BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: Yavapai_Processor

-- Copyright Intel Corporation 1993
-- Intel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products
-- and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in
-- this document nor does it make a commitment to update the information 
-- contained herein.
-- Boundary-Scan Description Language (BSDL Version 0.0) is a de-facto
-- standard means of describing essential features of ANSI/IEEE 1149.1-1990 
-- compliant devices.  This language is under consideration by the IEEE for 
-- formal inclusion within a supplement to the 1149.1-1990 standard.  The
-- generation of the supplement entails an extensive IEEE review and a formal 
-- acceptance balloting procedure which may cP2Pnge the resultant form of the 
-- language.  Be aware tP2Pt this process may extend well into 1993, and at
-- this time the IEEE does not endorse or hold an opinion on the language. 
-- i960 (TM) Processor BSDL Model
-- Project code Yavapai
-- File **NOT** verified electrically
-- ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Rev 0.0	14 Nov 1995
-- Rev 1.0      14 APR 1998
-- added lcdinitz, 

entity Yavapai_Processor is
   generic(PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string:= "BGA");

   port (
	C_A            : in          bit_vector(0 to 15);
	C_ABORT        : out         bit;
	C_ADSZ         : in          bit; 
	C_CLK          : out         bit;     
	C_DVALID       : out         bit;
	C_FIQZ         : out         bit;
	C_IRQZ         : out         bit; 
	C_LOCK         : in          bit;
	C_RESETZ       : out         bit;
	C_WnRZ         : inout       bit;
	DCLK           : out         bit_vector(0 to 3);
	DCLKIN         : in          bit; 
	DCLKOUT        : out         bit;
	DQ             : inout       bit_vector(0 to 63);
	GPIO           : inout       bit_vector(0 to 7);
	IRQZ           : in          bit_vector(0 to 3); 
	I_RSTZ         : out         bit;
	NC1            : in          bit;
	PWRDELAY       : in          bit;
	P_ACK64Z       : inout       bit;
	P_AD           : inout       bit_vector(0 to 63); 
	P_CBEZ         : inout       bit_vector(0 to 7); 
	P_CLK          : in          bit; 
	P_DEVSELZ      : inout       bit;
	P_FRAMEZ       : inout       bit;
	P_GNTZ         : in          bit;
	P_IDSEL        : in          bit;
	P_INTZ         : out         bit_vector(0 to 3);      
	P_IRDYZ        : inout       bit; 
	P_LOCKZ        : in          bit;
	P_M66EN        : in          bit;
	P_PAR          : inout       bit;
	P_PAR64        : inout       bit;
	P_PERRZ        : inout       bit;
	P_REQZ         : out         bit;
	P_REQ64Z       : inout       bit;
	P_RSTZ         : in          bit; 
	P_SERRZ        : inout       bit; 
	P_STOPZ        : inout       bit;  
	P_TRDYZ        : inout       bit;
	RAD            : inout       bit_vector(0 to 16);
	RALE           : out         bit;
	RCEZ           : out         bit_vector(0 to 1); 
	ROEZ           : out         bit; 
	RWEZ           : out         bit;
	R_CLKIN        : in          bit;
	R_CLKOUT       : out         bit;
	SA             : out         bit_vector(0 to 13);
	SBA            : out         bit_vector(0 to 1); 
	SCASZ          : out         bit;
	SCB            : inout       bit_vector(0 to 7);
	SCEZ           : out         bit_vector(0 to 1); 
	SCKE           : out         bit_vector(0 to 1);
	SCL            : inout       bit;
	SDA            : inout       bit;
	SDQM           : out         bit_vector(0 to 7);
	SRASZ          : out         bit; 
	SWEZ           : out         bit;
	S_ACK64Z       : inout       bit;
	S_AD           : inout       bit_vector(0 to 63);
	S_CBEZ         : inout       bit_vector(0 to 7); 
	S_CLK          : out         bit_vector(0 to 5);
	S_DEVSELZ      : inout       bit;
	S_FRAMEZ       : inout       bit;
	S_GNTZ         : out         bit_vector(0 to 5); 
	S_HOLDZ        : in          bit;  
	S_HOLDAZ       : out         bit;
	S_IRDYZ        : inout       bit;
	S_LOCKZ        : inout       bit;
	S_M66EN        : in          bit;
	S_PAR          : inout       bit;
	S_PAR64        : inout       bit;
	S_PERRZ        : inout       bit;
	S_REQZ         : in          bit_vector(0 to 5);
	S_REQ64Z       : inout       bit; 
	S_RSTZ         : out         bit;
	S_SERRZ        : inout       bit;
	S_STOPZ        : inout       bit;
	S_TRDYZ        : inout       bit;
	TCK            : in          bit;
	TDI            : in          bit;
	TDO            : out         bit;
	TMS            : in          bit;
	TRSTZ          : in          bit;

	VSS : linkage bit_vector(77 downto 0);	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez(
       	VCC : linkage bit_vector(75 downto 0);	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
       	VCC5REF : linkage bit;			-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	VREF_P : linkage bit;			-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	VREF_S : linkage bit;			-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	VCCPLL1 : linkage bit;			-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	VCCPLL2 : linkage bit;			-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	VCCPLL3 : linkage bit			-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 


   use STD_1149_1_1990.all;
   use i960P2P_a.all;

   attribute PIN_MAP of Yavapai_Processor : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
    constant BGA:PIN_MAP_STRING :=

	"C_A            : (N32, N31, N29, N28, M32, M30, L32, L31,"&
	"                  L29, L28, K32, K29, K28, J32, J29, G28),"&          
	"C_ABORT        : J28,"&
	"C_ADSZ         : P30,"&
	"C_CLK          : H32,"&
	"C_DVALID       : H30,"&
	"C_FIQZ         : R29,"&
	"C_IRQZ         : R31,"&
	"C_LOCK         : P32,"&
	"C_RESETZ       : R28,"&
	"C_WnRZ         : P29,"&
	"DCLK           : (F32, F30, G32, G31),"&
	"DCLKIN         : E17,"&
	"DCLKOUT        : H28,"&
	"DQ             : (D32, D30, C32, A30, A29, A28, B28, A27,"&
	"                  C27, A26, B26, A25, A24, B24, A23, C23,"&
	"                  C13, A12, B12, A11, C11, B10, A9, A8,"&
	"                  B8, A7, C7, A6, B6, A5, A4, A3,"&
	"                  G29, F29, E29, E32, E31, B30, B29, C29,"&
	"                  D28, E28, D27, E27, D26, E26, C25, E25,"&
	"                  D12, E12, D11, E11, D10, E10, C9, E9,"&
	"                  D8, E8, E7, D6, E6, B5, C5, B3),"&
	"GPIO           : (W32, W31, W29, V30, V29, U32, U31, U29),"&
	"IRQZ           : (U28, T32, T30, R32),"&
	"I_RSTZ         : T28,"&
	"NC1            : V32,"&
	"PWRDELAY       : K30,"&
	"P_ACK64Z       : AM21,"&
	"P_AD           : (AH18, AL19, AK18, AM19, AJ17, AL18, AH16, AM18,"&
	"                  AL17, AH15, AK16, AJ15, AM16, AH14, AL15, AK14,"&
	"                  AH11, AM11, AJ11, AL10, AH10, AM10, AK10, AL9,"&
	"                  AJ9, AM8, AH8, AL7, AK8, AM7, AH7, AM6,"&
	"                  AH28, AL30, AJ28, AM30, AH27, AL29, AJ27, AM29,"&
	"                  AH26, AK28, AK26, AM28, AH25, AL27, AJ25, AM27,"&
	"                  AH24, AM26, AJ24, AL25, AH23, AM25, AJ23, AK24,"&
	"                  AH22, AM24, AK22, AL23, AH21, AM23, AJ21, AL22),"&
	"P_CBEZ         : (AJ16, AM15, AL11, AM9, AM22, AK20, AL21, AH19),"&
	"P_CLK          : AH17,"&
	"P_DEVSELZ      : AK12,"&
	"P_FRAMEZ       : AJ12,"&
	"P_GNTZ         : AJ7,"&
	"P_IDSEL        : AH9,"&
	"P_INTZ        : (AL5, AM3, AL6, AM4),"&
	"P_IRDYZ        : AM12,"&
	"P_LOCKZ        : AM13,"&
	"P_M66EN        : AM17,"&
	"P_PAR          : AH13,"&
	"P_PAR64        : AH20,"&
	"P_PERRZ        : AL13,"&
	"P_REQZ         : AM5,"&
	"P_REQ64Z       : AJ19,"&
	"P_RSTZ         : AK6,"&
	"P_SERRZ        : AM14,"&
	"P_STOPZ        : AJ13,"&
	"P_TRDYZ        : AH12,"&
	"RAD            : (AC31, AC29, AC28, AB32, AB30, AB29, AB28, AA32,"&
	"                  Y28, AF29, AE32, AE31, AE28, AD32, AD30, AD28, AC32),"&
	"RALE           : AF32,"&
	"RCEZ           : (AG32, AG31),"&
	"ROEZ           : AG28,"&
	"RWEZ           : AF30,"&
	"R_CLKIN        : AH2,"&
	"R_CLKOUT       : AG2,"&
	"SA             : (C19, E21, A18, D20, B18, E20, A17, E19,"&
	"                  A16, D18, B16, C17, D16, D14),"&
	"SBA            : (E18, A15),"&
	"SCASZ          : D23,"&
	"SCB            : (A22, B22, B14, A13, D24, E24, E14, E13),"&
	"SCEZ           : (A19, E22),"&
	"SCKE           : (E16, A10),"&
	"SCL            : AJ29,"&
	"SDA            : AK31,"&
	"SDQM           : (A20, B20, C15, A14, E23, D22, D15, E15),"&
	"SRASZ          : C21,"&
	"SWEZ           : A21,"&
	"S_ACK64Z       : M1,"&
	"S_AD           : (P5, M2, R4, N1, R5, N2, T3, P1,"&
	"                  P3, U4, R2, U5, T1, V4, T2, V5,"&
	"                  AA4, Y2, AA5, AA1, AB4, AA2, AB5, AB1,"&
	"                  AC4, AC1, AC5, AC2, AD3, AD1, AD5, AD2,"&
	"                  D3, C1, D4, C2, E4, D1, E5, D2,"&
	"                  F4, E1, F5, E2, G4, F1, G5, F3,"&
	"                  H3, G1, H5, G2, J4, H1, J5, H2,"&
	"                  K4, J1, K5, J2, L4, K1, L5, K3),"&
	"S_CBEZ         : (T5, U1, Y1, AB3, L1, M5, L2, N4),"&
	"S_CLK          : (AF3, AF1, AF4, AG1, AF5, AH1),"&
	"S_DEVSELZ      : W1,"&
	"S_FRAMEZ       : Y5,"&
	"S_GNTZ         : (AE2, AG5, AH3, AH5, AJ5, AL3),"&
	"S_HOLDZ        : AE5,"&
	"S_HOLDAZ       : AE1,"&
	"S_IRDYZ        : W2,"&
	"S_LOCKZ        : V3,"&
	"S_M66EN        : R1,"&
	"S_PAR          : W4,"&
	"S_PAR64        : M3,"&
	"S_PERRZ        : V1,"&
	"S_REQZ         : (AK2, AJ1, AG4, AJ4, AK4, AH6),"&
	"S_REQ64Z       : N5,"&
	"S_RSTZ         : AE4,"&
	"S_SERRZ        : U2,"&
	"S_STOPZ        : W5,"&
	"S_TRDYZ        : Y3,"&
	"TCK            : AK32,"&
	"TDI            : AJ32,"&
	"TDO            : AH32,"&
	"TMS            : AH31,"&
	"TRSTZ          : AH30,"&

	"VCC:  (B13, B25, C3, C4, C6, C8, C10, C12, C14, C16, C18, C20, " &	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"       C22, C24, C26, C28, C30, C31, D7, D19,E3, E30, G3, G30, " &	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"	J3, J30, J31, L3, L30, M28, N3, N30, P28, R3, R30, U3, " & 	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"	U30, V28, W3, W28, W30, Y30, AA3, AA28, AA29, AA30, AC3, " & 	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"	AC30, AE3, AE29, AE30, AF28, AG3, AG29, AG30, AJ3, AJ8, " & 	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"	AJ20, AJ30, AK3, AK5, AK7, AK9, AK11, AK13, AK15, AK17, " & 	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"	AK19, AK21, AK23, AK25, AK27, AK29, AK30, AL14, AL26), " &	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 

	"VSS: (	A1, A2, A31, A32, B1, B2, B4, B7, B9, B11, B15, B17, B19, " &	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez(  
	"	B21, B23, B27, B31, B32, D5, D9, D13, D17, D21, D25, D29, " &	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"	D31, F2, F31, H4, H29, H31, K2, K31, M4, M29, M31, P2, " &	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"	P31, T4, T29, T31, V2, V31, Y4, Y29, Y31, AB2, AB31, AD4, " &	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"	AD29, AD31, AF2, AF31, AH4, AH29, AJ2, AJ6, AJ10, AJ14, " &	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez(  
	"	AJ18, AJ22, AJ26, AJ31, AL1, AL2, AL4, AL8, AL12, AL16, " &	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez(  
	"	AL20, AL24, AL28, AL31, AL32, AM1, AM2, AM31, AM32), " &	-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez(  

	"VCC5REF: AA31, " &							-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"VREF_P: AM20, " &							-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"VREF_S: P4, " &							-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"VCCPLL1: F28, " &							-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"VCCPLL2: Y32, " &							-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 
	"VCCPLL3: AK1";								-- Added by Jordi Gonzalez( 

   attribute Tap_Scan_In    of  TDI   : signal is true;
   attribute Tap_Scan_Mode  of  TMS   : signal is true;
   attribute Tap_Scan_Out   of  TDO   : signal is true;
   attribute Tap_Scan_Reset of  TRSTZ  : signal is true;
   attribute Tap_Scan_Clock of  TCK   : signal is (16.0e6, BOTH);

   attribute Instruction_Length of Yavapai_Processor: entity is 4;

   attribute Instruction_Opcode of Yavapai_Processor: entity is

      "BYPASS	(1111)," &
      "EXTEST	(0000)," &
      "SAMPLE	(0001)," &
      "IDCODE	(0010)," &
      "RUBIST	(0111)," &
      "CLAMP	(0100)," &
      "HIGHZ	(1000)," &
      "Reserved	(1011, 1100, 0101, 0110)";

   attribute Instruction_Capture of Yavapai_Processor: entity is "0001";

   attribute Instruction_Private of Yavapai_Processor: entity is "Reserved" ;

   attribute Idcode_Register of Yavapai_Processor: entity is
      "0001"                  &  --version,                      
      "1000100001111101"      &  --part number   
      "00000001001"           &  --manufacturers identity
      "1";                       --required by the standard

   attribute Register_Access of Yavapai_Processor: entity is
	"Rubist[1]	(RUBIST)," &					--changed from Runbist[1] to Rubist[1]!!
	"Bypass		(CLAMP, HIGHZ)";

--{  The first cell, cell 0, is closest to TDO                        }
--{  BC_1:Control, Output3  BC_4: Input, Clock          }
--{  CBSC_1: Bidirectional, CBSC_2: Bidirectional_in, CBSC_3: Bidirectional_out } 

   attribute Boundary_Cells of Yavapai_Processor: entity is "BC_4, BC_1, CBSC_1, CBSC_2, CBSC_3";
   attribute Boundary_Length of Yavapai_Processor: entity is 456;
   attribute Boundary_Register of Yavapai_Processor: entity is

     -- #   cell         name          function    safe bit control disable   disable
     --     type                                            signal   value    result
     "0     (CBSC_1,      scl,           bidir,    X,  1,    1,  Z)," & 
     "1     (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "2     (CBSC_1,      sda,           bidir,    X,  3,    1,  Z)," & 
     "3     (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "4     (BC_1,        rale,          output3,  X,  111,  1,  Z)," & 
     "5     (BC_1,        roez,          output3,  X,  111,  1,  Z)," & 
     "6     (CBSC_1,      rad(15),       bidir,    X,  7,    0,  Z)," & 
     "7     (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "8     (BC_1,        rcez(1),       output3,  X,  9,    0,  Z)," & 
     "9     (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "10    (BC_1,        rcez(0),       output3,  X,  11,   0,  Z)," & 
     "11    (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "12    (CBSC_1,      rad(6),        bidir,    X,  28,   1,  Z)," & 
     "13    (BC_1,        rwez,          output3,  X,  111,  1,  Z)," & 
     "14    (CBSC_1,      rad(9),        bidir,    X,  18,   0,  Z)," & 
     "15    (CBSC_1,      rad(10),       bidir,    X,  16,   0,  Z)," & 
     "16    (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "17    (CBSC_1,      rad(11),       bidir,    X,  18,   0,  Z)," & 
     "18    (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "19    (CBSC_1,      rad(13),       bidir,    X,  20,   0,  Z)," & 
     "20    (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "21    (CBSC_1,      rad(12),       bidir,    X,  22,   0,  Z)," & 
     "22    (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "23    (CBSC_1,      rad(8),        bidir,    X,  28,   1,  Z)," & 
     "24    (CBSC_1,      rad(14),       bidir,    X,  25,   0,  Z)," & 
     "25    (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "26    (CBSC_1,      rad(2),        bidir,    X,  28,   1,  Z)," & 
     "27    (CBSC_1,      rad(1),        bidir,    X,  28,   1,  Z)," & 
     "28    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "29    (CBSC_1,      rad(16),       bidir,    X,  30,   0,  Z)," & 
     "30    (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "31    (CBSC_1,      rad(0),        bidir,    X,  28,   1,  Z)," & 
     "32    (CBSC_1,      rad(5),        bidir,    X,  28,   1,  Z)," & 
     "33    (CBSC_1,      rad(4),        bidir,    X,  28,   1,  Z)," & 
     "34    (CBSC_1,      rad(3),        bidir,    X,  28,   1,  Z)," & 
     "35    (BC_4,        nc1,           input,    X)," &  
     "36    (CBSC_1,      rad(7),        bidir,    X,  28,   1,  Z)," & 
     "37    (CBSC_1,      GPIO(0),       bidir,    X,  38,   1,  Z)," & 
     "38    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "39    (CBSC_1,      GPIO(1),       bidir,    X,  40,   1,  Z)," & 
     "40    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "41    (CBSC_1,      GPIO(2),       bidir,    X,  42,   1,  Z)," & 
     "42    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "43    (BC_1,        i_rstz,        output3,  X,  111,  1,  Z)," & 
     "44    (CBSC_1,      GPIO(3),       bidir,    X,  45,   1,  Z)," & 
     "45    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "46    (CBSC_1,      GPIO(4),       bidir,    X,  47,   1,  Z)," & 
     "47    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "48    (CBSC_1,      GPIO(5),       bidir,    X,  49,   1,  Z)," & 
     "49    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "50    (CBSC_1,      GPIO(6),       bidir,    X,  51,   1,  Z)," & 
     "51    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "52    (CBSC_1,      GPIO(7),       bidir,    X,  53,   1,  Z)," & 
     "53    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "54    (BC_4,        irqz(0),       input,    X)," &  
     "55    (BC_4,        irqz(1),       input,    X)," &  
     "56    (BC_4,        irqz(2),       input,    X)," &  
     "57    (BC_4,        irqz(3),       input,    X)," &  
     "58    (BC_1,        c_irqz,        output3,  X,  65,   1,  Z)," & 
     "59    (BC_1,        c_fiqz,        output3,  X,  65,   1,  Z)," & 
     "60    (BC_1,        c_resetz,      output3,  X,  65,   1,  Z)," & 
     "61    (BC_4,        c_lock,        input,    X)," &  
     "62    (BC_4,        c_adsz,        input,    X)," &  
     "63    (CBSC_1,      c_wnrz,        bidir,    X,  110,  1,  Z)," & 
     "64    (BC_4,        C_A(0),        input,    X)," &  
     "65    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "66    (BC_4,        C_A(1),        input,    X)," &  
     "67    (BC_4,        C_A(2),        input,    X)," &  
     "68    (BC_4,        C_A(3),        input,    X)," &  
     "69    (BC_4,        C_A(4),        input,    X)," &  
     "70    (BC_4,        C_A(5),        input,    X)," &  
     "71    (BC_4,        C_A(6),        input,    X)," &  
     "72    (BC_4,        C_A(7),        input,    X)," &  
     "73    (BC_4,        C_A(8),        input,    X)," &  
     "74    (BC_4,        C_A(9),        input,    X)," &  
     "75    (BC_4,        C_A(10),       input,    X)," &  
     "76    (BC_4,        C_A(15),       input,    X)," &  
     "77    (BC_4,        C_A(11),       input,    X)," &  
     "78    (BC_4,        C_A(13),       input,    X)," &  
     "79    (BC_4,        C_A(12),       input,    X)," &  
     "80    (BC_4,        C_A(14),       input,    X)," &  
     "81    (BC_4,        pwrdelay,      input,    X)," &  
     "82    (BC_1,        C_ABORT,       output3,  X,  65,   1,  Z)," & 
     "83    (BC_1,        C_DVALID,      output3,  X,  65,   1,  Z)," & 
     "84    (BC_1,        c_clk,         output3,  X,  85,   1,  Z)," & 
     "85    (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "86    (BC_1,        dclk(3),       output3,  X,  111,  1,  Z)," & 
     "87    (BC_1,        dclk(2),       output3,  X,  111,  1,  Z)," & 
     "88    (BC_1,        dclk(1),       output3,  X,  111,  1,  Z)," & 
     "89    (BC_1,        dclk(0),       output3,  X,  111,  1,  Z)," & 
     "90    (BC_1,        dclkout,       output3,  X,  111,  1,  Z)," & 
     "91    (CBSC_1,      dq(35),        bidir,    X,  95,   0,  Z)," & 
     "92    (CBSC_1,      dq(0),         bidir,    X,  93,   0,  Z)," & 
     "93    (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "94    (CBSC_1,      dq(32),        bidir,    X,  95,   0,  Z)," & 
     "95    (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "96    (CBSC_1,      dq(2),         bidir,    X,  93,   0,  Z)," & 
     "97    (CBSC_1,      dq(36),        bidir,    X,  95,   0,  Z)," & 
     "98    (CBSC_1,      dq(33),        bidir,    X,  95,   0,  Z)," & 
     "99    (CBSC_1,      dq(1),         bidir,    X,  93,   0,  Z)," & 
     "100   (CBSC_1,      dq(34),        bidir,    X,  95,   0,  Z)," & 
     "101   (CBSC_1,      dq(37),        bidir,    X,  95,   0,  Z)," & 
     "102   (CBSC_1,      dq(4),         bidir,    X,  93,   0,  Z)," & 
     "103   (CBSC_1,      dq(39),        bidir,    X,  95,   0,  Z)," & 
     "104   (CBSC_1,      dq(41),        bidir,    X,  95,   0,  Z)," & 
     "105   (CBSC_1,      dq(38),        bidir,    X,  95,   0,  Z)," & 
     "106   (CBSC_1,      dq(3),         bidir,    X,  93,   0,  Z)," & 
     "107   (CBSC_1,      dq(43),        bidir,    X,  108,  0,  Z)," & 
     "108   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "109   (CBSC_1,      dq(40),        bidir,    X,  95,   0,  Z)," & 
     "110   (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "111   (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "112   (CBSC_1,      dq(5),         bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "113   (CBSC_1,      dq(6),         bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "114   (CBSC_1,      dq(8),         bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "115   (CBSC_1,      dq(42),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "116   (CBSC_1,      dq(7),         bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "117   (CBSC_1,      dq(45),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "118   (CBSC_1,      dq(44),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "119   (CBSC_1,      dq(9),         bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "120   (CBSC_1,      dq(47),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "121   (CBSC_1,      dq(12),        bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "122   (CBSC_1,      dq(10),        bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "123   (CBSC_1,      dq(11),        bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "124   (CBSC_1,      dq(46),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "125   (CBSC_1,      dq(14),        bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "126   (CBSC_1,      dq(13),        bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "127   (CBSC_1,      scb(5),        bidir,    X,  200,  0,  Z)," & 
     "128   (CBSC_1,      dq(15),        bidir,    X,  202,  0,  Z)," & 
     "129   (CBSC_1,      scb(4),        bidir,    X,  200,  0,  Z)," & 
     "130   (BC_1,        sdqm(4),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "131   (BC_1,        scasz,         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "132   (CBSC_1,      scb(0),        bidir,    X,  200,  0,  Z)," & 
     "133   (BC_1,        swez,          output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "134   (CBSC_1,      scb(1),        bidir,    X,  200,  0,  Z)," & 
     "135   (BC_1,        sdqm(0),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "136   (BC_1,        scez(1),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "137   (BC_1,        sdqm(5),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "138   (BC_1,        sdqm(1),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "139   (BC_1,        scez(0),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "140   (BC_1,        sa(0),         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "141   (BC_1,        srasz,         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "142   (BC_1,        sa(1),         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "143   (BC_1,        sa(2),         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "144   (BC_1,        sa(4),         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "145   (BC_1,        sa(3),         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "146   (BC_1,        sa(5),         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "147   (BC_1,        sa(6),         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "148   (BC_1,        sa(8),         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "149   (BC_1,        sa(7),         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "150   (BC_1,        sa(9),         output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "151   (BC_1,        sba(0),        output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "152   (BC_1,        sa(11),        output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "153   (BC_1,        sa(10),        output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "154   (BC_1,        sba(1),        output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "155   (BC_4,        dclkin,        input,    X)," &  
     "156   (BC_1,        sa(12),        output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "157   (BC_1,        sdqm(2),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "158   (BC_1,        sdqm(3),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "159   (BC_1,        scke(0),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "160   (BC_1,        sdqm(6),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "161   (CBSC_1,      scb(2),        bidir,    X,  200,  0,  Z)," & 
     "162   (CBSC_1,      scb(3),        bidir,    X,  200,  0,  Z)," & 
     "163   (BC_1,        sdqm(7),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "164   (BC_1,        sa(13),        output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "165   (CBSC_1,      scb(6),        bidir,    X,  200,  0,  Z)," & 
     "166   (CBSC_1,      dq(16),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "167   (CBSC_1,      dq(17),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "168   (CBSC_1,      scb(7),        bidir,    X,  200,  0,  Z)," & 
     "169   (CBSC_1,      dq(48),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "170   (CBSC_1,      dq(18),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "171   (CBSC_1,      dq(49),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "172   (CBSC_1,      dq(19),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "173   (CBSC_1,      dq(50),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "174   (CBSC_1,      dq(20),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "175   (CBSC_1,      dq(51),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "176   (CBSC_1,      dq(21),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "177   (BC_1,        scke(1),       output3,  X,  205,  1,  Z)," & 
     "178   (CBSC_1,      dq(22),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "179   (CBSC_1,      dq(52),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "180   (CBSC_1,      dq(23),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "181   (CBSC_1,      dq(53),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "182   (CBSC_1,      dq(24),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "183   (CBSC_1,      dq(54),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "184   (CBSC_1,      dq(55),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "185   (CBSC_1,      dq(25),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "186   (CBSC_1,      dq(26),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "187   (CBSC_1,      dq(56),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "188   (CBSC_1,      dq(27),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "189   (CBSC_1,      dq(57),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "190   (CBSC_1,      dq(28),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "191   (CBSC_1,      dq(59),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "192   (CBSC_1,      dq(58),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "193   (CBSC_1,      dq(30),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "194   (CBSC_1,      dq(29),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "195   (CBSC_1,      dq(60),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "196   (CBSC_1,      dq(61),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "197   (CBSC_1,      dq(31),        bidir,    X,  201,  0,  Z)," & 
     "198   (CBSC_1,      dq(62),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "199   (CBSC_1,      dq(63),        bidir,    X,  204,  0,  Z)," & 
     "200   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "201   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "202   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
   --  "203   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &		--internal port only 
     "203   (BC_1,        *,             internal,  X)," &  		
     "204   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "205   (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "206   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(38),      bidir,    X,  325,  0,  Z)," & 
     "207   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(34),      bidir,    X,  325,  0,  Z)," & 
     "208   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(42),      bidir,    X,  325,  0,  Z)," & 
     "209   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(36),      bidir,    X,  325,  0,  Z)," & 
     "210   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(33),      bidir,    X,  325,  0,  Z)," & 
     "211   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(32),      bidir,    X,  325,  0,  Z)," & 
     "212   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(40),      bidir,    X,  325,  0,  Z)," & 
     "213   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(37),      bidir,    X,  325,  0,  Z)," & 
     "214   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(46),      bidir,    X,  324,  0,  Z)," & 
     "215   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(35),      bidir,    X,  324,  0,  Z)," & 
     "216   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(44),      bidir,    X,  324,  0,  Z)," & 
     "217   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(39),      bidir,    X,  324,  0,  Z)," & 
     "218   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(41),      bidir,    X,  324,  0,  Z)," & 
     "219   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(50),      bidir,    X,  324,  0,  Z)," & 
     "220   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(48),      bidir,    X,  324,  0,  Z)," & 
     "221   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(45),      bidir,    X,  324,  0,  Z)," & 
     "222   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(47),      bidir,    X,  323,  0,  Z)," & 
     "223   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(54),      bidir,    X,  323,  0,  Z)," & 
     "224   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(43),      bidir,    X,  323,  0,  Z)," & 
     "225   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(49),      bidir,    X,  323,  0,  Z)," & 
     "226   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(52),      bidir,    X,  323,  0,  Z)," & 
     "227   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(53),      bidir,    X,  323,  0,  Z)," & 
     "228   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(51),      bidir,    X,  323,  0,  Z)," & 
     "229   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(58),      bidir,    X,  323,  0,  Z)," & 
     "230   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(56),      bidir,    X,  322,  0,  Z)," & 
     "231   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(57),      bidir,    X,  322,  0,  Z)," & 
     "232   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(55),      bidir,    X,  322,  0,  Z)," & 
     "233   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(60),      bidir,    X,  322,  0,  Z)," & 
     "234   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(59),      bidir,    X,  322,  0,  Z)," & 
     "235   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(62),      bidir,    X,  322,  0,  Z)," & 
     "236   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(61),      bidir,    X,  322,  0,  Z)," & 
     "237   (CBSC_1,      s_cbez(5),     bidir,    X,  331,  0,  Z)," & 
     "238   (CBSC_1,      s_par64,       bidir,    X,  239,  0,  Z)," & 
     "239   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "240   (CBSC_1,      s_cbez(4),     bidir,    X,  331,  0,  Z)," & 
     "241   (CBSC_1,      s_req64z,      bidir,    X,  242,  0,  Z)," & 
     "242   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "243   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(63),      bidir,    X,  322,  0,  Z)," & 
     "244   (CBSC_1,      s_cbez(7),     bidir,    X,  331,  0,  Z)," & 
     "245   (CBSC_1,      s_ack64z,      bidir,    X,  246,  0,  Z)," & 
     "246   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "247   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(0),       bidir,    X,  329,  0,  Z)," & 
     "248   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(2),       bidir,    X,  329,  0,  Z)," & 
     "249   (CBSC_1,      s_cbez(6),     bidir,    X,  331,  0,  Z)," & 
     "250   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(8),       bidir,    X,  328,  0,  Z)," & 
     "251   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(3),       bidir,    X,  329,  0,  Z)," & 
     "252   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(4),       bidir,    X,  329,  0,  Z)," & 
     "253   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(7),       bidir,    X,  329,  0,  Z)," & 
     "254   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(1),       bidir,    X,  329,  0,  Z)," & 
     "255   (CBSC_1,      s_cbez(0),     bidir,    X,  330,  0,  Z)," & 
     "256   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(5),       bidir,    X,  329,  0,  Z)," &
     "257   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(6),       bidir,    X,  328,  0,  Z)," & 
     "258   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(10),      bidir,    X,  328,  0,  Z)," & 
     "259   (BC_4,        s_m66en,       input,    X)," &
     "260   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(12),      bidir,    X,  328,  0,  Z)," & 
     "261   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(11),      bidir,    X,  328,  0,  Z)," & 
     "262   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(9),       bidir,    X,  329,  0,  Z)," & 
     "263   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(14),      bidir,    X,  328,  0,  Z)," & 
     "264   (CBSC_1,      s_serrz,       bidir,    X,  265,  0,  Z)," & 
     "265   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "266   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(15),      bidir,    X,  328,  0,  Z)," & 
     "267   (CBSC_1,      s_cbez(1),     bidir,    X,  330,  0,  Z)," & 
     "268   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(13),      bidir,    X,  328,  0,  Z)," & 
     "269   (CBSC_1,      s_par,         bidir,    X,  270,  0,  Z)," & 
     "270   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "271   (CBSC_1,      s_stopz,       bidir,    X,  280,  0,  Z)," & 
     "272   (CBSC_1,      s_perrz,       bidir,    X,  273,  0,  Z)," & 
     "273   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "274   (CBSC_1,      s_lockz,       bidir,    X,  275,  0,  Z)," & 
     "275   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "276   (CBSC_1,      s_trdyz,       bidir,    X,  280,  0,  Z)," & 
     "277   (CBSC_1,      s_framez,      bidir,    X,  278,  0,  Z)," & 
     "278   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "279   (CBSC_1,      s_devselz,     bidir,    X,  280,  0,  Z)," & 
     "280   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "281   (CBSC_1,      s_irdyz,       bidir,    X,  282,  0,  Z)," & 
     "282   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "283   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(16),      bidir,    X,  327,  0,  Z)," & 
     "284   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(18),      bidir,    X,  327,  0,  Z)," & 
     "285   (CBSC_1,      s_cbez(2),     bidir,    X,  330,  0,  Z)," & 
     "286   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(17),      bidir,    X,  327,  0,  Z)," & 
     "287   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(20),      bidir,    X,  327,  0,  Z)," & 
     "288   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(21),      bidir,    X,  327,  0,  Z)," & 
     "289   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(19),      bidir,    X,  327,  0,  Z)," & 
     "290   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(24),      bidir,    X,  327,  0,  Z)," & 
     "291   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(22),      bidir,    X,  327,  0,  Z)," & 
     "292   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(26),      bidir,    X,  326,  0,  Z)," & 
     "293   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(23),      bidir,    X,  326,  0,  Z)," & 
     "294   (CBSC_1,      s_cbez(3),     bidir,    X,  330,  0,  Z)," & 
     "295   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(28),      bidir,    X,  326,  0,  Z)," & 
     "296   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(25),      bidir,    X,  326,  0,  Z)," & 
     "297   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(30),      bidir,    X,  326,  0,  Z)," & 
     "298   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(27),      bidir,    X,  326,  0,  Z)," & 
     "299   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(29),      bidir,    X,  326,  0,  Z)," & 
     "300   (CBSC_1,      s_ad(31),      bidir,    X,  326,  0,  Z)," & 
     "301   (BC_1,        s_rstz,        output3,  X,  333,  1,  Z)," & 
     "302   (BC_1,        s_holdaz,      output3,  X,  321,  0,  Z)," & 
     "303   (BC_4,        s_holdz,       input,    X)," &  
     "304   (BC_1,        s_gntz(0),     output3,  X,  321,  0,  Z)," & 
     "305   (BC_1,        s_clk(0),      output3,  X,  333,  1,  Z)," & 
     "306   (BC_1,        s_clk(1),      output3,  X,  333,  1,  Z)," &
     "307   (BC_1,        s_clk(2),      output3,  X,  333,  1,  Z)," & 
     "308   (BC_1,        s_clk(3),      output3,  X,  333,  1,  Z)," & 
     "309   (BC_1,        s_clk(4),      output3,  X,  333,  1,  Z)," & 
     "310   (BC_1,        s_clk(5),      output3,  X,  333,  1,  Z)," & 
     "311   (BC_1,        r_clkout,      output3,  X,  332,  1,  Z)," & 
     "312   (BC_4,        r_clkin,       input,    X)," &
     "313   (BC_4,        s_reqz(0),     input,    X)," &  
     "314   (BC_4,        s_reqz(1),     input,    X)," &  
     "315   (BC_4,        s_reqz(2),     input,    X)," &  
     "316   (BC_1,        s_gntz(1),     output3,  X,  321,  0,  Z)," & 
     "317   (BC_1,        s_gntz(2),     output3,  X,  321,  0,  Z)," & 
     "318   (BC_4,        s_reqz(3),     input,    X)," &  
     "319   (BC_1,        s_gntz(3),     output3,  X,  321,  0,  Z)," & 
     "320   (BC_4,        s_reqz(4),     input,    X)," &  
     "321   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "322   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "323   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "324   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "325   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "326   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "327   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "328   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "329   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "330   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "331   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "332   (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "333   (BC_1,        *,             control,  1)," &  
     "334   (BC_1,        s_gntz(4),     output3,  X,  337,  0,  Z)," & 
     "335   (BC_4,        s_reqz(5),     input,    X)," &  
     "336   (BC_1,        s_gntz(5),     output3,  X,  337,  0,  Z)," & 
     "337   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "338   (BC_1,        p_intz(1),     output3,  X,  339,  0,  Z)," & 
     "339   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "340   (BC_4,        p_gntz,        input,    X)," &  
     "341   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(28),      bidir,    X,  455,  0,  Z)," & 
     "342   (BC_4,        p_rstz,        input,    X)," &  
     "343   (BC_1,        p_intz(3),     output3,  X,  344,  0,  Z)," & 
     "344   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "345   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(30),      bidir,    X,  455,  0,  Z)," & 
     "346   (BC_1,        p_intz(2),     output3,  X,  347,  0,  Z)," & 
     "347   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "348   (BC_1,        p_intz(0),     output3,  X,  349,  0,  Z)," & 
     "349   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "350   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(31),      bidir,    X,  455,  0,  Z)," & 
     "351   (BC_1,        p_reqz,        output3,  X,  352,  0,  Z)," & 
     "352   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "353   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(26),      bidir,    X,  455,  0,  Z)," & 
     "354   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(29),      bidir,    X,  455,  0,  Z)," & 
     "355   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(22),      bidir,    X,  454,  0,  Z)," & 
     "356   (BC_4,        p_idsel,       input,    X)," &  
     "357   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(25),      bidir,    X,  455,  0,  Z)," & 
     "358   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(24),      bidir,    X,  455,  0,  Z)," & 
     "359   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(27),      bidir,    X,  455,  0,  Z)," & 
     "360   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(20),      bidir,    X,  454,  0,  Z)," &
     "361   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(23),      bidir,    X,  454,  0,  Z)," & 
     "362   (CBSC_1,      p_cbez(3),     bidir,    X,  453,  0,  Z)," & 
     "363   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(21),      bidir,    X,  454,  0,  Z)," & 
     "364   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(18),      bidir,    X,  454,  0,  Z)," & 
     "365   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(19),      bidir,    X,  454,  0,  Z)," & 
     "366   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(16),      bidir,    X,  454,  0,  Z)," & 
     "367   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(17),      bidir,    X,  454,  0,  Z)," & 
     "368   (CBSC_1,      p_framez,      bidir,    X,  369,  0,  Z)," & 
     "369   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "370   (CBSC_1,      p_cbez(2),     bidir,    X,  453,  0,  Z)," & 
     "371   (CBSC_1,      p_stopz,       bidir,    X,  373,  0,  Z)," & 
     "372   (CBSC_1,      p_trdyz,       bidir,    X,  373,  0,  Z)," & 
     "373   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "374   (CBSC_1,      p_devselz,     bidir,    X,  373,  0,  Z)," & 
     "375   (CBSC_1,      p_irdyz,       bidir,    X,  376,  0,  Z)," & 
     "376   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "377   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(15),      bidir,    X,  452,  0,  Z)," & 
     "378   (CBSC_1,      p_par,         bidir,    X,  379,  0,  Z)," & 
     "379   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "380   (CBSC_1,      p_perrz,       bidir,    X,  381,  0,  Z)," & 
     "381   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "382   (BC_4,        p_lockz,       input,    X)," &  
     "383   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(11),      bidir,    X,  452,  0,  Z)," & 
     "384   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(13),      bidir,    X,  452,  0,  Z)," & 
     "385   (CBSC_1,      p_cbez(1),     bidir,    X,  453,  0,  Z)," & 
     "386   (CBSC_1,      p_serrz,       bidir,    X,  387,  0,  Z)," & 
     "387   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "388   (CBSC_1,      p_cbez(0),     bidir,    X,  453,  0,  Z)," & 
     "389   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(9),       bidir,    X,  452,  0,  Z)," & 
     "390   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(12),      bidir,    X,  452,  0,  Z)," & 
     "391   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(14),      bidir,    X,  452,  0,  Z)," & 
     "392   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(10),      bidir,    X,  452,  0,  Z)," & 
     "393   (BC_4,        p_m66en,       input,    X)," &  
     "394   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(6),       bidir,    X,  452,  0,  Z)," & 
     "395   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(4),       bidir,    X,  451,  0,  Z)," & 
     "396   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(8),       bidir,    X,  451,  0,  Z)," & 
     "397   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(7),       bidir,    X,  451,  0,  Z)," & 
     "398   (BC_4,        p_clk,         input,    X)," &  
     "399   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(2),       bidir,    X,  451,  0,  Z)," & 
     "400   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(5),       bidir,    X,  451,  0,  Z)," & 
     "401   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(3),       bidir,    X,  451,  0,  Z)," & 
     "402   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(0),       bidir,    X,  451,  0,  Z)," & 
     "403   (CBSC_1,      p_req64z,      bidir,    X,  404,  0,  Z)," & 
     "404   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "405   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(1),       bidir,    X,  451,  0,  Z)," & 
     "406   (CBSC_1,      p_ack64z,      bidir,    X,  407,  0,  Z)," & 
     "407   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "408   (CBSC_1,      p_cbez(7),     bidir,    X,  450,  0,  Z)," & 
     "409   (CBSC_1,      p_cbez(5),     bidir,    X,  450,  0,  Z)," & 
     "410   (CBSC_1,      p_cbez(6),     bidir,    X,  450,  0,  Z)," & 
     "411   (CBSC_1,      p_par64,       bidir,    X,  412,  0,  Z)," & 
     "412   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "413   (CBSC_1,      p_cbez(4),     bidir,    X,  450,  0,  Z)," & 
     "414   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(62),      bidir,    X,  449,  0,  Z)," & 
     "415   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(63),      bidir,    X,  449,  0,  Z)," & 
     "416   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(60),      bidir,    X,  449,  0,  Z)," & 
     "417   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(59),      bidir,    X,  449,  0,  Z)," & 
     "418   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(61),      bidir,    X,  449,  0,  Z)," & 
     "419   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(57),      bidir,    X,  449,  0,  Z)," & 
     "420   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(58),      bidir,    X,  449,  0,  Z)," & 
     "421   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(56),      bidir,    X,  449,  0,  Z)," & 
     "422   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(55),      bidir,    X,  448,  0,  Z)," & 
     "423   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(53),      bidir,    X,  448,  0,  Z)," & 
     "424   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(52),      bidir,    X,  448,  0,  Z)," & 
     "425   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(54),      bidir,    X,  448,  0,  Z)," & 
     "426   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(51),      bidir,    X,  448,  0,  Z)," & 
     "427   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(49),      bidir,    X,  448,  0,  Z)," & 
     "428   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(50),      bidir,    X,  448,  0,  Z)," & 
     "429   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(48),      bidir,    X,  448,  0,  Z)," & 
     "430   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(46),      bidir,    X,  447,  0,  Z)," & 
     "431   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(47),      bidir,    X,  447,  0,  Z)," & 
     "432   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(44),      bidir,    X,  447,  0,  Z)," & 
     "433   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(45),      bidir,    X,  447,  0,  Z)," & 
     "434   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(43),      bidir,    X,  447,  0,  Z)," & 
     "435   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(41),      bidir,    X,  447,  0,  Z)," & 
     "436   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(42),      bidir,    X,  447,  0,  Z)," & 
     "437   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(38),      bidir,    X,  447,  0,  Z)," & 
     "438   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(37),      bidir,    X,  446,  0,  Z)," & 
     "439   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(40),      bidir,    X,  446,  0,  Z)," & 
     "440   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(34),      bidir,    X,  446,  0,  Z)," & 
     "441   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(39),      bidir,    X,  446,  0,  Z)," & 
     "442   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(35),      bidir,    X,  446,  0,  Z)," & 
     "443   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(33),      bidir,    X,  446,  0,  Z)," & 
     "444   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(32),      bidir,    X,  446,  0,  Z)," & 
     "445   (CBSC_1,      p_ad(36),      bidir,    X,  446,  0,  Z)," & 
     "446   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "447   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "448   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "449   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "450   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "451   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "452   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "453   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "454   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)," &  
     "455   (BC_1,        *,             control,  0)" ;  

end Yavapai_Processor;