BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: TOP

-- BSDL CODE	(Jan 30, 2001)
-- ********************************************************************************
-- ********************************************************************************
-- This BSDL file is consistent with the functionality available in the current
-- version of silicon. The RTB pin cannot be sampled by the boundary scan cell that
-- exists at that input pin - PRS 11/08/2006
-- MRSB/PRSB have been changed to compliance pins since they need to be held
-- high for correct JTAG operation, port definitions for outputs have been changed
-- to buffer, port definition for RTB has been changed to linkage and MRSB/PRSB
-- have been changed to internal cells in the scan chain - PRS 12/19/06
-- ********************************************************************************
-- ********************************************************************************
entity top is
    generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "FPBGA256");

    port (
        d                       :in             bit_vector(0 to 71);
        iw                      :in             bit;
        sclk                    :in             bit;
        sen                     :in             bit;
        wen                     :in             bit;
        wclk                    :in             bit;
        prsb                    :in             bit;
        mrsb                    :in             bit;
        ldb                     :in             bit;
        fwftsi                  :in             bit;
        ff                      :buffer         bit;
        paf                     :buffer         bit;
        ow                      :in             bit;
        fs                      :in             bit_vector(0 to 1);
        hf                      :buffer         bit;
        beb                     :in             bit;
        ip                      :in             bit;
        bm                      :in             bit;
        pae                     :buffer         bit;
        pfm                     :in             bit;
        ef                      :buffer         bit;
        rm                      :in             bit;
        rclk                    :in             bit;
        renb                    :in             bit;
        rtb                     :linkage        bit;
        oeb                     :in             bit;
        rcsb                    :in             bit;
        q                       :buffer         bit_vector(0 to 71);
        tck                     :in             bit;
        tms                     :in             bit;
        tdi                     :in             bit;
        trstb                   :in             bit;
        tdo                     :out            bit;
        vcc                     :linkage        bit_vector(0 to 37);
        vss                     :linkage        bit_vector(0 to 41)

    use STD_1149_1_1994.all;

    attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of top : entity is "STD_1149_1_1993";

    attribute PIN_MAP of top : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

    -- Pin-port map for package FPBGA256
    constant FPBGA256 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
        "d:(p11, r11, t11, p12, r12, t12, p13, r13, t13, g14, g15, g16, f14, " &
         "f15, f16, e14, e15, e16, p14, r14, t14, r15, t15, t16, r16, p15, " &
         "p16, d14, d15, d16, c15, c16, b16, a16, b15, a15, n14, n15, n16, " &
         "m14, m15, m16, l14, l15, l16, c14, b14, a14, c13, b13, a13, c12, " &
         "b12, a12, k14, k15, k16, j14, j15, j16, h14, h15, h16, c11, b11, " &
         "a11, c10, b10, a10, c9, b9, a9)," &
        "iw:l13," &
        "sclk:m13," &
        "sen:n13," &
        "wen:r10," &
        "wclk:t10," &
        "prsb:p10," &
        "mrsb:p9," &
        "ldb:n12," &
        "fwftsi:n11," &
        "ff:t9," &
        "paf:r9," &
        "ow:m11," &
        "fs:(m10, m9)," &
        "hf:n10," &
        "beb:n9," &
        "ip:n8," &
        "bm:n7," &
        "pae:p8," &
        "pfm:n6," &
        "ef:r8," &
        "rm:n5," &
        "rclk:t8," &
        "renb:t7," &
        "rtb:n4," &
        "oeb:r7," &
        "rcsb:p7," &
        "q:(p6, r6, t6, p5, r5, t5, p4, r4, t4, g3, g2, g1, f3, f2, f1, e3, " &
         "e2, e1, p3, r3, t3, r2, t2, t1, r1, p2, p1, d3, d2, d1, c2, c1, b1,"&
         "a1, b2, a2, n3, n2, n1, m3, m2, m1, l3, l2, l1, c3, b3, a3, c4, b4,"&
         "a4, c5, b5, a5, k3, k2, k1, j3, j2, j1, h3, h2, h1, c6, b6, a6, c7,"&
         "b7, a7, c8, b8, a8)," &
        "tck:d8," &
        "tms:d12," &
        "tdi:d9," &
        "trstb:d10," &
        "tdo:d11," &
        "vcc:(e8, e10, e12, f8, f10, f12, g8, g10, g12, h8, h10, h12, j8, " &
         "j10, j12, k8, k10, k12, l8, l10, d4, d6, e4, e6, f4, f6, g4, g6, " &
         "h4, h6, j4, j6, k4, k6, l4, l6, m4, m6)," &
        "vss:(d13, e9, e11, e13, f9, f11, f13, g9, g11, g13, h9, h11, h13, " &
         "j9, j11, j13, k9, k11, k13, l9, l11, l12, m8, m12, d5, d7, e5, " &
         "e7, f5, f7, g5, g7, h5, h7, j5, j7, k5, k7, l5, l7, m5, m7 )";

    attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of tdi : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of tms : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of tdo : signal is true;

    attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of tck : signal is (1.0e7, LOW);
    attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of trstb : signal is true;

    attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of top : entity is 4;

    attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of top : entity is "(MRSB, PRSB) (11)";

    attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of top : entity is
        "EXTEST          (0000)," &
        "SAMPLE          (0001)," &
        "IDCODE          (0010)," &
        "HIGHZ           (0011)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (0100)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (0101)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (0110)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (0111)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (1000)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (1001)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (1010)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (1011)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (1100)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (1101)," &
--	"PRIVATE         (1110)," &
        "BYPASS          (1111)";

    attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of top : entity is "1101";

    attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of top : entity is
        "0000" &                -- version
        "0000000001010000" &    -- part number
        "00000110011" &         -- manufacturer's identity
        "1";                    -- required by 1149.1

    attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of top : entity is
        "Bypass          (BYPASS, HIGHZ)," &
        "Boundary        (SAMPLE, EXTEST)," &
        "Device_ID       (IDCODE)";

    attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of top : entity is 171;

    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER  of top : entity is
     -- num   cell   port                  function   safe [ccell disval rslt]
        "170 (BC_4,  d(71),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "169 (BC_4,  d(70),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "168 (BC_4,  d(69),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "167 (BC_4,  d(68),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "166 (BC_4,  d(67),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "165 (BC_4,  d(66),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "164 (BC_4,  d(65),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "163 (BC_4,  d(64),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "162 (BC_4,  d(63),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "161 (BC_4,  d(53),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "160 (BC_4,  d(52),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "159 (BC_4,  d(51),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "158 (BC_4,  d(50),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "157 (BC_4,  d(49),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "156 (BC_4,  d(48),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "155 (BC_4,  d(47),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "154 (BC_4,  d(46),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "153 (BC_4,  d(45),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "152 (BC_4,  d(35),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "151 (BC_4,  d(34),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "150 (BC_4,  d(33),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "149 (BC_4,  d(32),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "148 (BC_4,  d(31),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "147 (BC_4,  d(30),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "146 (BC_4,  d(29),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "145 (BC_4,  d(28),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "144 (BC_4,  d(27),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "143 (BC_4,  d(17),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "142 (BC_4,  d(16),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "141 (BC_4,  d(15),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "140 (BC_4,  d(14),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "139 (BC_4,  d(13),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "138 (BC_4,  d(12),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "137 (BC_4,  d(11),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "136 (BC_4,  d(10),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "135 (BC_4,  d(9),                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "134 (BC_4,  d(62),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "133 (BC_4,  d(61),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "132 (BC_4,  d(60),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "131 (BC_4,  d(59),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "130 (BC_4,  d(58),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "129 (BC_4,  d(57),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "128 (BC_4,  d(56),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "127 (BC_4,  d(55),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "126 (BC_4,  d(54),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "125 (BC_4,  d(44),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "124 (BC_4,  d(43),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "123 (BC_4,  d(42),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "122 (BC_4,  d(41),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "121 (BC_4,  d(40),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "120 (BC_4,  d(39),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "119 (BC_4,  iw,                   observe_only,      X)," &
        "118 (BC_4,  sclk,                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "117 (BC_4,  sen,                  observe_only,      X)," &
        "116 (BC_4,  d(38),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "115 (BC_4,  d(37),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "114 (BC_4,  d(36),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "113 (BC_4,  d(26),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "112 (BC_4,  d(25),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "111 (BC_4,  d(24),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "110 (BC_4,  d(23),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "109 (BC_4,  d(22),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "108 (BC_4,  d(21),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "107 (BC_4,  d(20),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "106 (BC_4,  d(19),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "105 (BC_4,  d(18),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "104 (BC_4,  d(8),                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "103 (BC_4,  d(7),                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "102 (BC_4,  d(6),                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "101 (BC_4,  d(5),                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "100 (BC_4,  d(4),                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "99  (BC_4,  d(3),                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "98  (BC_4,  d(2),                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "97  (BC_4,  d(1),                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "96  (BC_4,  d(0),                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "95  (BC_4,  wen,                  observe_only,      X)," &
        "94  (BC_4,  wclk,                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "93  (BC_4,     *,                 internal,          X)," &
        "92  (BC_4,     *,                 internal,          X)," &
        "91  (BC_4,  ldb,                  observe_only,      X)," &
        "90  (BC_4,  fwftsi,               observe_only,      X)," &
        "89  (BC_1,  ff,                   output2,	      X)," &
        "88  (BC_1,  paf,                  output2,	      X)," &
        "87  (BC_4,  ow,                   observe_only,      X)," &
        "86  (BC_4,  fs(0),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "85  (BC_1,  hf,                   output2,	      X)," &
        "84  (BC_4,  fs(1),                observe_only,      X)," &
        "83  (BC_4,  beb,                  observe_only,      X)," &
        "82  (BC_4,  ip,                   observe_only,      X)," &
        "81  (BC_4,  bm,                   observe_only,      X)," &
        "80  (BC_1,  pae,                  output2,	      X)," &
        "79  (BC_4,  pfm,                  observe_only,      X)," &
        "78  (BC_1,  ef,                   output2,	      X)," &
        "77  (BC_4,  rm,                   observe_only,      X)," &
        "76  (BC_4,  rclk,                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "75  (BC_4,  renb,                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "74  (BC_4,    *,                  internal,      X)," &
        "73  (BC_4,  oeb,                  observe_only,      X)," &
        "72  (BC_4,  rcsb,                 observe_only,      X)," &
        "71  (BC_1,  q(0),                 output2,	      X)," &
        "70  (BC_1,  q(1),                 output2,	      X)," &
        "69  (BC_1,  q(2),                 output2,	      X)," &
        "68  (BC_1,  q(3),                 output2,	      X)," &
        "67  (BC_1,  q(4),                 output2,	      X)," &
        "66  (BC_1,  q(5),                 output2,	      X)," &
        "65  (BC_1,  q(6),                 output2,	      X)," &
        "64  (BC_1,  q(7),                 output2,	      X)," &
        "63  (BC_1,  q(8),                 output2,	      X)," &
        "62  (BC_1,  q(18),                output2,	      X)," &
        "61  (BC_1,  q(19),                output2,	      X)," &
        "60  (BC_1,  q(20),                output2,	      X)," &
        "59  (BC_1,  q(21),                output2,	      X)," &
        "58  (BC_1,  q(22),                output2,	      X)," &
        "57  (BC_1,  q(23),                output2,	      X)," &
        "56  (BC_1,  q(24),                output2,	      X)," &
        "55  (BC_1,  q(25),                output2,	      X)," &
        "54  (BC_1,  q(26),                output2,	      X)," &
        "53  (BC_1,  q(36),                output2,	      X)," &
        "52  (BC_1,  q(37),                output2,	      X)," &
        "51  (BC_1,  q(38),                output2,	      X)," &
        "50  (BC_1,  q(39),                output2,	      X)," &
        "49  (BC_1,  q(40),                output2,	      X)," &
        "48  (BC_1,  q(41),                output2,	      X)," &
        "47  (BC_1,  q(42),                output2,	      X)," &
        "46  (BC_1,  q(43),                output2,	      X)," &
        "45  (BC_1,  q(44),                output2,	      X)," &
        "44  (BC_1,  q(54),                output2,	      X)," &
        "43  (BC_1,  q(55),                output2,	      X)," &
        "42  (BC_1,  q(56),                output2,	      X)," &
        "41  (BC_1,  q(57),                output2,	      X)," &
        "40  (BC_1,  q(58),                output2,	      X)," &
        "39  (BC_1,  q(59),                output2,	      X)," &
        "38  (BC_1,  q(60),                output2,	      X)," &
        "37  (BC_1,  q(61),                output2,	      X)," &
        "36  (BC_1,  q(62),                output2,	      X)," &
        "35  (BC_1,  q(9),                 output2,	      X)," &
        "34  (BC_1,  q(10),                output2,	      X)," &
        "33  (BC_1,  q(11),                output2,	      X)," &
        "32  (BC_1,  q(12),                output2,	      X)," &
        "31  (BC_1,  q(13),                output2,	      X)," &
        "30  (BC_1,  q(14),                output2,	      X)," &
        "29  (BC_1,  q(15),                output2,	      X)," &
        "28  (BC_1,  q(16),                output2,	      X)," &
        "27  (BC_1,  q(17),                output2,	      X)," &
        "26  (BC_1,  q(27),                output2,	      X)," &
        "25  (BC_1,  q(28),                output2,	      X)," &
        "24  (BC_1,  q(29),                output2,	      X)," &
        "23  (BC_1,  q(30),                output2,	      X)," &
        "22  (BC_1,  q(31),                output2,	      X)," &
        "21  (BC_1,  q(32),                output2,	      X)," &
        "20  (BC_1,  q(33),                output2,	      X)," &
        "19  (BC_1,  q(34),                output2,	      X)," &
        "18  (BC_1,  q(35),                output2,	      X)," &
        "17  (BC_1,  q(45),                output2,	      X)," &
        "16  (BC_1,  q(46),                output2,	      X)," &
        "15  (BC_1,  q(47),                output2,	      X)," &
        "14  (BC_1,  q(48),                output2,	      X)," &
        "13  (BC_1,  q(49),                output2,	      X)," &
        "12  (BC_1,  q(50),                output2,	      X)," &
        "11  (BC_1,  q(51),                output2,	      X)," &
        "10  (BC_1,  q(52),                output2,	      X)," &
        "9   (BC_1,  q(53),                output2,	      X)," &
        "8   (BC_1,  q(63),                output2,	      X)," &
        "7   (BC_1,  q(64),                output2,	      X)," &
        "6   (BC_1,  q(65),                output2,	      X)," &
        "5   (BC_1,  q(66),                output2,	      X)," &
        "4   (BC_1,  q(67),                output2,	      X)," &
        "3   (BC_1,  q(68),                output2,	      X)," &
        "2   (BC_1,  q(69),                output2,	      X)," &
        "1   (BC_1,  q(70),                output2,	      X)," &
        "0   (BC_1,  q(71),                output2,	      X)";

end top;