPIO[2]
                           "C1   , " &  -- GPIO[1]
                           "B1  ), " &  -- GPIO[0]
    "STRAP_RATE           :(K2   , " &  -- STRAP_RATE[2]
                           "J2   , " &  -- STRAP_RATE[1]
                           "H2  ), " &  -- STRAP_RATE[0]

    "PCCLKP             : A12   , " &
    "PCCLKN             : B12   , " &
    "REFCLKP            : M12   , " &
    "REFCLKN            : L12   , " &
    "PCBIAS             : C12   , " &
    "SRBIAS             : K12   , " &

    "VDD                :(H8  , " &  -- VDD[7]
                           "H5  , " &  -- VDD[6]
                           "G7  , " &  -- VDD[5]
                           "G6  , " &  -- VDD[4]
                           "F7  , " &  -- VDD[3]
                           "F6  , " &  -- VDD[2]
                           "E8  , " &  -- VDD[1]
                           "E5 ), " &  -- VDD[0]

    "AVDD25                :(K8  , " &  -- AVDD25[7]
                           "K7  , " &  -- AVDD25[6]
                           "K6  , " &  -- AVDD25[5]
                           "K5  , " &  -- AVDD25[4]
                           "C8  , " &  -- AVDD25[3]
                           "C7  , " &  -- AVDD25[2]
                           "C6  , " &  -- AVDD25[1]
                           "C5 ), " &  -- AVDD25[0]

    "AVDD10                :(J9  , " &  -- AVDD10[7]
                           "J8  , " &  -- AVDD10[6]
                           "H9  , " &  -- AVDD10[5]
                           "G9  , " &  -- AVDD10[4]
                           "F9  , " &  -- AVDD10[3]
                           "E9  , " &  -- AVDD10[2]
                           "D9  , " &  -- AVDD10[1]
                           "D8 ), " &  -- AVDD10[0]

    "VDDIO                :(H10  , " &  -- VDDIO[9]
                           "J3  , " &  -- VDDIO[8]
                           "D3  , " &  -- VDDIO[7]
                           "H3  , " &  -- VDDIO[6]
                           "G10  , " &  -- VDDIO[5]
                           "G3  , " &  -- VDDIO[4]
                           "F10  , " &  -- VDDIO[3]
                           "F3  , " &  -- VDDIO[2]
                           "E10  , " &  -- VDDIO[1]
                           "E3 ), " &  -- VDDIO[0]

    "AVTT                :(J5  , " &  -- AVTT[7]
                           "J4  , " &  -- AVTT[6]
                           "H4  , " &  -- AVTT[5]
                           "G4  , " &  -- AVTT[4]
                           "F4  , " &  -- AVTT[3]
                           "E4  , " &  -- AVTT[2]
                           "D5  , " &  -- AVTT[1]
                           "D4 ), " &  -- AVTT[0]

    "VSS                :(L3  , " &  -- VSS[27]
                           "A3  , " &  -- VSS[26]
                           "C11  , " &  -- VSS[25]
                           "G11  , " &  -- VSS[24]
                           "K11  , " &  -- VSS[23]
                           "K10  , " &  -- VSS[22]
                           "K9  , " &  -- VSS[21]
                           "K4  , " &  -- VSS[20]
                           "K3  , " &  -- VSS[19]
                           "J10  , " &  -- VSS[18]
                           "J7  , " &  -- VSS[17]
                           "J6  , " &  -- VSS[16]
                           "H7  , " &  -- VSS[15]
                           "H6  , " &  -- VSS[14]
                           "G8  , " &  -- VSS[13]
                           "G5  , " &  -- VSS[12]
                           "F8  , " &  -- VSS[11]
                           "F5  , " &  -- VSS[10]
                           "E7  , " &  -- VSS[9]
                           "E6  , " &  -- VSS[8]
                           "D10  , " &  -- VSS[7]
                           "D7  , " &  -- VSS[6]
                           "D6  , " &  -- VSS[5]
                           "C10  , " &  -- VSS[4]
                           "C9  , " &  -- VSS[3]
                           "C4  , " &  -- VSS[2]
                           "C3  , " &  -- VSS[1]
                           "B3 ) " ;  -- VSS[0]

    attribute PORT_GROUPING of Tsi721 : entity is 
        "Differential_Current ( (PCTP(0), PCTN(0)), " &
                                "(PCRP(0), PCRN(0)), " &
                                "(PCTP(1), PCTN(1)), " &
                                "(PCRP(1), PCRN(1)), " &
                                "(PCTP(2), PCTN(2)), " &
                                "(PCRP(2), PCRN(2)), " &
                                "(PCTP(3), PCTN(3)), " &
                                "(PCRP(3), PCRN(3)), " &
                                "(SRTP(0), SRTN(0)), " &
                                "(SRRP(0), SRRN(0)), " &
                                "(SRTP(1), SRTN(1)), " &
                                "(SRRP(1), SRRN(1)), " &
                                "(SRTP(2), SRTN(2)), " &
                                "(SRRP(2), SRRN(2)), " &
                                "(SRTP(3), SRTN(3)), " &
                                "(SRRP(3), SRRN(3))) " ;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRSTn                        : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI                          : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS                          : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO                          : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK                          : signal is (1.0000000000000000000e+07, BOTH);

    attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of Tsi721 : entity is 
        "(TEST_BCE,TEST_BIDIR_CTL) (11)";
   attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of Tsi721: entity is 62;
   attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of Tsi721: entity is
      "IDCODE       (11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110)," &
      "BYPASS       (00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)," &
      "EXTEST       (11111111111111111111111111110111101111111111111111111111101000)," &
      "EXTEST_PULSE (11111111111111111111111111110111101111111111101111111111101000)," &
      "EXTEST_TRAIN (11111111111111111111111111110111101111111111011111111111101000)," &
      "SAMPLE       (11111111111111111111111111110111101111111111111111111111111000)," &
      "PRELOAD      (11111111111111111111111111110111101111111111111111111111111000)," &
      "HIGHZ        (11111111111111111111111111110111101111111111111111111111001111)," &
      "CLAMP        (11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111) " ;
   attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of Tsi721: entity is "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx01";
   attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of Tsi721: entity is
      "0000"             & -- version
      "1000000010101011" & -- part number
      "00000110011"      & -- manufacturer's identity
      "1";                   -- required by 1149.1
   attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of Tsi721: entity is
      "BOUNDARY     ( SAMPLE, PRELOAD )," &
      "BYPASS       ( HIGHZ, CLAMP, BYPASS ) " ;

    --Boundary scan definition
    attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of Tsi721: entity is 83;

    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of Tsi721: entity is 
    -- num  cell         port               function       safe     [ccell disval  rslt]
    "  82   (BC_1       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  81   (AC_1       , PCTP(0)          , output3      , X    ,   82     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  80   (BC_4       , PCRP(0)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  79   (BC_4       , PCRN(0)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  78   (BC_1       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  77   (AC_1       , PCTP(1)          , output3      , X    ,   78     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  76   (BC_4       , PCRP(1)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  75   (BC_4       , PCRN(1)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  74   (BC_1       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  73   (AC_1       , PCTP(2)          , output3      , X    ,   74     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  72   (BC_4       , PCRP(2)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  71   (BC_4       , PCRN(2)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  70   (BC_1       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  69   (AC_1       , PCTP(3)          , output3      , X    ,   70     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  68   (BC_4       , PCRP(3)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  67   (BC_4       , PCRN(3)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  66   (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  65   (BC_0       , *         	   , internal      , 0   ),"&
    "  64   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  63   (LV_BC_7    , PCRSTOn          , bidir        , X    ,   64     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  62   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  61   (LV_BC_7    , SRRSTOn          , bidir        , X    ,   62     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  60   (BC_1       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  59   (AC_1       , SRTP(0)          , output3      , X    ,   60     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  58   (BC_4       , SRRP(0)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  57   (BC_4       , SRRN(0)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  56   (BC_1       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  55   (AC_1       , SRTP(1)          , output3      , X    ,   56     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  54   (BC_4       , SRRP(1)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  53   (BC_4       , SRRN(1)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  52   (BC_1       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  51   (AC_1       , SRTP(2)          , output3      , X    ,   52     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  50   (BC_4       , SRRP(2)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  49   (BC_4       , SRRN(2)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  48   (BC_1       , *                , control      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  47   (AC_1       , SRTP(3)          , output3      , X    ,   48     , 0     , Z   ),"&
    "  46   (BC_4       , SRRP(3)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  45   (BC_4       , SRRN(3)          , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  44   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  43   (LV_BC_7    , I2C_SDA          , bidir        , X    ,   44     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  42   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  41   (LV_BC_7    , MECS             , bidir        , X    ,   42     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  40   (BC_2       , SR_BOOT          , input        , X   )                          ,"&
    "  39   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  38   (LV_BC_7    , I2C_SCL          , bidir        , X    ,   39     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  37   (BC_2       , CLKMOD           , input        , X   )                          ,"&
    "  36   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  35   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(8)          , bidir        , X    ,   36     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  34   (BC_2       , STRAP_RATE(2)    , input        , X   )                          ,"&
    "  33   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  32   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(7)          , bidir        , X    ,   33     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  31   (BC_2       , STRAP_RATE(1)    , input        , X   )                          ,"&
    "  30   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  29   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(6)          , bidir        , X    ,   30     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  28   (BC_2       , STRAP_RATE(0)    , input        , X   )                          ,"&
    "  27   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  26   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(5)          , bidir        , X    ,   27     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  25   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  24   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(15)         , bidir        , X    ,   25     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  23   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  22   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(4)          , bidir        , X    ,   23     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  21   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  20   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(14)         , bidir        , X    ,   21     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  19   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  18   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(3)          , bidir        , X    ,   19     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  17   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  16   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(13)         , bidir        , X    ,   17     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  15   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  14   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(2)          , bidir        , X    ,   15     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  13   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  12   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(12)         , bidir        , X    ,   13     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  11   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  10   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(1)          , bidir        , X    ,   11     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  9    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  8    (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(11)         , bidir        , X    ,   9      , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  7    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  6    (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(0)          , bidir        , X    ,   7      , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  5    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  4    (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(10)         , bidir        , X    ,   5      , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  3    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  2    (LV_BC_7    , GPIO(9)          , bidir        , X    ,   3      , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  1    (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  0    (BC_0       , *         	   , internal      , 0   ) ";

    attribute AIO_COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of Tsi721: entity is "STD_1149_6_2003";

    attribute AIO_Pin_Behavior of Tsi721: entity is 
        "PCTP(0)                  ;"&
        "PCRP(0)[80]              : LP_Time=2.30e-07 HP_Time=7.00e-06;"&
        "PCTP(1)                  ;"&
        "PCRP(1)[76]              : LP_Time=2.30e-07 HP_Time=7.00e-06;"&
        "PCTP(2)                  ;"&
        "PCRP(2)[72]              : LP_Time=2.30e-07 HP_Time=7.00e-06;"&
        "PCTP(3)                  ;"&
        "PCRP(3)[68]              : LP_Time=2.30e-07 HP_Time=7.00e-06;"&
        "SRTP(0)                  ;"&
        "SRRP(0)[58]              : LP_Time=2.30e-07 HP_Time=7.00e-06;"&
        "SRTP(1)                  ;"&
        "SRRP(1)[54]              : LP_Time=2.30e-07 HP_Time=7.00e-06;"&
        "SRTP(2)                  ;"&
        "SRRP(2)[50]              : LP_Time=2.30e-07 HP_Time=7.00e-06;"&
        "SRTP(3)                  ;"&
        "SRRP(3)[46]              : LP_Time=2.30e-07 HP_Time=7.00e-06";
end Tsi721;
-- VHDL package to be uploaded
--package LVS_BSCAN_CELLS is
--    use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
--        constant LV_BC_7: CELL_INFO;
--package body LVS_BSCAN_CELLS is
--    use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
--        constant LV_BC_7: CELL_INFO :=
--           ((BIDIR_IN, EXTEST,  PI),  (BIDIR_OUT, EXTEST,  PO),
--           (BIDIR_IN, SAMPLE,  PI),  (BIDIR_OUT, SAMPLE,  PI),
--           (BIDIR_IN, INTEST,  X),  (BIDIR_OUT, INTEST,  PI));