BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: SYM_53C885Q160

-- ========================================================================
--	Symbios Logic Inc. Confidential
--	Boundary Scan Description File (BSDL)
--	Product:	53C885Q160
--	Version:	1.0
--	Author:	        KG
--	Date Created:   11/22/96	
-- =======================================================================
-- This information is provided on an AS IS basis without a warranty of any kind.
-- SYMBIOS LOGIC does not represent or warrant that the information
-- furnished hereunder is free of infringement of any third party
-- patents, copyrights, trade secrets, or other intellectual property
-- rights.   SYMBIOS LOGIC does not represent or warrant that the
-- information is free of defect or omissions, or that it meets any
-- particular standard, requirements or need of the user of the
-- information or their customers
-- SYMBIOS LOGIC reserves the right to change the information in this
-- file without notice.
-- =======================================================================
--	Revision Control:
--	Version:	Date		Reason for Change
--	1.0	 	11/22/96	Initial Version
-- ======================================================================


generic(PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "PQFP_160");

          IDSEL          :       inout bit;
           AD23          :       inout bit;
           AD22          :       inout bit;
           AD21          :       inout bit;
           AD20          :       inout bit;
           AD19          :       inout bit;
           AD18          :       inout bit;
           AD17          :       inout bit;
           AD16          :       inout bit;
          CBEN2          :       inout bit;
         FRAMEN          :       inout bit;
          IRDYN          :       inout bit;
          TRDYN          :       inout bit;
        DEVSELN          :       inout bit;
          STOPN          :       inout bit;
          PERRN          :       inout bit;
          SERRN          :       inout bit;
            PAR          :       inout bit;
          CBEN1          :       inout bit;
           AD15          :       inout bit;
           AD14          :       inout bit;
           AD13          :       inout bit;
           AD12          :       inout bit;
           AD11          :       inout bit;
           AD10          :       inout bit;
            AD9          :       inout bit;
            AD8          :       inout bit;
          CBEN0          :       inout bit;
            AD7          :       inout bit;
            AD6          :       inout bit;
            AD5          :       inout bit;
            AD4          :       inout bit;
            AD3          :       inout bit;
            AD2          :       inout bit;
            AD1          :       inout bit;
            AD0          :       inout bit;
           SCLK          :       in    bit;
          SD11B          :       inout bit;
          SD10B          :       inout bit;
           SD9B          :       inout bit;
           SD8B          :       inout bit;
           SIOB          :       inout bit;
          SREQB          :       inout bit;
           SCDB          :       inout bit;
          SSELB          :       inout bit;
          SMSGB          :       inout bit;
          SRSTB          :       inout bit;
          SACKB          :       inout bit;
          SBSYB          :       inout bit;
           SATB          :       inout bit;
          SDP0B          :       inout bit;
           SD7B          :       inout bit;
           SD6B          :       inout bit;
           SD5B          :       inout bit;
           SD4B          :       inout bit;
           SD3B          :       inout bit;
           SD2B          :       inout bit;
           SD1B          :       inout bit;
           SD0B          :       inout bit;
          SDP1B          :       inout bit;
          SD15B          :       inout bit;
          SD14B          :       inout bit;
          SD13B          :       inout bit;
          SD12B          :       inout bit;
           MAD7          :       inout bit;
           MAD6          :       inout bit;
           MAD5          :       inout bit;
           MAD4          :       inout bit;
           MAD3          :       inout bit;
           MAD2          :       inout bit;
           MAD1          :       inout bit;
           MAD0          :       inout bit;
          GPIO0          :       inout bit;
          GPIO1          :       inout bit;
          GPIO2          :       inout bit;
          GPIO4          :       inout bit;
          MAS1N          :       inout bit;
          MAS0N          :       inout bit;
           MWEN          :       inout bit;
           MOEN          :       inout bit;
           MCEN          :       inout bit;
        TESTOUT          :       inout bit;
            TDI          :       inout bit;
          TRSTB          :       in    bit;
            TCK          :       in    bit;
            TMS          :       in    bit;
            TDO          :       out   bit;
          TEST0          :       in    bit;
          TEST1          :       in    bit;
           MDIO          :       inout bit;
            MDC          :       inout bit;
           RXD3          :       inout bit;
           RXD2          :       inout bit;
           RXD1          :       inout bit;
           RXD0          :       inout bit;
          RX_DV          :       inout bit;
         RX_CLK          :       inout bit;
          RX_ER          :       inout bit;
          TX_ER          :       inout bit;
         TX_CLK          :       inout bit;
          TX_EN          :       inout bit;
           TXD0          :       inout bit;
           TXD1          :       inout bit;
           TXD2          :       inout bit;
           TXD3          :       inout bit;
            COL          :       inout bit;
            CRS          :       inout bit;
          INTBN          :       inout bit;
          INTAN          :       inout bit;
         RESETN          :       in    bit;
         PCICLK          :       in    bit;
           GNTN          :       inout bit;
           REQN          :       inout bit;
           AD31          :       inout bit;
           AD30          :       inout bit;
           AD29          :       inout bit;
           AD28          :       inout bit;
           AD27          :       inout bit;
           AD26          :       inout bit;
           AD25          :       inout bit;
           AD24          :       inout bit;
          CBEN3          :       inout bit;
   PINNOCONNECT          :       linkage bit;
            VSS          :       linkage bit_vector(24 downto 1);
            VDD          :       linkage bit_vector(13 downto 1)

-- Incorporate 1994 and 1992 IEEE cells and types
use STD_1149_1_1994.all;

-- Conformance Attribute - 1993
attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of SYM_53C885Q160: entity is "STD_1149_1_1994";

attribute PIN_MAP of SYM_53C885Q160 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

constant PQFP_160:PIN_MAP_STRING:=

        "IDSEL          : 1, "  &
        "AD23           : 2, "  &
        "AD22           : 4, "  &
        "AD21           : 5, "  &
        "AD20           : 6, "  &
        "AD19           : 8, "  &
        "AD18           :10, "  &
        "AD17           :11, "  &
        "AD16           :12, "  &
        "CBEN2          :14, "  &
        "FRAMEN         :15, "  &
        "IRDYN          :16, "  &
        "TRDYN          :18, "  &
        "DEVSELN        :19, "  &
        "STOPN          :21, "  &
        "PERRN          :23, "  &
        "SERRN          :24, "  &
        "PAR            :25, "  &
        "CBEN1          :26, "  &
        "AD15           :28, "  &
        "AD14           :29, "  &
        "AD13           :30, "  &
        "AD12           :31, "  &
        "AD11           :33, "  &
        "AD10           :34, "  &
        "AD9            :35, "  &
        "AD8            :37, "  &
        "CBEN0          :38, "  &
        "AD7            :39, "  &
        "AD6            :40, "  &
        "AD5            :42, "  &
        "AD4            :43, "  &
        "AD3            :45, "  &
        "AD2            :46, "  &
        "AD1            :48, "  &
        "AD0            :50, "  &
        "SCLK           :52, "  &
        "SD11B          :54, "  &
        "SD10B          :55, "  &
        "SD9B           :56, "  &
        "SD8B           :58, "  &
        "SIOB           :59, "  &
        "SREQB          :60, "  &
        "SCDB           :61, "  &
        "SSELB          :63, "  &
        "SMSGB          :64, "  &
        "SRSTB          :65, "  &
        "SACKB          :66, "  &
        "SBSYB          :67, "  &
        "SATB           :69, "  &
        "SDP0B          :70, "  &
        "SD7B           :71, "  &
        "SD6B           :72, "  &
        "SD5B           :74, "  &
        "SD4B           :75, "  &
        "SD3B           :76, "  &
        "SD2B           :77, "  &
        "SD1B           :79, "  &
        "SD0B           :80, "  &
        "SDP1B          :81, "  &
        "SD15B          :82, "  &
        "SD14B          :84, "  &
        "SD13B          :85, "  &
        "SD12B          :86, "  &
        "MAD7           :88, "  &
        "MAD6           :89, "  &
        "MAD5           :90, "  &
        "MAD4           :91, "  &
        "MAD3           :93, "  &
        "MAD2           :94, "  &
        "MAD1           :95, "  &
        "MAD0           :96, "  &
        "GPIO0          :97, "  &
        "GPIO1          :98, "  &
        "GPIO2          :99, "  &
        "GPIO4          :101, "  &
        "MAS1N          :102, "  &
        "MAS0N          :103, "  &
        "MWEN           :104, "  &
        "MOEN           :106, "  &
        "MCEN           :108, "  &
        "TESTOUT        :109, "  &
        "TDI            :111, "  &
        "TRSTB          :112, "  &
        "TCK            :113, "  &
        "TMS            :114, "  &
        "TDO            :115, "  &
        "TEST0          :117, "  &
        "TEST1          :118, "  &
        "PINNOCONNECT   :119, "  &
        "MDIO           :121, "  &
        "MDC            :122, "  &
        "RXD3           :124, "  &
        "RXD2           :125, "  &
        "RXD1           :126, "  &
        "RXD0           :127, "  &
        "RX_DV          :128, "  &
        "RX_CLK         :129, "  &
        "RX_ER          :130, "  &
        "TX_ER          :131, "  &
        "TX_CLK         :132, "  &
        "TX_EN          :133, "  &
        "TXD0           :134, "  &
        "TXD1           :135, "  &
        "TXD2           :137, "  &
        "TXD3           :138, "  &
        "COL            :139, "  &
        "CRS            :140, "  &
        "INTBN          :141, "  &
        "INTAN          :142, "  &
        "RESETN         :143, "  &
        "PCICLK         :144, "  &
        "GNTN           :146, "  &
        "REQN           :147, "  &
        "AD31           :149, "  &
        "AD30           :150, "  &
        "AD29           :152, "  &
        "AD28           :153, "  &
        "AD27           :155, "  &
        "AD26           :156, "  &
        "AD25           :158, "  &
        "AD24           :159, "  &
        "CBEN3          :160, "  &
        "PINNOCONNECT   :119, "  &
        "VSS            :(3,9,13,17,22,27,36,41,47,51,57,62,68,73," &
        "                 78,83,92,105,110,120,136,145,151,157)"  &
        "VDD            :(7,20,32,44,49,53,87,100,107,116,123,148,154)";

-- ==========================================================================
-- ==========================================================================

attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK   : signal is (10.0e6, BOTH);
attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI      : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS    : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO     : signal is true;

-- ==========================================================================
-- ==========================================================================

-- ******************* READ ME FIRST ! ***************************
-- Notes: 
-- 1) The RSTN is used as a compliance pin ONLY because when it
-- is asserted low during boundary scan testing, the part's SCSI
-- data and control buses will TRI-STATE. This activity is required
-- of SCSI parts, but it is NOT boundary scan compliant!. If the
-- SCSI bus tri-stating is not an issue to the boundary scan software
-- then the following can be commented out.

attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of SYM_53C885Q160 : entity is 
                "(RSTN) (1)";

-- ==========================================================================
-- ==========================================================================

attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of SYM_53C885Q160 : entity is 8;

attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of SYM_53C885Q160 : entity is
   "EXTEST (00000000, 10000000)," &
   "BYPASS (11111111, 10000001, 10000110, 10000111, 00000001, 00000110, 00000111)," &
   "SAMPLE (00000010, 10000010)," &
   "CLAMP  (00000011, 10000011)," &
   "HIGHZ  (00000100, 10000100)," &
   "IDCODE (00000101, 10000101)";

attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of SYM_53C885Q160 : entity is "00000001";

attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of SYM_53C885Q160 : entity is

 "0000" &                 -- 4-bit Version == 0000
 "0101 0000 0110 0100" &  -- 16-bit JEDEC Code (SYM_53C885Q160 = 5064)
 "00000100010"         &  -- 11-bit Manufacuters Code (022)
 "1";                     -- Mandatory LSB

-- ==========================================================================
-- ==========================================================================

attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of SYM_53C885Q160 : entity is 350;

attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of SYM_53C885Q160 : entity is

--       num   cell          port        function  safe    [ccell, disval, rslt]

        "349  (BC_4,          CRS,         input,   X),"  &
        "348  (BC_1,          CRS,        output3,   X,       70,     1,     Z),"  &
        "347  (BC_4,          COL,         input,   X),"  &
        "346  (BC_1,          COL,       output3,   X,       69,     1,     Z),"  &
        "345  (BC_4,         TXD3,         input,   X),"  &
        "344  (BC_1,         TXD3,       output3,   X,       68,     1,     Z),"  &
        "343  (BC_4,         TXD2,         input,   X),"  &
        "342  (BC_1,         TXD2,       output3,   X,       67,     1,     Z),"  &
        "341  (BC_4,         TXD1,         input,   X),"  &
        "340  (BC_1,         TXD1,       output3,   X,       66,     1,     Z),"  &
        "339  (BC_4,         TXD0,         input,   X),"  &
        "338  (BC_1,         TXD0,       output3,   X,       65,     1,     Z),"  &
        "337  (BC_4,        TX_EN,         input,   X),"  &
        "336  (BC_1,        TX_EN,       output3,   X,       64,     1,     Z),"  &
        "335  (BC_4,       TX_CLK,         input,   X),"  &
        "334  (BC_1,       TX_CLK,       output3,   X,       63,     1,     Z),"  &
        "333  (BC_4,        TX_ER,         input,   X),"  &
        "332  (BC_1,        TX_ER,       output3,   X,       62,     1,     Z),"  &
        "331  (BC_4,        RX_ER,         input,   X),"  &
        "330  (BC_1,        RX_ER,       output3,   X,       61,     1,     Z),"  &
        "329  (BC_4,       RX_CLK,         input,   X),"  &
        "328  (BC_1,       RX_CLK,       output3,   X,       60,     1,     Z),"  &
        "327  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "326  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "325  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "324  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "323  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "322  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "321  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "320  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "319  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "318  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "317  (BC_4,        RX_DV,         input,   X),"  &
        "316  (BC_1,        RX_DV,       output3,   X,       57,     1,     Z),"  &
        "315  (BC_4,         RXD0,         input,   X),"  &
        "314  (BC_1,         RXD0,       output3,   X,       56,     1,     Z),"  &
        "313  (BC_4,         RXD1,         input,   X),"  &
        "312  (BC_1,         RXD1,       output3,   X,       55,     1,     Z),"  &
        "311  (BC_4,         RXD2,         input,   X),"  &
        "310  (BC_1,         RXD2,       output3,   X,       54,     1,     Z),"  &
        "309  (BC_4,         RXD3,         input,   X),"  &
        "308  (BC_1,         RXD3,       output3,   X,       53,     1,     Z),"  &
        "307  (BC_4,          MDC,         input,   X),"  &
        "306  (BC_1,          MDC,       output3,   X,       52,     1,     Z),"  &
        "305  (BC_4,         MDIO,         input,   X),"  &
        "304  (BC_1,         MDIO,       output3,   X,       51,     1,     Z),"  &
        "303  (BC_4,        TEST1,         input,   X),"  &
        "302  (BC_1,        TEST0,         input,   X),"  &
        "301  (BC_4,      TESTOUT,         input,   X),"  &
        "300  (BC_1,      TESTOUT,       output3,   X,       50,     1,     Z),"  &
        "299  (BC_4,         MCEN,         input,   X),"  &
        "298  (BC_1,         MCEN,       output3,   X,       49,     1,     Z),"  &
        "297  (BC_4,         MOEN,         input,   X),"  &
        "296  (BC_1,         MOEN,       output3,   X,       49,     1,     Z),"  &
        "295  (BC_4,         MWEN,         input,   X),"  &
        "294  (BC_1,         MWEN,       output3,   X,       47,     1,     Z),"  &
        "293  (BC_4,        MAS0N,         input,   X),"  &
        "292  (BC_1,        MAS0N,       output3,   X,       49,     1,     Z),"  &
        "291  (BC_4,        MAS1N,         input,   X),"  &
        "290  (BC_1,        MAS1N,       output3,   X,       49,     1,     Z),"  &
        "289  (BC_4,        GPIO4,         input,   X),"  &
        "288  (BC_1,        GPIO4,       output3,   X,       46,     1,     Z),"  &
        "287  (BC_4,        GPIO2,         input,   X),"  &
        "286  (BC_1,        GPIO2,       output3,   X,       45,     1,     Z),"  &
        "285  (BC_4,        GPIO1,         input,   X),"  &
        "284  (BC_1,        GPIO1,       output3,   X,       44,     1,     Z),"  &
        "283  (BC_4,        GPIO0,         input,   X),"  &
        "282  (BC_1,        GPIO0,       output3,   X,       43,     1,     Z),"  &
        "281  (BC_4,         MAD0,         input,   X),"  &
        "280  (BC_1,         MAD0,       output3,   X,       48,     1,     Z),"  &
        "279  (BC_4,         MAD1,         input,   X),"  &
        "278  (BC_1,         MAD1,       output3,   X,       48,     1,     Z),"  &
        "277  (BC_4,         MAD2,         input,   X),"  &
        "276  (BC_1,         MAD2,       output3,   X,       48,     1,     Z),"  &
        "275  (BC_4,         MAD3,         input,   X),"  &
        "274  (BC_1,         MAD3,       output3,   X,       48,     1,     Z),"  &
        "273  (BC_4,         MAD4,         input,   X),"  &
        "272  (BC_1,         MAD4,       output3,   X,       48,     1,     Z),"  &
        "271  (BC_4,         MAD5,         input,   X),"  &
        "270  (BC_1,         MAD5,       output3,   X,       48,     1,     Z),"  &
        "269  (BC_4,         MAD6,         input,   X),"  &
        "268  (BC_1,         MAD6,       output3,   X,       48,     1,     Z),"  &
        "267  (BC_4,         MAD7,         input,   X),"  &
        "266  (BC_1,         MAD7,       output3,   X,       48,     1,     Z),"  &
        "265  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "264  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "263  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "262  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "261  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "260  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "259  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "258  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "257  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "256  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "255  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "254  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "253  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "252  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "251  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "250  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "249  (BC_4,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "248  (BC_1,      *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "247  (BC_4,        SD12B,         input,   X),"  &
        "246  (BC_1,        SD12B,       output3,   X,       42,     1,     Z),"  &
        "245  (BC_4,        SD13B,         input,   X),"  &
        "244  (BC_1,        SD13B,       output3,   X,       41,     1,     Z),"  &
        "243  (BC_4,        SD14B,         input,   X),"  &
        "242  (BC_1,        SD14B,       output3,   X,       40,     1,     Z),"  &
        "241  (BC_4,        SD15B,         input,   X),"  &
        "240  (BC_1,        SD15B,       output3,   X,       39,     1,     Z),"  &
        "239  (BC_4,        SDP1B,         input,   X),"  &
        "238  (BC_1,        SDP1B,       output3,   X,       38,     1,     Z),"  &
        "237  (BC_4,         SD0B,         input,   X),"  &
        "236  (BC_1,         SD0B,       output3,   X,       37,     1,     Z),"  &
        "235  (BC_4,         SD1B,         input,   X),"  &
        "234  (BC_1,         SD1B,       output3,   X,       36,     1,     Z),"  &
        "233  (BC_4,         SD2B,         input,   X),"  &
        "232  (BC_1,         SD2B,       output3,   X,       35,     1,     Z),"  &
        "231  (BC_4,         SD3B,         input,   X),"  &
        "230  (BC_1,         SD3B,       output3,   X,       34,     1,     Z),"  &
        "229  (BC_4,         SD4B,         input,   X),"  &
        "228  (BC_1,         SD4B,       output3,   X,       33,     1,     Z),"  &
        "227  (BC_4,         SD5B,         input,   X),"  &
        "226  (BC_1,         SD5B,       output3,   X,       32,     1,     Z),"  &
        "225  (BC_4,         SD6B,         input,   X),"  &
        "224  (BC_1,         SD6B,       output3,   X,       31,     1,     Z),"  &
        "223  (BC_4,         SD7B,         input,   X),"  &
        "222  (BC_1,         SD7B,       output3,   X,       30,     1,     Z),"  &
        "221  (BC_4,        SDP0B,         input,   X),"  &
        "220  (BC_1,        SDP0B,       output3,   X,       29,     1,     Z),"  &
        "219  (BC_4,         SATB,         input,   X),"  &
        "218  (BC_1,         SATB,       output3,   X,       28,     1,     Z),"  &
        "217  (BC_4,        SBSYB,         input,   X),"  &
        "216  (BC_1,        SBSYB,       output3,   X,       27,     1,     Z),"  &
        "215  (BC_4,        SACKB,         input,   X),"  &
        "214  (BC_1,        SACKB,       output3,   X,       26,     1,     Z),"  &
        "213  (BC_4,        SRSTB,         input,   X),"  &
        "212  (BC_1,        SRSTB,       output3,   X,       25,     1,     Z),"  &
        "211  (BC_4,        SMSGB,         input,   X),"  &
        "210  (BC_1,        SMSGB,       output3,   X,       24,     1,     Z),"  &
        "209  (BC_4,        SSELB,         input,   X),"  &
        "208  (BC_1,        SSELB,       output3,   X,       23,     1,     Z),"  &
        "207  (BC_4,         SCDB,         input,   X),"  &
        "206  (BC_1,         SCDB,       output3,   X,       22,     1,     Z),"  &
        "205  (BC_4,        SREQB,         input,   X),"  &
        "204  (BC_1,        SREQB,       output3,   X,       21,     1,     Z),"  &
        "203  (BC_4,         SIOB,         input,   X),"  &
        "202  (BC_1,         SIOB,       output3,   X,       20,     1,     Z),"  &
        "201  (BC_4,         SD8B,         input,   X),"  &
        "200  (BC_1,         SD8B,       output3,   X,       19,     1,     Z),"  &
        "199  (BC_4,         SD9B,         input,   X),"  &
        "198  (BC_1,         SD9B,       output3,   X,       18,     1,     Z),"  &
        "197  (BC_4,        SD10B,         input,   X),"  &
        "196  (BC_1,        SD10B,       output3,   X,       17,     1,     Z),"  &
        "195  (BC_4,        SD11B,         input,   X),"  &
        "194  (BC_1,        SD11B,       output3,   X,       16,     1,     Z),"  &
        "193  (BC_4,         SCLK,         input,   X),"  &
        "192  (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "191  (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "190  (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "189  (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "188  (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "187  (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "186  (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "185  (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "184  (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "183  (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "182  (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "181  (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "180  (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "179  (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "178  (BC_4,          AD0,         input,   X),"  &
        "177  (BC_1,          AD0,       output3,   X,       14,     0,     Z),"  &
        "176  (BC_4,          AD1,         input,   X),"  &
        "175  (BC_1,          AD1,       output3,   X,       14,     0,     Z),"  &
        "174  (BC_4,          AD2,         input,   X),"  &
        "173  (BC_1,          AD2,       output3,   X,       14,     0,     Z),"  &
        "172  (BC_4,          AD3,         input,   X),"  &
        "171  (BC_1,          AD3,       output3,   X,       14,     0,     Z),"  &
        "170  (BC_4,          AD4,         input,   X),"  &
        "169  (BC_1,          AD4,       output3,   X,       14,     0,     Z),"  &
        "168  (BC_4,          AD5,         input,   X),"  &
        "167  (BC_1,          AD5,       output3,   X,       14,     0,     Z),"  &
        "166  (BC_4,          AD6,         input,   X),"  &
        "165  (BC_1,          AD6,       output3,   X,       14,     0,     Z),"  &
        "164  (BC_4,          AD7,         input,   X),"  &
        "163  (BC_1,          AD7,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "162  (BC_4,        CBEN0,         input,   X),"  &
        "161  (BC_1,        CBEN0,       output3,   X,       13,     0,     Z),"  &
        "160  (BC_4,          AD8,         input,   X),"  &
        "159  (BC_1,          AD8,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "158  (BC_4,          AD9,         input,   X),"  &
        "157  (BC_1,          AD9,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "156  (BC_4,         AD10,         input,   X),"  &
        "155  (BC_1,         AD10,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "154  (BC_4,         AD11,         input,   X),"  &
        "153  (BC_1,         AD11,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "152  (BC_4,         AD12,         input,   X),"  &
        "151  (BC_1,         AD12,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "150  (BC_4,         AD13,         input,   X),"  &
        "149  (BC_1,         AD13,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "148  (BC_4,         AD14,         input,   X),"  &
        "147  (BC_1,         AD14,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "146  (BC_4,         AD15,         input,   X),"  &
        "145  (BC_1,         AD15,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "144  (BC_4,        CBEN1,         input,   X),"  &
        "143  (BC_1,        CBEN1,       output3,   X,       13,     0,     Z),"  &
        "142  (BC_4,          PAR,         input,   X),"  &
        "141  (BC_1,          PAR,       output3,   X,       12,     0,     Z),"  &
        "140  (BC_4,        SERRN,         input,   X),"  &
        "139  (BC_1,        SERRN,       output3,   X,       11,     0,     Z),"  &
        "138  (BC_4,        PERRN,         input,   X),"  &
        "137  (BC_1,        PERRN,       output3,   X,       10,     0,     Z),"  &
        "136  (BC_4,        STOPN,         input,   X),"  &
        "135  (BC_1,        STOPN,       output3,   X,       9,      0,     Z),"  &
        "134  (BC_4,      DEVSELN,         input,   X),"  &
        "133  (BC_1,      DEVSELN,       output3,   X,       8,      0,     Z),"  &
        "132  (BC_4,        TRDYN,         input,   X),"  &
        "131  (BC_1,        TRDYN,       output3,   X,       7,      0,     Z),"  &
        "130  (BC_4,        IRDYN,         input,   X),"  &
        "129  (BC_1,        IRDYN,       output3,   X,       6,      0,     Z),"  &
        "128  (BC_4,       FRAMEN,         input,   X),"  &
        "127  (BC_1,       FRAMEN,       output3,   X,       5,      0,     Z),"  &
        "126  (BC_4,        CBEN2,         input,   X),"  &
        "125  (BC_1,        CBEN2,       output3,   X,       13,     0,     Z),"  &
        "124  (BC_4,         AD16,         input,   X),"  &
        "123  (BC_1,         AD16,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "122  (BC_4,         AD17,         input,   X),"  &
        "121  (BC_1,         AD17,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "120  (BC_4,         AD18,         input,   X),"  &
        "119  (BC_1,         AD18,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "118  (BC_4,         AD19,         input,   X),"  &
        "117  (BC_1,         AD19,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "116  (BC_4,         AD20,         input,   X),"  &
        "115  (BC_1,         AD20,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "114  (BC_4,         AD21,         input,   X),"  &
        "113  (BC_1,         AD21,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "112  (BC_4,         AD22,         input,   X),"  &
        "111  (BC_1,         AD22,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "110  (BC_4,         AD23,         input,   X),"  &
        "109  (BC_1,         AD23,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "108  (BC_4,        IDSEL,         input,   X),"  &
        "107  (BC_1,        IDSEL,       output3,   X,        4,     0,     Z),"  &
        "106  (BC_4,        CBEN3,         input,   X),"  &
        "105  (BC_1,        CBEN3,       output3,   X,       13,     0,     Z),"  &
        "104  (BC_4,         AD24,         input,   X),"  &
        "103  (BC_1,         AD24,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "102  (BC_4,         AD25,         input,   X),"  &
        "101  (BC_1,         AD25,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "100  (BC_4,         AD26,         input,   X),"  &
        "99   (BC_1,         AD26,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "98   (BC_4,         AD27,         input,   X),"  &
        "97   (BC_1,         AD27,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "96   (BC_4,         AD28,         input,   X),"  &
        "95   (BC_1,         AD28,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "94   (BC_4,         AD29,         input,   X),"  &
        "93   (BC_1,         AD29,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "92   (BC_4,         AD30,         input,   X),"  &
        "91   (BC_1,         AD30,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "90   (BC_4,         AD31,         input,   X),"  &
        "89   (BC_1,         AD31,       output3,   X,       15,     0,     Z),"  &
        "88   (BC_4,         REQN,         input,   X),"  &
        "87   (BC_1,         REQN,       output3,   X,        3,     0,     Z),"  &
        "86   (BC_4,         GNTN,         input,   X),"  &
        "85   (BC_1,         GNTN,       output3,   X,        2,     0,     Z),"  &
        "84   (BC_4,        INTAN,         input,   X),"  &
        "83   (BC_1,        INTAN,       output3,   X,        1,     0,     Z),"  &
        "82   (BC_4,        INTBN,         input,   X),"  &
        "81   (BC_1,        INTBN,       output3,   X,        0,     0,     Z),"  &
        "80   (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "79   (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "78   (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "77   (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "76   (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "75   (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "74   (BC_4,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "73   (BC_1,            *,            internal,   X),"  &
        "72   (BC_4,       PCICLK,         input,   X),"  &
        "71   (BC_4,       RESETN,         input,   X),"  &

-- Output and Bidirectional Contr,l Cells
        "70   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- CRS_BS Enable  
        "69   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- COL_BS Enable  
        "68   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- TXD3_BS Enable  
        "67   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- TXD2_BS Enable  
        "66   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- TXD1_BS Enable  
        "65   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- TXD0_BS Enable  
        "64   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- TX_EN_BS Enable  
        "63   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- TX_CLK_BS Enable  
        "62   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- TX_ER_BS Enable  
        "61   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- RX_ER_BS Enable  
        "60   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- RX_CLK_BS Enable  
        "59   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- MODE_BS Enable  
        "58   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- GPIO3_BS Enable  
        "57   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- RX_DV_BS Enable  
        "56   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- RXD0_BS Enable  
        "55   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- RXD1_BS Enable  
        "54   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- RXD2_BS Enable  
        "53   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- RXD3_BS Enable  
        "52   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- MDC_BS Enable  
        "51   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- MDIO_BS Enable  
        "50   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- TESTOUT_BS Enable  
        "49   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- ZMODE_BS Enable  
        "48   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- MAD_BS Enable  
        "47   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- MWE_BS Enable  
        "46   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- GPIO4_BS Enable  
        "45   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- GPIO2_BS Enable  
        "44   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- GPIO1_BS Enable  
        "43   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- GPIO0_BS Enable  
        "42   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD12_BS Enable  
        "41   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD13_BS Enable  
        "40   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD14_BS Enable  
        "39   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD15_BS Enable  
        "38   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SDP1_BS Enable  
        "37   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD0_BS Enable  
        "36   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD1_BS Enable  
        "35   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD2_BS Enable  
        "34   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD3_BS Enable  
        "33   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD4_BS Enable  
        "32   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD5_BS Enable  
        "31   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD6_BS Enable  
        "30   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD7_BS Enable  
        "29   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SDP0_BS Enable  
        "28   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SATN_BS Enable  
        "27   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SBSY_BS Enable  
        "26   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SACK_BS Enable  
        "25   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SRST_BS Enable  
        "24   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SMSG_BS Enable  
        "23   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SSEL_BS Enable  
        "22   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SCD_BS Enable  
        "21   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SREQ_BS Enable  
        "20   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SIO_BS Enable  
        "19   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD8_BS Enable  
        "18   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD9_BS Enable  
        "17   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD10_BS Enable  
        "16   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- SD11_BS Enable  
        "15   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- AD_BS Enable_31_7  
        "14   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- AD_BS Enable_6_0  
        "13   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- CBEN_BS Enable  
        "12   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- PAR_BS Enable  
        "11   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- SERR_BS Enable  
        "10   (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- PERR_BS Enable  
        "9    (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- STOP_BS Enable  
        "8    (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- DEVSEL_BS Enable  
        "7    (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- TRDY_BS Enable  
        "6    (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- IRDY_BS Enable  
        "5    (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- FRAME_BS Enable  
        "4    (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- IDSEL_BS Enable  
        "3    (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- REQ_BS Enable  
        "2    (BC_1,*  ,                control,        0),"     &     -- GNT_BS Enable  
        "1    (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1),"     &     -- INTA_BS Enable  
        "0    (BC_1,*  ,                control,        1)";           -- INTB_BS Enable  

-- =================================================================================
--                         RESET CONTROL DESIGN WARNING
-- =================================================================================

attribute DESIGN_WARNING of SYM_53C885Q160 : entity is

        "Asserting RSTN low (0) will tri-state the SCSI bus output drivers " &
        "regardless of the state of the control cells for the SCSI output "  &
        "drivers. This behavior is required in the SCSI specification. ";

END SYM_53C885Q160;

-- ================================= END BSDL ======================================