BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: PIC24FJ256DA210

--                                                                     	 --
--                         IMPORTANT NOTICE                            	 --
--                                                                     	 --
--                                                                     	 --
-- Software License Agreement                                          	 --
--									 --
-- Copyright � 2010 Microchip Technology Inc.  All rights reserved.	 --
-- Microchip licenses to you the right to use, modify, copy and 	 --
-- distribute Software only when embedded on a Microchip microcontroller --
-- or digital signal controller, which is integrated into your product	 --
-- or third party product (pursuant to the sublicense terms in the	 --
-- accompanying license agreement).  

-- You should refer to the license agreement accompanying this Software	 --
-- for additional information regarding your rights and obligations.	 --

-- SIMILAR COSTS.							 --
--                                                                     	 --

-- BSDL file

-- File Name:		PIC24FJ256DA210_BGA.bsd	   
-- File Revision:	Revision: 1.0 
-- Date created:	Date: Wednesday, November 21, 2011
-- Support:

-- Device:		PIC24FJ256DA210
-- Silicon Rev:		N/A
-- Package:		121 pin BGA 

-- Notes:
-- 	1. The behavior of the Oscillator Boundary Scan cells are dependant
-- 	on the Oscillator Fuse settings, and therefore caution must be used
-- 	when controlling the the BSC's on RC12(OSCI) and RC15(OSCO).

-- ************************************************************************
-- *                             PORT DEFINITIONS                         *
-- ************************************************************************

entity PIC24FJ256DA210 is
  generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "BGA_11X11");

port (
 TCK		: in      bit ;
 TDI		: in      bit ;
 TDO		: out     bit ;
 TMS		: in      bit ;
 AVDD		: linkage bit ;
 AVSS		: linkage bit ;
 MCLR		: inout   bit ;
 RA2		: inout   bit ;
 RA3		: inout   bit ;
 RA6		: inout   bit ;
 RA7		: inout   bit ;
 RA9		: inout   bit ;
 RA10		: inout   bit ;
 RA14		: inout   bit ;
 RA15		: inout   bit ;
 RB0		: inout   bit ;
 RB1		: inout   bit ;
 RB2		: inout   bit ;
 RB3		: inout   bit ;
 RB4		: inout   bit ;
 RB5		: inout   bit ;
 RB6		: inout   bit ;
 RB7		: inout   bit ;
 RB8		: inout   bit ;
 RB9		: inout   bit ;
 RB10		: inout   bit ;
 RB11		: inout   bit ;
 RB12		: inout   bit ;
 RB13		: inout   bit ;
 RB14		: inout   bit ;
 RB15		: inout   bit ;
 RC1		: inout   bit ;
 RC2		: inout   bit ;
 RC3		: inout   bit ;
 RC4		: inout   bit ;
 RC12		: inout   bit ;
 RC13		: inout   bit ;
 RC14		: inout   bit ;
 RC15		: inout   bit ;
 RD0		: inout   bit ;
 RD1		: inout   bit ;
 RD2		: inout   bit ;
 RD3		: inout   bit ;
 RD4		: inout   bit ;
 RD5		: inout   bit ;
 RD6		: inout   bit ;
 RD7		: inout   bit ;
 RD8		: inout   bit ;
 RD9		: inout   bit ;
 RD10		: inout   bit ;
 RD11		: inout   bit ;
 RD12		: inout   bit ;
 RD13		: inout   bit ;
 RD14		: inout   bit ;
 RD15		: inout   bit ;
 RE0		: inout   bit ;
 RE1		: inout   bit ;
 RE2		: inout   bit ;
 RE3		: inout   bit ;
 RE4		: inout   bit ;
 RE5		: inout   bit ;
 RE6		: inout   bit ;
 RE7		: inout   bit ;
 RE8		: inout   bit ;
 RE9		: inout   bit ;
 RF0		: inout   bit ;
 RF1		: inout   bit ;
 RF2		: inout   bit ;
 RF3		: inout   bit ;
 RF4		: inout   bit ;
 RF5		: inout   bit ;
 RF7		: inout   bit ;
 RF8		: inout   bit ;
 RF12		: inout   bit ;
 RF13		: inout   bit ;
 RG0		: inout   bit ;
 RG1		: inout   bit ;
 RG2		: inout   bit ;
 RG3		: inout   bit ;
 RG6		: inout   bit ;
 RG7		: inout   bit ;
 RG8		: inout   bit ;
 RG9		: inout   bit ;
 RG12		: inout   bit ;
 RG13		: inout   bit ;
 RG14		: inout   bit ;
 RG15		: inout   bit ;
 VUSB		: linkage bit ;
 VDD1		: linkage bit ;
 VDD2		: linkage bit ;
 VDD3		: linkage bit ;
 VDD4		: linkage bit ;
 VDD5		: linkage bit ;
 VDD6		: linkage bit ;
 VDD7		: linkage bit ;
 VDD8		: linkage bit ;
 VDDCORE	: linkage bit ;
 ENVREG		: linkage bit ;
 VSS1		: linkage bit ;
 VSS2		: linkage bit ;
 VSS3		: linkage bit ;
 VSS4		: linkage bit ;
 VSS5		: linkage bit ;
 VSS6		: linkage bit ;
 VSS7		: linkage bit ;
 VSS8		: linkage bit ;
 NC1		: linkage bit ;
 NC2		: linkage bit ;
 NC3		: linkage bit ;
 NC4		: linkage bit ;
 NC5		: linkage bit ;
 NC6		: linkage bit ;
 NC7		: linkage bit ;
 NC8		: linkage bit ;
 NC9		: linkage bit ;
 NC10		: linkage bit ;
 NC11		: linkage bit ;
 NC12		: linkage bit ;
 NC13		: linkage bit ;
 NC14		: linkage bit ;
 NC15		: linkage bit  


use STD_1149_1_2001.all;

attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of PIC24FJ256DA210 : entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                             PIN MAPPING                           *
-- *********************************************************************

attribute PIN_MAP of PIC24FJ256DA210 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

constant BGA_11X11 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
--I/O Pins
" RE4:		A1	,"&
" RE3:		A2	,"&
" RG13:		A3	,"&
" RE0:		A4	,"&
" RG0:		A5	,"&
" RF1:		A6	,"&
" ENVREG:	A7	,"&
" NC1:		A8	,"&
" RD12:		A9	,"&
" RD2:		A10	,"&
" RD1:		A11	,"&
" NC2:		B1	,"&
" RG15:		B2	,"&
" RE2:		B3	,"&
" RE1:		B4	,"&
" RA7:		B5	,"&
" RF0:		B6	,"&
" VDDCORE:	B7	,"&
" RD5:		B8	,"&
" RD3:		B9	,"&
" VSS1:		B10	,"&
" RC14:		B11	,"&
" RE6:		C1	,"&
" VDD1:		C2	,"&
" RG12:		C3	,"&
" RG14:		C4	,"&
" RA6:		C5	,"&
" NC3:		C6	,"&
" RD7:		C7	,"&
" RD4:		C8	,"&
" VDD2:		C9	,"&
" RC13:		C10	,"&
" RD11:		C11	,"&
" RC1:		D1	,"&
" RE7:		D2	,"&
" RE5:		D3	,"&
" VSS2:		D4	,"&
" VSS3:		D5	,"&
" NC4:		D6	,"&
" RD6:		D7	,"&
" RD13:		D8	,"&
" RD0:		D9	,"&
" NC5:		D10	,"&
" RD10:		D11	,"&
" RC4:		E1	,"&
" RC3:		E2	,"&
" RG6:		E3	,"&
" RC2:		E4	,"&
" VDD3:		E5	,"&
" RG1:		E6	,"&
" NC6:		E7	,"&
" RA15:		E8	,"&
" RD8:		E9	,"&
" RD9:		E10	,"&
" RA14:		E11	,"&
" MCLR:		F1	,"&
" RG8:		F2	,"&
" RG9:		F3	,"&
" RG7:		F4	,"&
" VSS4:		F5	,"&
" NC7:		F6	,"&
" NC8:		F7	,"&
" VDD4:		F8	,"&
" RC12:		F9	,"&
" VSS5:		F10	,"&
" RC15:		F11	,"&
" RE8:		G1	,"&
" RE9:		G2	,"&
" TMS:		G3	,"&
" NC9:		G4	,"&
" VDD5:		G5	,"&
" VSS6:		G6	,"&
" VSS7:		G7	,"&
" NC10:		G8	,"&
" TDO:		G9	,"&
" RA3:		G10	,"&
" TDI:		G11	,"&
" RB5:		H1	,"&
" RB4:		H2	,"&
" VSS8:		H3	,"&
" VDD6:		H4	,"&
" NC11:		H5	,"&
" VDD7:		H6	,"&
" NC12:		H7	,"&
" RF7:		H8	,"&
" VUSB:		H9	,"&
" RG2:		H10	,"&
" RA2:		H11	,"&
" RB3:		J1	,"&
" RB2:		J2	,"&
" RB7:		J3	,"&
" AVDD:		J4	,"&
" RB11:		J5	,"&
" TCK:		J6	,"&
" RB12:		J7	,"&
" NC13:		J8	,"&
" NC14:		J9	,"&
" RF8:		J10	,"&
" RG3:	        J11	,"&
" RB1:   	K1	,"&
" RB0:		K2	,"&
" RA10:		K3	,"&
" RB8:		K4	,"&
" NC15:		K5	,"&
" RF12:		K6	,"&
" RB14:		K7	,"&
" VDD8:		K8	,"&
" RD15:		K9	,"&
" RF3:		K10	,"&
" RF2:		K11	,"&
" RB6:		L1	,"&
" RA9:		L2	,"&
" AVSS:		L3	,"&
" RB9:		L4	,"&
" RB10:		L5	,"&
" RF13:		L6	,"&
" RB13:		L7	,"&
" RB15:		L8	,"&
" RD14:		L9	,"&
" RF4:		L10	,"&
" RF5:		L11	";

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                       IEEE 1149.1 TAP PORTS                       *
-- *********************************************************************

attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI     : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS   : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO    : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK  : signal is (10.00e6,BOTH);

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                   INSTRUCTIONS AND REGISTER ACCESS                *
-- *********************************************************************

attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of PIC24FJ256DA210 : entity is 4;

attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of PIC24FJ256DA210 : entity is
"BYPASS		(1111), "&
"EXTEST		(0011), "&
"SAMPLE		(0001), "&
"PRELOAD	(0001), "&
"IDCODE		(0010), "&
"MCHP_CMD	(1000)," &
"MCHP_SCAN 	(0111)," &
"HIGHZ		(0100)";

attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of PIC24FJ256DA210 : entity is "0001";

attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of PIC24FJ256DA210 : entity is
 "XXXX"             &     -- Version - With a MASK on device revision
 "0100000100001110" &     -- Part number 
 "00000101001"      &     -- Manufacturer ID = 11'h029
 "1";                     -- Required by IEEE std 1149.1-2001 
attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of PIC24FJ256DA210 : entity is

-- *********************************************************************
-- *                    BOUNDARY SCAN CELL INFORMATION                 *
-- *********************************************************************

attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of PIC24FJ256DA210 : entity is 243;
attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of PIC24FJ256DA210 : entity is
--BSC group 0 for I/O pin A1
" 0   ( BC_1 , RE4, input, X)," &
" 1   ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 2   ( BC_1 , RE4, output3, X, 1, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 1 for I/O pin A2
" 3   ( BC_1 , RE3, input, X)," &
" 4   ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 5   ( BC_1 , RE3, output3, X, 4, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 2 for I/O pin B3
" 6   ( BC_1 , RE2, input, X)," &
" 7   ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 8   ( BC_1 , RE2, output3, X, 7, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 3 for I/O pin A3
" 9   ( BC_1 , RG13, input, X)," &
" 10  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 11  ( BC_1 , RG13, output3, X, 10, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 4 for I/O pin C3
" 12  ( BC_1 , RG12, input, X)," &
" 13  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 14  ( BC_1 , RG12, output3, X, 13, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 5 for I/O pin C4
" 15  ( BC_1 , RG14, input, X), " &
" 16  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 17  ( BC_1 , RG14, output3, X, 16, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 6 for I/O pin B4
" 18  ( BC_1 , RE1, input, X)," &
" 19  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 20  ( BC_1 , RE1, output3, X, 19, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 7 for I/O pin A4
" 21  ( BC_1 , RE0, input, X)," &
" 22  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 23  ( BC_1 , RE0, output3, X, 22, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 8 for I/O pin B5
" 24  ( BC_1 , RA7, input, X)," &
" 25  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 26  ( BC_1 , RA7, output3, X, 25, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 9 for I/O pin C5
" 27  ( BC_1 , RA6, input, X)," &
" 28  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 29  ( BC_1 , RA6, output3, X, 28, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 10 for I/O pin A5
" 30  ( BC_1 , RG0, input, X)," &
" 31  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 32  ( BC_1 , RG0, output3, X, 31, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 11 for I/O pin E6
" 33  ( BC_1 , RG1, input, X)," &
" 34  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 35  ( BC_1 , RG1, output3, X, 34, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 12 for I/O pin A6
" 36  ( BC_1 , RF1, input, X)," &
" 37  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 38  ( BC_1 , RF1, output3, X, 37, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 13 for I/O pin B6
" 39  ( BC_1 , RF0, input, X)," &
" 40  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 41  ( BC_1 , RF0, output3, X, 40, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 14 for I/O pin C7
" 42  ( BC_1 , RD7, input, X)," &
" 43  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 44  ( BC_1 , RD7, output3, X, 43, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 15 for I/O pin D7
" 45  ( BC_1 , RD6, input, X)," &
" 46  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 47  ( BC_1 , RD6, output3, X, 46, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 16 for I/O pin B8
" 48  ( BC_1 , RD5, input, X), " &
" 49  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 50  ( BC_1 , RD5, output3, X, 49, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 17 for I/O pin C8
" 51  ( BC_1 , RD4, input, X)," &
" 52  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 53  ( BC_1 , RD4, output3, X, 52, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 18 for I/O pin D8
" 54  ( BC_1 , RD13, input, X)," &
" 55  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 56  ( BC_1 , RD13, output3, X, 55, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 19 for I/O pin A9
" 57  ( BC_1 , RD12, input, X)," &
" 58  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 59  ( BC_1 , RD12, output3, X, 58, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 20 for I/O pin B9
" 60  ( BC_1 , RD3, input, X)," &
" 61  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 62  ( BC_1 , RD3, output3, X, 61, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 21 for I/O pin A10
" 63  ( BC_1 , RD2, input, X)," &
" 64  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 65  ( BC_1 , RD2, output3, X, 64, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 22 for I/O pin A11
" 66  ( BC_1 , RD1, input, X)," &
" 67  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 68  ( BC_1 , RD1, output3, X, 67, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 23 for I/O pin B11
" 69  ( BC_1 , RC14, input, X)," &
" 70  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 71  ( BC_1 , RC14, output3, X, 70, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 24 for I/O pin C10
" 72  ( BC_1 , RC13, input, X)," &
" 73  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 74  ( BC_1 , RC13, output3, X, 73, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 25 for I/O pin D9
" 75  ( BC_1 , RD0, input, X)," &
" 76  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 77  ( BC_1 , RD0, output3, X, 76, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 26 for I/O pin C11
" 78  ( BC_1 , RD11, input, X)," &
" 79  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 80  ( BC_1 , RD11, output3, X, 79, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 27 for I/O pin D11
" 81  ( BC_1 , RD10, input, X), " &
" 82  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 83  ( BC_1 , RD10, output3, X, 82, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 28 for I/O pin E10
" 84  ( BC_1 , RD9, input, X)," &
" 85  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 86  ( BC_1 , RD9, output3, X, 85, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 29 for I/O pin E9
" 87  ( BC_1 , RD8, input, X)," &
" 88  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 89  ( BC_1 , RD8, output3, X, 88, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 30 for I/O pin E8
" 90  ( BC_1 , RA15, input, X)," &
" 91  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 92  ( BC_1 , RA15, output3, X, 91, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 31 for I/O pin E11
" 93  ( BC_1 , RA14, input, X)," &
" 94  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 95  ( BC_1 , RA14, output3, X, 94, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 32 for I/O pin F11
" 96  ( BC_1 , RC15, input, X)," &
" 97  ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 98  ( BC_1 , RC15, output3, X, 97, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 33 for I/O pin F9
" 99  ( BC_1 , RC12, input, X)," &
" 100 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 101 ( BC_1 , RC12, output3, X, 100, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 34 for I/O pin G10
" 102 ( BC_1 , RA3, input, X)," &
" 103 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 104 ( BC_1 , RA3, output3, X, 103, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 35 for I/O pin H11
" 105 ( BC_1 , RA2, input, X)," &
" 106 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 107 ( BC_1 , RA2, output3, X, 106, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 36 for I/O pin H10
" 108 ( BC_1 , RG2, input, X)," &
" 109 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 110 ( BC_1 , RG2, output3, X, 109, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 37 for I/O pin J11
" 111 ( BC_1 , RG3, input, X)," &
" 112 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 113 ( BC_1 , RG3, output3, X, 112, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 38 for I/O pin H8
" 114 ( BC_1 , RF7, input, X)," &
" 115 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 116 ( BC_1 , RF7, output3, X, 115, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 39 for I/O pin J10
" 117 ( BC_1 , RF8, input, X)," &
" 118 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 119 ( BC_1 , RF8, output3, X, 118, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 40 for I/O pin K11
" 120 ( BC_1 , RF2, input, X)," &
" 121 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 122 ( BC_1 , RF2, output3, X, 121, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 41 for I/O pin K10
" 123 ( BC_1 , RF3, input, X)," &
" 124 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 125 ( BC_1 , RF3, output3, X, 124, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 42 for I/O pin L11
" 126 ( BC_1 , RF5, input, X)," &
" 127 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 128 ( BC_1 , RF5, output3, X, 127, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 43 for I/O pin L10
" 129 ( BC_1 , RF4, input, X)," &
" 130 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 131 ( BC_1 , RF4, output3, X, 130, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 44 for I/O pin K9
" 132 ( BC_1 , RD15, input, X)," &
" 133 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 134 ( BC_1 , RD15, output3, X, 133, 0, Z)," &
--BSC group 45 for I/O pin L9
" 135 ( BC_1 , RD14, input, X)," &
" 136 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 137 ( BC_1 , RD14, output3, X, 136, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 46 for I/O pin L8
" 138 ( BC_1 , RB15, input, X)," &
" 139 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 140 ( BC_1 , RB15, output3, X, 139, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 47 for I/O pin K7
" 141 ( BC_1 , RB14, input, X)," &
" 142 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 143 ( BC_1 , RB14, output3, X, 142, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 48 for I/O pin L7
" 144 ( BC_1 , RB13, input, X), " &
" 145 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 146 ( BC_1 , RB13, output3, X, 145, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 49 for I/O pin J7
" 147 ( BC_1 , RB12, input, X)," &
" 148 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 149 ( BC_1 , RB12, output3, X, 148, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 50 for I/O pin K6
" 150 ( BC_1 , RF12, input, X)," &
" 151 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 152 ( BC_1 , RF12, output3, X, 151, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 51 for I/O pin L6
" 153 ( BC_1 , RF13, input, X)," &
" 154 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 155 ( BC_1 , RF13, output3, X, 154, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 52 for I/O pin J5
" 156 ( BC_1 , RB11, input, X)," &
" 157 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 158 ( BC_1 , RB11, output3, X, 157, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 53 for I/O pin L5
" 159 ( BC_1 , RB10, input, X)," &
" 160 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 161 ( BC_1 , RB10, output3, X, 160, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 54 for I/O pin L4
" 162 ( BC_1 , RB9, input, X)," &
" 163 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 164 ( BC_1 , RB9, output3, X, 163, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 55 for I/O pin K4
" 165 ( BC_1 , RB8, input, X)," &
" 166 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 167 ( BC_1 , RB8, output3, X, 166, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 56 for I/O pin K3
" 168 ( BC_1 , RA10, input, X)," &
" 169 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 170 ( BC_1 , RA10, output3, X, 169, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 57 for I/O pin L2
" 171 ( BC_1 , RA9, input, X)," &
" 172 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 173 ( BC_1 , RA9, output3, X, 172, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 58 for I/O pin J3
" 174 ( BC_1 , RB7, input, X)," &
" 175 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 176 ( BC_1 , RB7, output3, X, 175, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 59 for I/O pin L1
" 177 ( BC_1 , RB6, input, X), " &
" 178 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 179 ( BC_1 , RB6, output3, X, 178, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 60 for I/O pin K2
" 180 ( BC_1 , RB0, input, X)," &
" 181 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 182 ( BC_1 , RB0, output3, X, 181, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 61 for I/O pin K1
" 183 ( BC_1 , RB1, input, X)," &
" 184 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 185 ( BC_1 , RB1, output3, X, 184, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 62 for I/O pin J2
" 186 ( BC_1 , RB2, input, X)," &
" 187 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 188 ( BC_1 , RB2, output3, X, 187, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 63 for I/O pin J1
" 189 ( BC_1 , RB3, input, X)," &
" 190 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 191 ( BC_1 , RB3, output3, X, 190, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 64 for I/O pin H2
" 192 ( BC_1 , RB4, input, X)," &
" 193 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 194 ( BC_1 , RB4, output3, X, 193, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 65 for I/O pin H1
" 195 ( BC_1 , RB5, input, X)," &
" 196 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 197 ( BC_1 , RB5, output3, X, 196, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 66 for I/O pin G2
" 198 ( BC_1 , RE9, input, X)," &
" 199 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 200 ( BC_1 , RE9, output3, X, 199, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 67 for I/O pin G1
" 201 ( BC_1 , RE8, input, X)," &
" 202 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 203 ( BC_1 , RE8, output3, X, 202, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 68 for I/O pin F3
" 204 ( BC_1 , RG9, input, X)," &
" 205 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 206 ( BC_1 , RG9, output3, X, 205, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 69 for I/O pin F1
" 207 ( BC_1 , MCLR, input, X)," &
" 208 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 209 ( BC_1 , MCLR, output3, X, 208, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 70 for I/O pin F2
" 210 ( BC_1 , RG8, input, X)," &
" 211 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 212 ( BC_1 , RG8, output3, X, 211, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 71 for I/O pin F4
" 213 ( BC_1 , RG7, input, X)," &
" 214 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 215 ( BC_1 , RG7, output3, X, 214, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 72 for I/O pin E3
" 216 ( BC_1 , RG6, input, X)," &
" 217 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 218 ( BC_1 , RG6, output3, X, 217, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 73 for I/O pin E1
" 219 ( BC_1 , RC4, input, X)," &
" 220 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 221 ( BC_1 , RC4, output3, X, 220, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 74 for I/O pin E2
" 222 ( BC_1 , RC3, input, X)," &
" 223 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 224 ( BC_1 , RC3, output3, X, 223, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 75 for I/O pin E4
" 225 ( BC_1 , RC2, input, X), " &
" 226 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 227 ( BC_1 , RC2, output3, X, 226, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 76 for I/O pin D1
" 228 ( BC_1 , RC1, input, X)," &
" 229 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 230 ( BC_1 , RC1, output3, X, 229, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 77 for I/O pin D2
" 231 ( BC_1 , RE7, input, X)," &
" 232 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 233 ( BC_1 , RE7, output3, X, 232, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 78 for I/O pin C1
" 234 ( BC_1 , RE6, input, X)," &
" 235 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 236 ( BC_1 , RE6, output3, X, 235, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 79 for I/O pin D3
" 237 ( BC_1 , RE5, input, X)," &
" 238 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 239 ( BC_1 , RE5, output3, X, 238, 0, Z)," &

--BSC group 80 for I/O pin B2
" 240 ( BC_1 , RG15, input, X)," &
" 241 ( BC_1 , *,  control, 0)," &
" 242 ( BC_1 , RG15, output3, X, 241, 0, Z) ";
end PIC24FJ256DA210;