BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: PIC18F46Q84

--                                                                     --
-- Copyright Microchip Technology Inc. 2017. All rights reserved.      --
--                                                                     --
--                                                                     --
--                         IMPORTANT NOTICE                            --
--                                                                     --
--                                                                     --
-- Software License Agreement                                          --
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-- The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated --
-- (the "Company") for its PICmicro� Microcontroller is intended and   --
-- supplied to you, the Company's customer, for use solely and         --
-- exclusively on Microchip PICmicro Microcontroller products. The     --
-- software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is        --
-- protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. --
-- Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the  --
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-- BSDL file
-- File Name:     PIC18F46Q84_VQFN.bsd
-- File Revision: Revision: 1.0 
-- Date created:  Date: March 5, 2021

-- Device:        PIC18F46Q84
-- Silicon Rev:   N/A
-- Package:       40-pin VQFN

-- Notes:
-- 	1. The behavior of the Oscillator Boundary Scan cells are dependant
--    on the Oscillator Fuse settings, and therefore caution must be used
--    when controlling the the BSC's on RA7, RA6. 

-- ************************************************************************
-- *                             PORT DEFINITIONS                         *
-- ************************************************************************

entity PIC18F46Q84 is
  generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "VQFN40");

port (
 VDD1          :linkage bit;
 VSS1          :linkage bit;
 VDD2          :linkage bit;
 VSS2          :linkage bit;
 RA1           :inout   bit;
 RA2           :inout   bit;
 RA3           :inout   bit;
 RA4           :inout   bit;
 RA6           :inout   bit;
 RA7           :inout   bit;
 RB0           :inout   bit;
 RB1           :inout   bit;
 RB2           :inout   bit;
 RB4           :inout   bit;
 RB6           :inout   bit;
 RB7           :inout   bit;
 RC0           :inout   bit;
 RC1           :inout   bit;
 RC2           :inout   bit;
 RC3           :inout   bit;
 RC4           :inout   bit;
 RC5           :inout   bit;
 RC6           :inout   bit;
 RC7           :inout   bit;
 RD0           :inout   bit;
 RD1           :inout   bit;
 RD2           :inout   bit;
 RD3           :inout   bit;
 RD4           :inout   bit;
 RD5           :inout   bit;
 RD6           :inout   bit;
 RD7           :inout   bit;
 RE0           :inout   bit;
 RE1           :inout   bit;
 RE2           :inout   bit;
 MCLR          :inout   bit;
 TCK           :in      bit;
 TDI           :in      bit;
 TDO           :out     bit;
 TMS           :in      bit


use STD_1149_1_2001.all;

attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of PIC18F46Q84 : entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                             PIN MAPPING                           *
-- *********************************************************************

attribute PIN_MAP of PIC18F46Q84 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

constant VQFN40 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
--I/O Pins
" RC7:            1        ,"&
" RD4:            2        ,"&
" RD5:            3        ,"&
" RD6:            4        ,"&
" RD7:            5        ,"&
" VSS2:           6        ,"&
" VDD1:           7        ,"&
" RB0:            8        ,"&
" RB1:            9        ,"&
" RB2:            10       ,"&
" TDO:            11       ,"&
" RB4:            12       ,"&
" TDI:            13       ,"&
" RB6:            14       ,"&
" RB7:            15       ,"&
" MCLR:           16       ,"&
" TMS:            17       ,"&
" RA1:            18       ,"&
" RA2:            19       ,"&
" RA3:            20       ,"&
" RA4:            21       ,"&
" TCK:            22       ,"&
" RE0:            23       ,"&
" RE1:            24       ,"&
" RE2:            25       ,"&
" VDD2:           26       ,"&
" VSS1:           27       ,"&
" RA7:            28       ,"&
" RA6:            29       ,"&
" RC0:            30       ,"&
" RC1:            31       ,"&
" RC2:            32       ,"&
" RC3:            33       ,"&
" RD0:            34       ,"&
" RD1:            35       ,"&
" RD2:            36       ,"&
" RD3:            37       ,"&
" RC4:            38       ,"&
" RC5:            39       ,"&
" RC6:            40       ";

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                       IEEE 1149.1 TAP PORTS                       *
-- *********************************************************************

attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI     : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS   : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO    : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK  : signal is (10.00e6,BOTH);

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                   INSTRUCTIONS AND REGISTER ACCESS                *
-- *********************************************************************

attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of PIC18F46Q84 : entity is 4;

attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of PIC18F46Q84 : entity is
        "extest (0110),"  & 
        "bypass (1111),"  & 
        "sample (0010),"  & 
        "preload (0010)," & 
        "highz (0000),"   & 
        "idcode (0001)"  ;  

attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of PIC18F46Q84 : entity is "0001";

attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of PIC18F46Q84 : entity is
 "XXXX"             &     -- Version - With a MASK on device revision
 "1010001100000001" &     -- Part number
 "00000101001"      &     -- Manufacturer ID = 00000101001
 "1";                     -- Required by IEEE std 1149.1-2001

attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of PIC18F46Q84 : entity is
        "BOUNDARY (extest, sample, preload), " & 
        "DEVICE_ID (idcode), " & 
        "BYPASS (bypass, highz)" ; 

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                    BOUNDARY SCAN CELL INFORMATION                 *
-- *********************************************************************

attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of PIC18F46Q84 : entity is 96;
attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of PIC18F46Q84 : entity is
--BSC group 0 for I/O pin 1
" 0   ( BC_1 , RC7, input, X)," &
" 1   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 2   ( BC_1 , RC7, output3, X, 1, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 1 for I/O pin 2
" 3   ( BC_1 , RD4, input, X)," &
" 4   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 5   ( BC_1 , RD4, output3, X, 4, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 2 for I/O pin 3
" 6   ( BC_1 , RD5, input, X)," &
" 7   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 8   ( BC_1 , RD5, output3, X, 7, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 3 for I/O pin 4
" 9   ( BC_1 , RD6, input, X)," &
" 10   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 11   ( BC_1 , RD6, output3, X, 10, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 4 for I/O pin 5
" 12   ( BC_1 , RD7, input, X)," &
" 13   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 14   ( BC_1 , RD7, output3, X, 13, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 5 for I/O pin 8
" 15   ( BC_1 , RB0, input, X)," &
" 16   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 17   ( BC_1 , RB0, output3, X, 16, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 6 for I/O pin 9
" 18   ( BC_1 , RB1, input, X)," &
" 19   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 20   ( BC_1 , RB1, output3, X, 19, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 7 for I/O pin 10
" 21   ( BC_1 , RB2, input, X)," &
" 22   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 23   ( BC_1 , RB2, output3, X, 22, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 8 for I/O pin 14
" 24   ( BC_1 , RB4, input, X)," &
" 25   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 26   ( BC_1 , RB4, output3, X, 25, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 9 for I/O pin 16
" 27   ( BC_1 , RB6, input, X)," &
" 28   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 29   ( BC_1 , RB6, output3, X, 28, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 10 for I/O pin 17
" 30   ( BC_1 , RB7, input, X)," &
" 31   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 32   ( BC_1 , RB7, output3, X, 31, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 11 for I/O pin 18
" 33   ( BC_1 , MCLR, input, X)," &
" 34   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 35   ( BC_1 , MCLR, output3, X, 34, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 12 for I/O pin 20
" 36   ( BC_1 , RA1, input, X)," &
" 37   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 38   ( BC_1 , RA1, output3, X, 37, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 13 for I/O pin 21
" 39   ( BC_1 , RA2, input, X)," &
" 40   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 41   ( BC_1 , RA2, output3, X, 40, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 14 for I/O pin 22
" 42   ( BC_1 , RA3, input, X)," &
" 43   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 44   ( BC_1 , RA3, output3, X, 43, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 15 for I/O pin 23
" 45   ( BC_1 , RA4, input, X)," &
" 46   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 47   ( BC_1 , RA4, output3, X, 46, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 16 for I/O pin 25
" 48   ( BC_1 , RE0, input, X)," &
" 49   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 50   ( BC_1 , RE0, output3, X, 49, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 17 for I/O pin 26
" 51   ( BC_1 , RE1, input, X)," &
" 52   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 53   ( BC_1 , RE1, output3, X, 52, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 18 for I/O pin 27
" 54   ( BC_1 , RE2, input, X)," &
" 55   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 56   ( BC_1 , RE2, output3, X, 55, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 19 for I/O pin 30
" 57   ( BC_1 , RA7, input, X)," &
" 58   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 59   ( BC_1 , RA7, output3, X, 58, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 20 for I/O pin 31
" 60   ( BC_1 , RA6, input, X)," &
" 61   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 62   ( BC_1 , RA6, output3, X, 61, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 21 for I/O pin 32
" 63   ( BC_1 , RC0, input, X)," &
" 64   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 65   ( BC_1 , RC0, output3, X, 64, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 22 for I/O pin 35
" 66   ( BC_1 , RC1, input, X)," &
" 67   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 68   ( BC_1 , RC1, output3, X, 67, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 23 for I/O pin 36
" 69   ( BC_1 , RC2, input, X)," &
" 70   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 71   ( BC_1 , RC2, output3, X, 70, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 24 for I/O pin 37
" 72   ( BC_1 , RC3, input, X)," &
" 73   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 74   ( BC_1 , RC3, output3, X, 73, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 25 for I/O pin 38
" 75   ( BC_1 , RD0, input, X)," &
" 76   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 77   ( BC_1 , RD0, output3, X, 76, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 26 for I/O pin 39
" 78   ( BC_1 , RD1, input, X)," &
" 79   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 80   ( BC_1 , RD1, output3, X, 79, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 27 for I/O pin 40
" 81   ( BC_1 , RD2, input, X)," &
" 82   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 83   ( BC_1 , RD2, output3, X, 82, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 28 for I/O pin 41
" 84   ( BC_1 , RD3, input, X)," &
" 85   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 86   ( BC_1 , RD3, output3, X, 85, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 29 for I/O pin 42
" 87   ( BC_1 , RC4, input, X)," &
" 88   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 89   ( BC_1 , RC4, output3, X, 88, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 30 for I/O pin 43
" 90   ( BC_1 , RC5, input, X)," &
" 91   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 92   ( BC_1 , RC5, output3, X, 91, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 31 for I/O pin 44
" 93   ( BC_1 , RC6, input, X)," &
" 94   ( BC_1 , *, control, 0)," &
" 95   ( BC_1 , RC6, output3, X, 94, 0, Z)";

end PIC18F46Q84;