BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: SA110

--      SA-110.bsdl
--	The BSDL Description for SA-110 IEEE 1149.1 Circuits
--      Validated by Corelis (562)926-6727, 08-APR-1999

entity SA110 is				     		     -- (ref B.8)
    generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP: string:= "TQFP_144");         -- (ref B.8.2)
    port(						     -- (ref B.8.3)
	    MSE                 :linkage      bit;
  	    ABE                 :linkage      bit;
	    MCLK                :linkage      bit;
  	    SNA                 :in	      bit;
	    CONFIG              :in           bit;
            NMREQ               :out          bit;
            NRW                 :out          bit;          -- line 15
            SEQ                 :out	      bit;
            CLF                 :out          bit;
            LOCK                :out          bit;
	    MCCFG               :in           bit_vector (2 downto 0);
	    CCCFG               :in           bit_vector (3 downto 0);
            RSTOUT              :out          bit;
            MAS                 :out          bit_vector (1 downto 0);
            A                   :out          bit_vector (31 downto 0);
	    SPDF                :in           bit;
	    APE			:in           bit;
	    ABORT               :in           bit;
            NMCLK               :out          bit;
	    NWAIT               :in           bit;
	    CLK                 :in           bit;
	    TESTBYP             :in           bit;
	    TESTCLK             :in           bit;
	    NRESET              :in           bit;
	    FIQ                 :in           bit;
	    IRQ                 :in           bit;
            D                   :inout        bit_vector (31 downto 0);
	    DBE                 :in           bit;
	    PWRSLP              :linkage      bit;
	    TRST                :in           bit;
	    TCK                 :in           bit;
	    TDI                 :in           bit;
	    TDO                 :out          bit;
	    TMS                 :in           bit;
	    VDD                 :linkage      bit_vector(8 downto 0);
	    VSS                 :linkage      bit_vector(7 downto 0);
	    VDDX                :linkage      bit_vector(9 downto 0);
	    VSSX                :linkage      bit_vector(9 downto 0);
	    NC                  :linkage      bit_vector(4 downto 0)
	) ;

use STD_1149_1_1994.all ;			-- (ref B.8.4)
-- changed to 1990 for Teradyne Victory compiler  -- "COMPILERSENSITIVE"
-- use STD_1149_1_1990.all ;                         -- "COMPILERSENSITIVE"

attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of SA110: entity is "STD_1149_1_1993";  -- (ref B.8.6)
attribute PIN_MAP of SA110 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP ;		-- (ref B.8.7)
constant TQFP_144 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
    "MSE:                56,						    " &
    "CONFIG:             57,						    " &
    "NMREQ:              58,						    " &
    "SEQ:                59,						    " &
    "CLF:                60,						    " &
    "LOCK:               61,						    " &
    "NRW:                62,						    " &
    "SPDF:               65,						    " &
    "MCCFG:              (68, 67, 66),					    " &
    "CCCFG:              (70, 69, 138, 139),				    " &
    "RSTOUT:		 71,						    " &
    "ABE:                72,						    " &
    "MAS:                (74, 73),					    " &
    "A:                  (120, 119, 118, 117, 116, 115, 112, 111, 110, 109, " &
    "                     108, 107, 106, 101, 100,  99,  98,  97,  96,  95, " &
    "                      94,  89,  88,  87,  86,  85,  84,  83,  82,  77, " &
    "                      76,  75),                                        " &
    "APE:                121,						    " &
    "ABORT:              122,						    " &
    "MCLK:               123,						    " &
    "NMCLK:              124,						    " &
    "NWAIT:              127,						    " &
    "CLK:                128,						    " &
    "TESTBYP:		 130,						    " &
    "TESTCLK:            131,						    " &
    "NRESET:             141,						    " &
    "SNA:                142,						    " &
    "FIQ:                143,						    " &
    "IRQ:                144,						    " &
    "D:                  ( 47,  46,  45,  44,  41,  40,  39,  38,  37,  35, " &
    "                      34,  33,  28,  27,  26,  25,  24,  23,  22,  21, " &
    "                      16,  15,  14,  13,  12,  11,  10,   9,   4,   3, " &
    "                       2,   1),                                        " &
    "DBE:                36,						    " &
    "PWRSLP:             140,						    " &
    "TRST:		 50,						    " &
    "TCK:                52,						    " &
    "TDI:                49,						    " &
    "TDO:                48,						    " &
    "TMS:                51,						    " &
    "VDD:                (  5,  20,  32,  55,  81,  90, 105, 129, 133),     " &
    "VSS:                (  6,  19,  31,  54,  80,  91, 104, 132),          " &
    "VDDX:               (  8,  17,  29,  43,  64,  78,  93, 102, 114, 126)," &
    "VSSX:               (  7,  18,  30,  42,  63,  79,  92, 103, 113, 125)," &
    "NC:                 ( 53, 134, 135, 136, 137)";

attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (16.60e6, LOW);	-- (Ref B.8.9)
attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI : signal is TRUE;
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO : signal is TRUE;
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS : signal is TRUE;
attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of TRST : signal is TRUE;

--attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of SA110 : entity is		-- (Ref B.8.10)."COMPILERSENSITIVE"
--    "(PWRSLP), (1)" ;						--comment out if unsupported by compiler

attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of SA110 : entity is 5 ;	  -- (Ref B.8.11)
attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of SA110 : entity is
    "EXTEST	    (00000),"	&
    "SAMPLE	    (00001),"	&
    "CLAMP	    (00100),"	&
    "HIGHZ	    (00101),"	&
    "IDCODE	    (00110),"	&
    "BYPASS	    (11111)"	;
attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of SA110 : entity is "00001"  ;
-- attribute INSTRUCTION_PRIVATE of SA110 : entity is "Private";	-- "COMPILERSENSITIVE" Comment out
								-- if unsupported by the compile
-- ID Register Description
attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of SA110: entity is
	"0011" &             --  Version    Changed from 0010 to 0011 10/7/97 RJW
	"0001000000101100" & --  Part Number
	"00000110101" &      --  Manufacturer
	"1";                 --  Mandatory LSB

attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of SA110 : entity is			-- (ref B.8.13)
    "BOUNDARY (EXTEST, SAMPLE)," &				-- Redundant. Added for completeness
    "BYPASS   (BYPASS, HIGHZ, CLAMP)";			-- ditto
--    "DIE_ID[32] (DIE_ID)";

attribute  BOUNDARY_LENGTH of SA110 : entity is 130 ;		-- (ref B.8.14)
attribute  BOUNDARY_REGISTER of SA110 : entity is
  -- scan   cell                                   cntr  disable disable
  -- cell   type   port             function safe  cell  value   state
    "0    (BC_1, D(31),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "1    (BC_4, D(31),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "2    (BC_1, D(30),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "3    (BC_4, D(30),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "4    (BC_1, D(29),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "5    (BC_4, D(29),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "6    (BC_1, D(28),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "7    (BC_4, D(28),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "8    (BC_1, D(27),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "9    (BC_4, D(27),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "10   (BC_1, D(26),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "11   (BC_4, D(26),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "12   (BC_1, D(25),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "13   (BC_4, D(25),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "14   (BC_1, D(24),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "15   (BC_4, D(24),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "16   (BC_1, D(23),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "17   (BC_4, D(23),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "18   (BC_4, DBE,               INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "19   (BC_2, *,                 CONTROL, x),                       " & -- bc_7
    "20   (BC_1, D(22),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "21   (BC_4, D(22),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "22   (BC_1, D(21),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "23   (BC_4, D(21),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "24   (BC_1, D(20),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "25   (BC_4, D(20),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "26   (BC_1, D(19),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "27   (BC_4, D(19),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "28   (BC_1, D(18),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "29   (BC_4, D(18),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "30   (BC_1, D(17),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "31   (BC_4, D(17),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "32   (BC_1, D(16),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "33   (BC_4, D(16),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "34   (BC_1, D(15),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "35   (BC_4, D(15),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "36   (BC_1, D(14),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "37   (BC_4, D(14),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "38   (BC_1, D(13),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "39   (BC_4, D(13),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "40   (BC_1, D(12),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "41   (BC_4, D(12),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "42   (BC_1, D(11),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "43   (BC_4, D(11),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "44   (BC_1, D(10),             OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "45   (BC_4, D(10),             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "46   (BC_1, D(9),              OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "47   (BC_4, D(9),              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "48   (BC_1, D(8),              OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "49   (BC_4, D(8),              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "50   (BC_1, D(7),              OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "51   (BC_4, D(7),              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "52   (BC_1, D(6),              OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "53   (BC_4, D(6),              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "54   (BC_1, D(5),              OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "55   (BC_4, D(5),              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "56   (BC_1, D(4),              OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "57   (BC_4, D(4),              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "58   (BC_1, D(3),              OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "59   (BC_4, D(3),              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "60   (BC_1, D(2),              OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "61   (BC_4, D(2),              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "62   (BC_1, D(1),              OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "63   (BC_4, D(1),              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "64   (BC_1, D(0),              OUTPUT3, x,     19,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "65   (BC_4, D(0),              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "66   (BC_4, IRQ,               INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "67   (BC_4, FIQ,               INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "68   (BC_4, SNA,               INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "68   (BC_2, *,                 control, 1),                       " &
    "69   (BC_4, NRESET,            INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "70   (BC_4, CCCFG(0),          INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "71   (BC_4, CCCFG(1),          INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "72   (BC_4, TESTCLK,           INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "73   (BC_4, TESTBYP,           INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "74   (BC_4, CLK,               INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "75   (BC_4, NWAIT,             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "76   (BC_1, NMCLK,             OUTPUT3, x,     68,   0,     Z  ), " &  -- was BC_4
    "77   (BC_4, *,                 internal,x),                       " &
    "78   (BC_4, *,                 internal,x),                       " &
    "79   (BC_4, ABORT,             INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "80   (BC_4, APE,               INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "81   (BC_1, A(31),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "82   (BC_1, A(30),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "83   (BC_1, A(29),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "84   (BC_1, A(28),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "85   (BC_1, A(27),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "86   (BC_1, A(26),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "87   (BC_1, A(25),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "88   (BC_1, A(24),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "89   (BC_1, A(23),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "90   (BC_1, A(22),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "91   (BC_1, A(21),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "92   (BC_1, A(20),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "93   (BC_1, A(19),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "94   (BC_1, A(18),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "95   (BC_1, A(17),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "96   (BC_1, A(16),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "97   (BC_1, A(15),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "98   (BC_1, A(14),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "99   (BC_1, A(13),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "100  (BC_1, A(12),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "101  (BC_1, A(11),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "102  (BC_1, A(10),             OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "103  (BC_1, A(9),              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "104  (BC_1, A(8),              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "105  (BC_1, A(7),              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "106  (BC_1, A(6),              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "107  (BC_1, A(5),              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "108  (BC_1, A(4),              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "109  (BC_1, A(3),              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "110  (BC_1, A(2),              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "111  (BC_1, A(1),              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "112  (BC_1, A(0),              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "113  (BC_1, MAS(1),            OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "114  (BC_1, MAS(0),            OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "115  (BC_2, *,                 control, x),                       " &
    "116  (BC_1, RSTOUT,            OUTPUT2, x),                       " & 
    "117  (BC_4, CCCFG(3),          INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "118  (BC_4, CCCFG(2),          INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "119  (BC_4, MCCFG(2),          INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "120  (BC_4, MCCFG(1),          INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "121  (BC_4, MCCFG(0),          INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "122  (BC_4, SPDF,              INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "123  (BC_1, NRW,               OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "124  (BC_1, LOCK,              OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "125  (BC_1, CLF,               OUTPUT3, x,    115,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "126  (BC_1, SEQ,               OUTPUT3, x,    129,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "127  (BC_1, NMREQ,             OUTPUT3, x,    129,   0,     Z  ), " &
    "128  (BC_4, CONFIG,            INPUT,   x),                       " &
    "129  (BC_2, *,                 control, x)                        " ;

  -- scan  cell   port             function  safe cntrl disable disable
  -- cell  type                                    cell value   state

attribute DESIGN_WARNING of SA110: entity is			-- (ref B.8.18)
    " 1.IEEE 1149.1 circuits on SA110 are designed        		" &
    "   primarily to support testing in off-line module	      		" &
    "   manufacturing environment. The SAMPLE/PRELOAD 	      		" &
    "   instruction support is designed primarily for             	" &
    "   supporting interconnection  verification test and not      	" &
    "   for at-speed samples of pin data.			     	" &
    " 2.Ensure to drive PWRSLP to logic 1, or else the chip will sleep! " &
    " 3.MCLK is on the BSR at cells 77 (input) and 78 (output), but	" &
    "   the control cells for MCLK is not 1149.1 complient.  Therefore  " &
    "   this signal is best described as a linkage pin.  However, be 	" &
    "   warned that MCLK will drive OUT whenever SNA is logic 1.   	" &
    "   If your design can not tolerate MCLK turning on when JTAG vectors " &
    "   are ran, you must constrain your JTAG pattern generator by keeping " &
    "   input SNA always logic 0.  If your design ties SNA to Vss, then " &
    "   MCLK will never drive out.  					";
end SA110;