BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: USB5537B

-- File:	USB5537B.BSD
-- Created:	2012/06/27
-- Modified:	2014/12/04
-- Version:	1.0
-- BSDL description for USB5537 in 72-pin QFN package
-- Copyright 2012 Microchip - All rights reserved.
-- Microchip makes no warranty for the use of this file and its contents
-- are subject to change without notice.
-- Notes:
-- Some port names differ from the datasheet pinout to conform to
-- BSDL syntax.
-- History:


-- ************************************************************************
-- *                     ENTITY DEFINITION WITH PORTS                     *
-- ************************************************************************

entity USB5537B is 
   generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "QFN72");

   port (
      --I/O Pins
      PRT_CTL7          : inout     bit;
      PRT_CTL6          : inout     bit;
      USB2DP_DN1        : linkage   bit;
      USB2DM_DN1        : linkage   bit;
      USB3DP_TXDN1      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DM_TXDN1      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DP_RXDN1      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DM_RXDN1      : linkage   bit;
      USB2DP_DN2        : linkage   bit;
      USB2DM_DN2        : linkage   bit;
      USB3DP_TXDN2      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DM_TXDN2      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DP_RXDN2      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DM_RXDN2      : linkage   bit;
      USB2DP_DN3        : linkage   bit;
      USB2DM_DN3        : linkage   bit;
      USB3DP_TXDN3      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DM_TXDN3      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DP_RXDN3      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DM_RXDN3      : linkage   bit;
      USB2DP_DN4        : linkage   bit;
      USB2DM_DN4        : linkage   bit;
      USB3DP_TXDN4      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DM_TXDN4      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DP_RXDN4      : linkage   bit;
      USB3DM_RXDN4      : linkage   bit;
      USB2DP_DN5        : linkage   bit;
      USB2DM_DN5        : linkage   bit;
      PRT_CTL4          : inout     bit;
      PRT_CTL3          : inout     bit;
      PRT_CTL2          : inout     bit;
      PRT_CTL1          : inout     bit;
      SM_DAT            : inout     bit;
      SM_CLK            : inout     bit;
      SPI_CE_N          : inout     bit;
      SPI_CLK           : inout     bit;
      SPI_DO            : inout     bit;
      SPI_DI            : inout     bit;
      TDO               : out       bit;
      TDI               : in        bit;
      TRST              : in        bit;
      TCK               : in        bit;
      TMS               : in        bit;
      VBUS              : inout     bit;
      TEST              : in        bit;
      RESET_N           : in        bit;
      USB2DM_DN6        : linkage   bit;
      USB2DP_DN6        : linkage   bit;
      USB2DM_DN7        : linkage   bit;
      USB2DP_DN7        : linkage   bit;
      USB2DP_UP         : linkage   bit;
      USB2DM_UP         : linkage   bit;
      USB3DP_TXUP       : linkage   bit;
      USB3DM_TXUP       : linkage   bit;
      USB3DP_RXUP       : linkage   bit;
      USB3DM_RXUP       : linkage   bit;
      ATEST             : linkage   bit;
      XTALOUT           : linkage   bit;
      XTALIN            : linkage   bit;
      RBIAS             : linkage   bit;

      --Power Pins
      VDD12             : linkage bit_vector( 1 to 8 );
      VDD33             : linkage bit_vector( 1 to 4 )

   use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
   use LVS_BSCAN_CELLS.all;

   attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of USB5537B: entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";

   -- ************************************************************************
   -- *                             PIN MAPPING                              *
   -- ************************************************************************

   attribute PIN_MAP of USB5537B : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
   constant QFN72 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
      --I/O Pins
      "PRT_CTL7        :  1, " &
      "PRT_CTL6        :  2, " &
      "USB2DP_DN1      :  3, " &
      "USB2DM_DN1      :  4, " &
      "USB3DP_TXDN1    :  5, " &
      "USB3DM_TXDN1    :  6, " &
      "USB3DP_RXDN1    :  8, " &
      "USB3DM_RXDN1    :  9, " &
      "USB2DP_DN2      : 11, " &
      "USB2DM_DN2      : 12, " &
      "USB3DP_TXDN2    : 13, " &
      "USB3DM_TXDN2    : 14, " &
      "USB3DP_RXDN2    : 16, " &
      "USB3DM_RXDN2    : 17, " &
      "USB2DP_DN3      : 19, " &
      "USB2DM_DN3      : 20, " &
      "USB3DP_TXDN3    : 21, " &
      "USB3DM_TXDN3    : 22, " &
      "USB3DP_RXDN3    : 24, " &
      "USB3DM_RXDN3    : 25, " &
      "USB2DP_DN4      : 26, " &
      "USB2DM_DN4      : 27, " &
      "USB3DP_TXDN4    : 28, " &
      "USB3DM_TXDN4    : 29, " &
      "USB3DP_RXDN4    : 31, " &
      "USB3DM_RXDN4    : 32, " &
      "USB2DP_DN5      : 33, " &
      "USB2DM_DN5      : 34, " &
      "PRT_CTL4        : 36, " &
      "PRT_CTL3        : 37, " &
      "PRT_CTL2        : 39, " &
      "PRT_CTL1        : 40, " &
      "SM_DAT          : 41, " &
      "SM_CLK          : 42, " &
      "SPI_CE_N        : 43, " &
      "SPI_CLK         : 44, " &
      "SPI_DO          : 45, " &
      "SPI_DI          : 46, " &
      "TDO             : 47, " &
      "TDI             : 48, " &
      "TRST            : 49, " &
      "TCK             : 50, " &
      "TMS             : 51, " &
      "VBUS            : 52, " &
      "TEST            : 53, " &
      "RESET_N         : 54, " &
      "USB2DM_DN6      : 57, " &
      "USB2DP_DN6      : 58, " &
      "USB2DM_DN7      : 59, " &
      "USB2DP_DN7      : 60, " &
      "USB2DP_UP       : 61, " &
      "USB2DM_UP       : 62, " &
      "USB3DP_TXUP     : 63, " &
      "USB3DM_TXUP     : 64, " &
      "USB3DP_RXUP     : 66, " &
      "USB3DM_RXUP     : 67, " &
      "ATEST           : 68, " &
      "XTALOUT         : 69, " &
      "XTALIN          : 70, " &
      "RBIAS           : 72, " &

      --Power Pins
      "VDD12           : ( 7, 10, 15, 23, 30, 35, 55, 65 )," &
      "VDD33           : ( 18, 38, 56, 71 ) ";

   -- ************************************************************************
   -- *                       IEEE 1149.1 TAP PORTS                          *
   -- ************************************************************************

   attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRST    : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI     : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS     : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO     : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK     : signal is (10.0e6, BOTH);

   attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of USB5537B : entity is
     "(TEST)" &

   attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of USB5537B: entity is 28;

   attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of USB5537B: entity is
      "IDCODE       (1111111111111111111111111110)," &
      "BYPASS       (0000000000000000000000000000, 1111111111111111111111111111)," &
      "EXTEST       (1111111111111111111111101000)," &
      "SAMPLE       (1111111111111111111111111000)," &
      "PRELOAD      (1111111111111111111111111000)," &
      "HIGHZ        (1111111111111111111111001111)," &
      "CLAMP        (1111111111111111111111101111) " ;


   attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of USB5537B: entity is
      "0000"             & -- version
      "0000000010100001" & -- part number
      "01000100010"      & -- manufacturer's identity
      "1";                   -- required by 1149.1

   attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of USB5537B: entity is
      "BOUNDARY     ( SAMPLE, PRELOAD )," &
      "BYPASS       ( HIGHZ, CLAMP, BYPASS ) " ;

   -- ************************************************************************
   -- *                    BOUNDARY SCAN CELL INFORMATION                    *
   -- ************************************************************************

    attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of USB5537B: entity is 28;

    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of USB5537B: entity is 
    -- num  cell         port               function       safe     [ccell disval  rslt]
    "  27   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  26   (LV_BC_7    , PRT_CTL7         , bidir        , X    ,   27     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  25   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  24   (LV_BC_7    , PRT_CTL6         , bidir        , X    ,   25     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  23   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  22   (LV_BC_7    , PRT_CTL4         , bidir        , X    ,   23     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  21   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  20   (LV_BC_7    , PRT_CTL3         , bidir        , X    ,   21     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  19   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  18   (LV_BC_7    , PRT_CTL2         , bidir        , X    ,   19     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  17   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  16   (LV_BC_7    , PRT_CTL1         , bidir        , X    ,   17     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  15   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  14   (LV_BC_7    , SM_DAT           , bidir        , X    ,   15     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  13   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  12   (LV_BC_7    , SM_CLK           , bidir        , X    ,   13     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  11   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  10   (LV_BC_7    , SPI_CE_N         , bidir        , X    ,   11     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  9    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  8    (LV_BC_7    , SPI_CLK          , bidir        , X    ,   9      , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  7    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  6    (LV_BC_7    , SPI_DO           , bidir        , X    ,   7      , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  5    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  4    (LV_BC_7    , SPI_DI           , bidir        , X    ,   5      , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  3    (BC_2       , RESET_N          , input        , X   )                          ,"&
    "  2    (BC_2       , *                , internal     , X   )                          ,"&
    "  1    (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  0    (LV_BC_7    , VBUS             , bidir        , X    ,   1      , 1     , Z   ) ";

   -- ************************************************************************
   -- *                            DESIGN WARNING                            *
   -- ************************************************************************

   attribute DESIGN_WARNING of USB5537B : entity is
      "1. Besides the compliance pattern, an additional pattern is required to select the TAP" &
      "   controller associated with Boundary Scan operation.  At the point of the compliance" &
      "   pattern application (ie TEST pin is driven 1), the following pins must be driven to" &
      "   specific states for 10 micro seconds. RESET_N is driven low, and PRT_CTL2 is driven" &
      "   high-z and PRT_CTL1 is driven high-z. Note that both PRT_CTL2 and PRT_CTL1 pins have" &
      "   internal pulldown that will resolve the lines connected to them to 0.  After 10 uSec," &
      "   boundary scan operation is enabled.  RESET_N and PRT_CTL2/1 pins should be released to" &
      "   participate with boundary scan testing.";

end USB5537B;