BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools


-- *****************************************************************************

--   BSDL file for design altairxl_top

--   Company:  PLX TECHNOLOGY

--   Date: 2006/11/21
--   Date: 10/1/07 removed DEVICE_ID settings for customer release BSDL
--   as these pins are tied in the package. Also added powers and grounds.
--   changed ball for PEX_PERST to G3.

-- *****************************************************************************

 entity altairxl_top is
-- This section identifies the default device package selected.
   generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP: string:= "PEX_8509AA");
-- This section declares all the ports in the design.
   port ( 
          EE_CS_P : out bit ;
          EE_DI_P : out bit ;
          EE_DO_P : inout bit ;
          EE_SK_P : inout bit ;
          FATAL_ERRn_P : inout bit ;
          HP_ATNLEDn_P_1 : inout bit ;
          HP_ATNLEDn_P_2 : out bit ;
          HP_ATNLEDn_P_3 : out bit ;
          HP_BUTTONn_P_1 : inout bit ;
          HP_BUTTONn_P_2 : inout bit ;
          HP_BUTTONn_P_3 : inout bit ;
          HP_CLKENn_P_1 : out bit ;
          HP_CLKENn_P_2 : out bit ;
          HP_CLKENn_P_3 : out bit ;
          HP_MRLn_P_1 : inout bit ;
          HP_MRLn_P_2 : inout bit ;
          HP_MRLn_P_3 : inout bit ;
          HP_PERSTn_P_1 : out bit ;
          HP_PERSTn_P_2 : out bit ;
          HP_PERSTn_P_3 : out bit ;
          HP_PRSNTn_P_1 : inout bit ;
          HP_PRSNTn_P_2 : inout bit ;
          HP_PRSNTn_P_3 : inout bit ;
          HP_PWRENn_P_1 : out bit ;
          HP_PWRENn_P_2 : out bit ;
          HP_PWRENn_P_3 : out bit ;
          HP_PWRFLTn_P_1 : inout bit ;
          HP_PWRFLTn_P_2 : inout bit ;
          HP_PWRFLTn_P_3 : inout bit ;
          HP_PWRLEDn_P_1 : out bit ;
          HP_PWRLEDn_P_2 : out bit ;
          HP_PWRLEDn_P_3 : out bit ;
          I2C_ADDR_P_0 : in bit ;
          I2C_ADDR_P_1 : in bit ;
          I2C_ADDR_P_2 : in bit ;
          I2C_SCL_P : inout bit ;
          I2C_SDA_P : inout bit ;
          JTAG_TCK_P : in bit ;
          JTAG_TDI_P : in bit ;
          JTAG_TDO_P : out bit ;
          JTAG_TMS_P : in bit ;
          JTAG_TRSTn_P : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIn_P_0 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIn_P_1 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIn_P_2 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIn_P_3 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIn_P_4 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIn_P_5 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIn_P_6 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIn_P_7 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIp_P_0 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIp_P_1 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIp_P_2 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIp_P_3 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIp_P_4 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIp_P_5 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIp_P_6 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSIp_P_7 : in bit ;
          PEX_INTAn_P : inout bit ;
          PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_0 : inout bit ;
          PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_1 : inout bit ;
          PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_2 : inout bit ;
          PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_3 : inout bit ;
          PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_4 : inout bit ;
          PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_5 : inout bit ;
          PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_6 : inout bit ;
          PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_7 : out bit ;
          PROCMON_P : inout bit ;
          SPARE0_P : inout bit ;
          SPARE1_P : inout bit ;
          SPARE2_P : inout bit ;
          STN0_STRAP_PORTCFG_P_0 : in bit ;
          STN0_STRAP_PORTCFG_P_1 : in bit ;
          STRAP_DEBUG_SEL_P_0 : in bit ;
          STRAP_DEBUG_SEL_P_1 : in bit ;
          STRAP_FAST_BRINGUPn_P : in bit ;
          STRAP_PLL_BYPASSn_P : in bit ;
          STRAP_PROBE_MODEn_P : in bit ;
          STRAP_SERDES_MODE_ENn_P : in bit ;
          STRAP_TESTMODE_P_0 : in bit ;
          STRAP_TESTMODE_P_1 : in bit ;
          STRAP_TESTMODE_P_2 : in bit ;
          STRAP_TESTMODE_P_3 : in bit ;
          STRAP_UPSTRM_PORTSEL_P_0 : in bit ;
          STRAP_UPSTRM_PORTSEL_P_1 : in bit ;
          STRAP_UPSTRM_PORTSEL_P_2 : in bit ;
          PEX_HSOn_P_0 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOn_P_1 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOn_P_2 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOn_P_3 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOn_P_4 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOn_P_5 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOn_P_6 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOn_P_7 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOp_P_0 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOp_P_1 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOp_P_2 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOp_P_3 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOp_P_4 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOp_P_5 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOp_P_6 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_HSOp_P_7 : buffer bit ;
          PEX_PERSTn_P : linkage bit ;
          PEX_REFCLK_neg_P_0 : linkage bit ;
          PEX_REFCLK_pos_P_0 : linkage bit ;
          THERMAL_DIODEn : linkage bit ;
          THERMAL_DIODEp : linkage bit ;
          VDD10 : linkage bit_vector (0 to 10);
          VDD10A : linkage bit_vector (0 to 2);
          VDD10S : linkage bit_vector (0 to 10);
          VDD33 : linkage bit_vector (0 to 14);
          VDD33A : linkage bit ;
          VSS : linkage bit_vector (0 to 42)
   use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
   use STD_1149_6_2003.all;
   attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of altairxl_top: entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";
   attribute PIN_MAP of altairxl_top: entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
     constant PEX_8509AA: PIN_MAP_STRING := 
-- the followings are still missing from the altairxl_pinout.8509 as of 2006/11/21
        " STRAP_SERDES_MODE_ENn_P : A2 , " &
        " HP_PWRLEDn_P_3 : E13 , " &
        " PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_1 : A4 , " &
        " THERMAL_DIODEp : A5 , " &
        " STRAP_UPSTRM_PORTSEL_P_1 : A6 , " &
        " STRAP_UPSTRM_PORTSEL_P_0 : A7 , " &
        " HP_BUTTONn_P_3 : B13 , " &
        " JTAG_TDI_P : A9 , " &
        " JTAG_TDO_P : A10 , " &
        " STRAP_TESTMODE_P_2 : A11 , " &
        " STRAP_DEBUG_SEL_P_0 : A12 , " &
        " STRAP_DEBUG_SEL_P_1 : A13 , " &
        " HP_BUTTONn_P_2 : A8 , " &
        " SPARE1_P : D14 , " &
        " PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_3 : B3 , " &
        " PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_2 : B4 , " &
        " HP_PRSNTn_P_2 : B5 , " &
        " HP_PRSNTn_P_3 : F11 , " &
        " PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_0 : B6 , " &
        " HP_PWRFLTn_P_3 : D12 , " &
        " HP_MRLn_P_2 : B8 , " &
        " JTAG_TRSTn_P : B9 , " &
        " JTAG_TMS_P : B10 , " &
        " STRAP_TESTMODE_P_1 : B11 , " &
        " SPARE0_P : B12 , " &
        " HP_BUTTONn_P_1 : B2 , " &
        " HP_MRLn_P_3 : B14 , " &
        " PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_4 : C2 , " &
        " HP_ATNLEDn_P_2 : C9 , " &
        " PEX_INTAn_P : C3 , " &
        " HP_CLKENn_P_3 : F12 , " &
        " HP_PERSTn_P_3 : E12 , " &
        " THERMAL_DIODEn : C6 , " &
        " HP_PWRENn_P_3 : C14 , " &
        " STRAP_UPSTRM_PORTSEL_P_2 : C8 , " &
        " HP_ATNLEDn_P_3 : D11 , " &
        " JTAG_TCK_P : C10 , " &
        " STRAP_TESTMODE_P_0 : C11 , " &
        " STRAP_TESTMODE_P_3 : C12 , " &
        " PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_7 : C13 , " &
        " HP_PWRENn_P_1 : D1 , " &
        " PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_6 : D13 , " &
        " HP_MRLn_P_1 : C1 , " &
        " HP_PWRFLTn_P_2 : B7 , " &
        " HP_ATNLEDn_P_1 : B1 , " &
        " HP_PWRFLTn_P_1 : D2 , " &
        " PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_5 : D3 , " &
        " HP_PERSTn_P_1 : E3 , " &
        " HP_PWRLEDn_P_2 : A3 , " &
        " HP_PWRENn_P_2 : C7 , " &
        " HP_PERSTn_P_2 : C5 , " &
        " HP_PRSNTn_P_1 : E2 , " &
        " HP_PWRLEDn_P_1 : E1 , " &
        " STN0_STRAP_PORTCFG_P_1 : E14 , " &
        " STRAP_PLL_BYPASSn_P : F1 , " &
        " HP_CLKENn_P_2 : C4 , " &
        " PROCMON_P : F3 , " &
        " HP_CLKENn_P_1 : F2 , " &
        " EE_DO_P : G12 , " &
        " EE_SK_P : G13 , " &
        " STRAP_FAST_BRINGUPn_P : G2 , " &
        " STN0_STRAP_PORTCFG_P_0 : F13 , " &
        " EE_CS_P : F14 , " &
        " STRAP_PROBE_MODEn_P : G14 , " &
        " PEX_PERSTn_P : G3 , " &
        " EE_DI_P : H12 , " &
        " I2C_SDA_P : H13 , " &
        " I2C_SCL_P : H14 , " &
        " PEX_REFCLK_pos_P_0 : J1 , " &
        " PEX_REFCLK_neg_P_0 : J2 , " &
        " SPARE2_P : J12 , " &
        " FATAL_ERRn_P : J13 , " &
        " I2C_ADDR_P_0 : K11 , " &
        " I2C_ADDR_P_1 : K12 , " &
        " I2C_ADDR_P_2 : L12 , " &
        " PEX_HSIn_P_7 : K14 , " &
        " PEX_HSIn_P_0 : L1 , " &
        " PEX_HSIp_P_7 : L14 , " &
        " PEX_HSIp_P_0 : M1 , " &
        " PEX_HSOp_P_0 : N1 , " &
        " PEX_HSOn_P_1 : N2 , " &
        " PEX_HSIp_P_1 : N3 , " &
        " PEX_HSIn_P_2 : N4 , " &
        " PEX_HSOp_P_2 : N5 , " &
        " PEX_HSOn_P_3 : N6 , " &
        " PEX_HSIp_P_3 : N7 , " &
        " PEX_HSIp_P_4 : N8 , " &
        " PEX_HSOn_P_4 : N9 , " &
        " PEX_HSOp_P_5 : N10 , " &
        " PEX_HSIn_P_5 : N11 , " &
        " PEX_HSIp_P_6 : N12 , " &
        " PEX_HSOn_P_6 : N13 , " &
        " PEX_HSOp_P_7 : N14 , " &
        " PEX_HSOn_P_0 : P1 , " &
        " PEX_HSOp_P_1 : P2 , " &
        " PEX_HSIn_P_1 : P3 , " &
        " PEX_HSIp_P_2 : P4 , " &
        " PEX_HSOn_P_2 : P5 , " &
        " PEX_HSOp_P_3 : P6 , " &
        " PEX_HSIn_P_3 : P7 , " &
        " PEX_HSIn_P_4 : P8 , " &
        " PEX_HSOp_P_4 : P9 , " &
        " PEX_HSOn_P_5 : P10 , " &
        " PEX_HSIp_P_5 : P11 , " &
        " PEX_HSIn_P_6 : P12 , " &
        " PEX_HSOp_P_6 : P13 , " &
        " PEX_HSOn_P_7 : P14 , " &
        " VDD10 : ( E5, E7, E9, F10, G5, H10, J5, K4, K6, K8, K10 ), " &
        " VDD10A : ( J3, L5, L10 ), " &
        " VDD10S : ( K2, L3, L7, L13, M2, M4, M6, M8, M10, M12, M14 ), " &
        " VDD33 : ( D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, E4, E11, F4, G4, G11, H4, H11, J11 ), " &
        " VDD33A : H3 , " &
        " VSS : ( A1, A14, E6, E8, E10, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, G6, G7, G8, G9, G10, H1, " &
                 " H2, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, J4, J6, J7, J8, J9, J10, J14, K1, K3, K5, " &
                 " K7, K9, K13, L2, L8, M3, M5, M7, M9, M11, M13 ) " ;

-- This section specifies the differential IO port groupings.
   attribute PORT_GROUPING of altairxl_top: entity is 
      " Differential_Voltage ( ( PEX_HSIp_P_0 , PEX_HSIn_P_0 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSIp_P_1 , PEX_HSIn_P_1 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSIp_P_2 , PEX_HSIn_P_2 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSIp_P_3 , PEX_HSIn_P_3 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSIp_P_4 , PEX_HSIn_P_4 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSIp_P_5 , PEX_HSIn_P_5 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSIp_P_6 , PEX_HSIn_P_6 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSIp_P_7 , PEX_HSIn_P_7 ) , " &
			     " ( PEX_HSOp_P_0 , PEX_HSOn_P_0 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSOp_P_1 , PEX_HSOn_P_1 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSOp_P_2 , PEX_HSOn_P_2 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSOp_P_3 , PEX_HSOn_P_3 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSOp_P_4 , PEX_HSOn_P_4 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSOp_P_5 , PEX_HSOn_P_5 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSOp_P_6 , PEX_HSOn_P_6 ) , " &
                             " ( PEX_HSOp_P_7 , PEX_HSOn_P_7 ) ) " ;

-- This section specifies the TAP ports. For the TAP TCK port, the parameters in 
-- the brackets are:
--        First Field : Maximum  TCK frequency.
--        Second Field: Allowable states TCK may be stopped in.

   attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of JTAG_TCK_P   : signal is (20.0e6, BOTH) ;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of JTAG_TDI_P   : signal is true ;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of JTAG_TMS_P   : signal is true ;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of JTAG_TDO_P   : signal is true ;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of JTAG_TRSTn_P : signal is true ;

-- Specifies the compliance enable patterns for the design. It lists a set of 
-- design ports and the values that they should be set to, in order to enable 
-- compliance to IEEE Std 1149.1
   attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of altairxl_top: entity is 
        " STRAP_TESTMODE_P_0 ) ( 1111 ) " ;

-- Specifies the number of bits in the instruction register.

   attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of altairxl_top: entity is 28;

   attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of altairxl_top: entity is 
     "BYPASS           (1111111111111111111111111111)," &
     "EXTEST           (1111111111111111111111101000)," &
     "SAMPLE           (1111111111111111111111111000)," &
     "PRELOAD          (1111111111111111111111111000)," &
     "EXTEST_PULSE     (1111111110111111111111101000)," &
     "EXTEST_TRAIN     (1111111010011111111111101000)," &
     "CLAMP            (1111111111111111111111101111)," &
     "IDCODE           (1111111111111111111111111110)";

-- Specifies the bit pattern that is loaded into the instruction register when 
-- the TAP controller passes through the Capture-IR state. The standard mandates 
-- that the two LSBs must be "01". The remaining bits are design specific.

   attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of altairxl_top: entity is "0000000000000000000000000001";

-- Specifies the bit pattern that is loaded into the DEVICE_ID register during 
-- the IDCODE instruction when the TAP controller passes through the Capture-DR 
-- state.

   attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of altairxl_top: entity is 
-- 4-bit version number
     "0000" &                  
-- 16-bit part number
     "1000010100001001" &      
-- 11-bit identity of the manufacturer
     "00111001101" &           
-- Required by IEEE Std 1149.1
-- This section specifies the test data register placed between TDI and TDO for 
-- each implemented instruction.

   attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of altairxl_top: entity is 
        "BYPASS    (BYPASS, CLAMP)," &
        "DEVICE_ID (IDCODE)," &

-- Specifies the length of the boundary scan register.

   attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of altairxl_top: entity is 182;

-- The following list specifies the characteristics of each cell in the boundary 
-- scan register from TDI to TDO. The following is a description of the label 
-- fields:
--      num     : Is the cell number.
--      cell    : Is the cell type as defined by the standard.
--      port    : Is the design port name. Control cells do not have a port 
--                name.
--      function: Is the function of the cell as defined by the standard. Is one 
--                of input, output2, output3, bidir, control or controlr.
--      safe    : Specifies the value that the BSR cell should be loaded with 
--                for safe operation when the software might otherwise choose a 
--                random value.
--      ccell   : The control cell number. Specifies the control cell that 
--                drives the output enable for this port.
--      disval  : Specifies the value that is loaded into the control cell to 
--                disable the output enable for the corresponding port.
--      rslt    : Resulting state. Shows the state of the driver when it is 
--                disabled.

   attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of altairxl_top: entity is 
--num   cell   port   function   safe   [ccell   disval   rslt]
" 181 ( BC_0 , HP_ATNLEDn_P_2 , output3 , X , 180 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 180 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 179 ( BC_1 , HP_BUTTONn_P_2 , input , X ) , " &
" 178 ( BC_0 , HP_BUTTONn_P_2 , output3 , X , 177 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 177 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 176 ( BC_1 , HP_MRLn_P_2 , input , X ) , " &
" 175 ( BC_0 , HP_MRLn_P_2 , output3 , X , 174 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 174 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 173 ( BC_1 , STRAP_UPSTRM_PORTSEL_P_0 , input , X ) , " &
" 172 ( BC_1 , STRAP_UPSTRM_PORTSEL_P_2 , input , X ) , " &
" 171 ( BC_1 , HP_PWRFLTn_P_2 , input , X ) , " &
" 170 ( BC_0 , HP_PWRFLTn_P_2 , output3 , X , 169 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 169 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 168 ( BC_1 , STRAP_UPSTRM_PORTSEL_P_1 , input , X ) , " &
" 167 ( BC_0 , HP_PWRENn_P_2 , output3 , X , 166 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 166 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 165 ( BC_1 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_0 , input , X ) , " &
" 164 ( BC_0 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_0 , output3 , X , 163 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 163 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 162 ( BC_1 , HP_PRSNTn_P_2 , input , X ) , " &
" 161 ( BC_0 , HP_PRSNTn_P_2 , output3 , X , 160 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 160 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 159 ( BC_1 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_1 , input , X ) , " &
" 158 ( BC_0 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_1 , output3 , X , 157 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 157 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 156 ( BC_0 , HP_PERSTn_P_2 , output3 , X , 155 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 155 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 154 ( BC_1 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_2 , input , X ) , " &
" 153 ( BC_0 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_2 , output3 , X , 152 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 152 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 151 ( BC_0 , HP_PWRLEDn_P_2 , output3 , X , 150 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 150 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 149 ( BC_0 , HP_CLKENn_P_2 , output3 , X , 148 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 148 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 147 ( BC_1 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_3 , input , X ) , " &
" 146 ( BC_0 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_3 , output3 , X , 145 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 145 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 144 ( BC_1 , STRAP_SERDES_MODE_ENn_P , input , X ) , " &
" 143 ( BC_1 , PEX_INTAn_P , input , X ) , " &
" 142 ( BC_0 , PEX_INTAn_P , output3 , X , 141 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 141 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 140 ( BC_1 , HP_BUTTONn_P_1 , input , X ) , " &
" 139 ( BC_0 , HP_BUTTONn_P_1 , output3 , X , 138 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 138 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 137 ( BC_1 , HP_ATNLEDn_P_1 , input , X ) , " &
" 136 ( BC_0 , HP_ATNLEDn_P_1 , output3 , X , 135 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 135 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 134 ( BC_1 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_4 , input , X ) , " &
" 133 ( BC_0 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_4 , output3 , X , 132 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 132 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 131 ( BC_1 , HP_MRLn_P_1 , input , X ) , " &
" 130 ( BC_0 , HP_MRLn_P_1 , output3 , X , 129 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 129 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 128 ( BC_1 , HP_PWRFLTn_P_1 , input , X ) , " &
" 127 ( BC_0 , HP_PWRFLTn_P_1 , output3 , X , 126 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 126 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 125 ( BC_1 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_5 , input , X ) , " &
" 124 ( BC_0 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_5 , output3 , X , 123 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 123 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 122 ( BC_0 , HP_PWRENn_P_1 , output3 , X , 121 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 121 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 120 ( BC_1 , HP_PRSNTn_P_1 , input , X ) , " &
" 119 ( BC_0 , HP_PRSNTn_P_1 , output3 , X , 118 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 118 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 117 ( BC_0 , HP_PERSTn_P_1 , output3 , X , 116 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 116 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 115 ( BC_0 , HP_PWRLEDn_P_1 , output3 , X , 114 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 114 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 113 ( BC_0 , HP_CLKENn_P_1 , output3 , X , 112 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 112 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 111 ( BC_1 , PROCMON_P , input , X ) , " &
" 110 ( BC_0 , PROCMON_P , output3 , X , 109 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 109 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 108 ( BC_1 , STRAP_PLL_BYPASSn_P , input , X ) , " &
" 107 ( BC_1 , STRAP_FAST_BRINGUPn_P , input , X ) , " &
" 106 ( AC_SELU , *            , internal      , 0 ) , " &
" 105 ( AC_1    , PEX_HSOp_P_0 , output2       , X ) , " &
" 104 ( BC_1    , *            , internal      , 1 ) , " &
" 103 ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIp_P_0 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 102 ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIn_P_0 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 101 ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIn_P_1 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 100 ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIp_P_1 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 99  ( BC_1    , *            , internal      , 1 ) , " &
" 98  ( AC_SELU , *            , internal      , 0 ) , " &
" 97  ( AC_1    , PEX_HSOp_P_1 , output2       , X ) , " &
" 96  ( AC_SELU , *            , internal      , 0 ) , " &
" 95  ( AC_1    , PEX_HSOp_P_2 , output2       , X ) , " &
" 94  ( BC_1    , *            , internal      , 1 ) , " &
" 93  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIp_P_2 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 92  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIn_P_2 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 91  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIn_P_3 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 90  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIp_P_3 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 89  ( BC_1    , *            , internal      , 1 ) , " &
" 88  ( AC_SELU , *            , internal      , 0 ) , " &
" 87  ( AC_1    , PEX_HSOp_P_3 , output2       , X ) , " &
" 86  ( AC_SELU , *            , internal      , 0 ) , " &
" 85  ( AC_1    , PEX_HSOp_P_4 , output2       , X ) , " &
" 84  ( BC_1    , *            , internal      , 1 ) , " &
" 83  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIp_P_4 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 82  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIn_P_4 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 81  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIn_P_5 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 80  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIp_P_5 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 79  ( BC_1    , *            , internal      , 1 ) , " &
" 78  ( AC_SELU , *            , internal      , 0 ) , " &
" 77  ( AC_1    , PEX_HSOp_P_5 , output2       , X ) , " &
" 76  ( AC_SELU , *            , internal      , 0 ) , " &
" 75  ( AC_1    , PEX_HSOp_P_6 , output2       , X ) , " &
" 74  ( BC_1    , *            , internal      , 1 ) , " &
" 73  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIp_P_6 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 72  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIn_P_6 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 71  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIn_P_7 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 70  ( BC_4    , PEX_HSIp_P_7 , observe_only  , X ) , " &
" 69  ( BC_1    , *            , internal      , 1 ) , " &
" 68  ( AC_SELU , *            , internal      , 0 ) , " &
" 67  ( AC_1    , PEX_HSOp_P_7 , output2       , X ) , " &
" 66 ( BC_1 , I2C_ADDR_P_0 , input , X ) , " &
" 65 ( BC_1 , I2C_ADDR_P_1 , input , X ) , " &
" 64 ( BC_1 , I2C_ADDR_P_2 , input , X ) , " &
" 63 ( BC_1 , FATAL_ERRn_P , input , X ) , " &
" 62 ( BC_0 , FATAL_ERRn_P , output3 , X , 61 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 61 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 60 ( BC_1 , SPARE2_P , input , X ) , " &
" 59 ( BC_0 , SPARE2_P , output3 , X , 58 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 58 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 57 ( BC_0 , I2C_SCL_P , output3 , X , 56 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 56 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 55 ( BC_1 , I2C_SCL_P , input , X ) , " &
" 54 ( BC_0 , I2C_SDA_P , output3 , X , 53 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 53 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 52 ( BC_1 , I2C_SDA_P , input , X ) , " &
" 51 ( BC_1 , STRAP_PROBE_MODEn_P , input , X ) , " &
" 50 ( BC_0 , EE_DI_P , output3 , X , 49 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 49 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 48 ( BC_0 , EE_CS_P , output3 , X , 47 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 47 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 46 ( BC_1 , EE_SK_P , input , X ) , " &
" 45 ( BC_0 , EE_SK_P , output3 , X , 44 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 44 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 43 ( BC_1 , STN0_STRAP_PORTCFG_P_0 , input , X ) , " &
" 42 ( BC_1 , EE_DO_P , input , X ) , " &
" 41 ( BC_0 , EE_DO_P , output3 , X , 40 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 40 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 39 ( BC_1 , STN0_STRAP_PORTCFG_P_1 , input , X ) , " &
" 38 ( BC_0 , HP_CLKENn_P_3 , output3 , X , 37 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 37 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 36 ( BC_0 , HP_PWRLEDn_P_3 , output3 , X , 35 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 35 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 34 ( BC_1 , SPARE1_P , input , X ) , " &
" 33 ( BC_0 , SPARE1_P , output3 , X , 32 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 32 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 31 ( BC_0 , HP_PERSTn_P_3 , output3 , X , 30 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 30 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 29 ( BC_1 , HP_PRSNTn_P_3 , input , X ) , " &
" 28 ( BC_0 , HP_PRSNTn_P_3 , output3 , X , 27 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 27 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 26 ( BC_1 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_6 , input , X ) , " &
" 25 ( BC_0 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_6 , output3 , X , 24 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 24 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 23 ( BC_0 , HP_PWRENn_P_3 , output3 , X , 22 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 22 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 21 ( BC_1 , HP_PWRFLTn_P_3 , input , X ) , " &
" 20 ( BC_0 , HP_PWRFLTn_P_3 , output3 , X , 19 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 19 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 18 ( BC_0 , PEX_LANE_GOOD_P_7 , output3 , X , 17 , 0 , Z ) , " &
" 17 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 16 ( BC_1 , HP_MRLn_P_3 , input , X ) , " &
" 15 ( BC_0 , HP_MRLn_P_3 , output3 , X , 14 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 14 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 13 ( BC_0 , HP_ATNLEDn_P_3 , output3 , X , 12 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 12 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 11 ( BC_1 , HP_BUTTONn_P_3 , input , X ) , " &
" 10 ( BC_0 , HP_BUTTONn_P_3 , output3 , X , 9 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 9 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 8 ( BC_1 , STRAP_DEBUG_SEL_P_1 , input , X ) , " &
" 7 ( BC_1 , STRAP_DEBUG_SEL_P_0 , input , X ) , " &
" 6 ( BC_1 , SPARE0_P , input , X ) , " &
" 5 ( BC_0 , SPARE0_P , output3 , X , 4 , 0 , PULL1 ) , " &
" 4 ( BC_0 , * , control , 0 ) , " &
" 3 ( BC_1 , * , internal , X ) , " &
" 2 ( BC_1 , * , internal , X ) , " &
" 1 ( BC_1 , * , internal , X ) , " &
" 0 ( BC_1 , * , internal , X ) " ;

attribute AIO_COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of altairxl_top: entity is "STD_1149_6_2003";

attribute AIO_Pin_BEHAVIOR of altairxl_top : entity is
" PEX_HSIp_P_0[103] , " &
" PEX_HSIp_P_1[100] , " &
" PEX_HSIp_P_2[93] , " &
" PEX_HSIp_P_3[90] , " &
" PEX_HSIp_P_4[83] , " &
" PEX_HSIp_P_5[80] , " &
" PEX_HSIp_P_6[73] , " &
" PEX_HSIp_P_7[70] : LP_time = 6.75e-9 HP_time = 13.5e-9 ; " &
" PEX_HSOp_P_0 : AC_Select = 106 ; " &
" PEX_HSOp_P_1 : AC_Select = 98 ; " &
" PEX_HSOp_P_2 : AC_Select = 96 ; " &
" PEX_HSOp_P_3 : AC_Select = 88 ; " &
" PEX_HSOp_P_4 : AC_Select = 86 ; " &
" PEX_HSOp_P_5 : AC_Select = 78 ; " &
" PEX_HSOp_P_6 : AC_Select = 76 ; " &
" PEX_HSOp_P_7 : AC_Select = 68 " ;

 end altairxl_top;