BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: package

--  PMC_Sierra_Cells   VHDL Package and Package Body
--  for PMC - Sierra
--  revision     :  1.0
--  created by : James Lamond (Hewlett Packard Canada Ltd)
--  date         :  20 December 1995

package PMC_Sierra_Cells is

   use STD_1149_1_1990.all;

   constant cele0 : CELL_INFO;

end PMC_Sierra_Cells;

package body PMC_Sierra_Cells is

constant cele0 : CELL_INFO :=

end PMC_Sierra_Cells;  -- End of PMC_Sierra_Cells Package Body

--  PMC Sierra PM7346 S/UNI-QJET BSDL description
--  Written by: Jean-Francois Pomerlau
--  Part # PM7346-BI-P
--  Using HP3070 Boundary Scan S/W revision B.02.78
--  PM7346 BSDL Revison: 1.0
--  Date : Mar 4th , 1998
--  Hewlett Packard (Canada) Ltd
--  Revised by: K. Mah for Revision E devices.
--  Date: January 5, 1999
--  Revision 2.0 Date: Sep 25, 2001
--  Updated file to remove some possible compiler errors:
--  added line - "NC             : D17";
--  swapped order of lines - 
--         attribute Boundary_Cells of pm7346: entity is "BC_1,BC_4,cele0";
--         attribute Boundary_Length of pm7346: entity is 198;

entity pm7346 is
        generic(PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "SBGA_256");

port (  TPOS                    : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TNEG                    : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TCLK                    : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        RPOS                    : in    bit_vector(1 to 4);
        RNEG                    : in    bit_vector(1 to 4);
        RCLK                    : in    bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TOHINS                  : in    bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TOH                     : in    bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TOHFP                   : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TOHCLK                  : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        REF8KI                  : in    bit;
        TPOHINS                 : in    bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TPOH                    : in    bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TPOHFP                  : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TPOHCLK                 : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TIOHM                   : in    bit_vector(1 to 4);
        TICLK                   : in    bit_vector(1 to 4);
        ROHFP                   : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        ROH                     : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        ROHCLK                  : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        REF8KO                  : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        RPOH                    : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        RPOHCLK                 : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        LCD                     : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        FRMSTAT                 : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        ATM8                    : in    bit;
        TDAT                    : in    bit_vector(0 to 15);
        TPRTY                   : in    bit;
        TSOC                    : in    bit;
        TENB                    : in    bit;
        TADR                    : in    bit_vector(0 to 4);
        TCA                     : out   bit;
        TFCLK                   : in    bit;
        DTCA                    : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        RDAT                    : out   bit_vector(0 to 15);
        RPRTY                   : out   bit;
        RSOC                    : out   bit;
        RENB                    : in    bit;
        RADR                    : in    bit_vector(0 to 4);
        RCA                     : out   bit;
        RFCLK                   : in    bit;
        DRCA                    : out   bit_vector(1 to 4);
        PHY_ADR                 : in    bit_vector(0 to 2);
        CSB                     : in    bit;
        WRB                     : in    bit;
        RDB                     : in    bit;
        D                       : inout bit_vector(0 to 7);
        A                       : in    bit_vector(0 to 10);
        RSTB                    : in    bit;
        ALE                     : in    bit;
        INTB                    : out   bit;
        TCK                     : in    bit;
        TMS                     : in    bit;
        TDI                     : in    bit;
        TDO                     : out   bit;
        TRSTB                   : in    bit;
        BIAS                    : linkage bit_vector(1 to 4);
        VDD                     : linkage bit_vector(1 to 28);
        VSS                     : linkage bit_vector(1 to 32);
        NC                      : linkage bit);

use STD_1149_1_1990.all;
use PMC_Sierra_Cells.all;

attribute PIN_MAP of pm7346 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

constant SBGA_256 : PIN_MAP_STRING := -- Define pin out fo sbga

        "TPOS           : (F2,D3,B4,C6)," &
        "TNEG           : (F1,E4,D5,A5)," &
        "TCLK           : (G3,D2,C4,B5)," &
        "RPOS           : (H4,E2,D1,D6)," &
        "RNEG           : (G2,E1,E3,C5)," &
        "RCLK           : (G1,F3,F4,A4)," &
        "TOHINS         : (R1,M4,K2,J4)," &
        "TOH            : (P3,N1,K3,H3)," &
        "TOHFP          : (R3,N3,L3,J3)," &
        "TOHCLK         : (R2,N2,K1,H2)," &
        "REF8KI         : T3," &
        "TPOHINS        : (W5,U9,W11,V14)," &
        "TPOH           : (Y5,W8,W12,Y15)," &
        "TPOHFP         : (V5,Y7,Y10,W14)," &
        "TPOHCLK        : (U6,V8,V11,U13)," &
        "TIOHM          : (V6,V9,V12,W15)," &
        "TICLK          : (W6,W9,Y13,V15)," &
        "ROHFP          : (T2,P2,M2,J1)," &
        "ROH            : (T1,P1,L2,J2)," &
        "ROHCLK         : (R4,N4,M3,K4)," &
        "REF8KO         : (V4,Y6,Y9,U12)," &
        "RPOH           : (W4,U8,V10,V13)," &
        "RPOHCLK        : (U5,V7,U10,W13)," &
        "LCD            : (Y4,W7,W10,Y14)," &
        "FRMSTAT        : (U3,T4,U2,U1)," &
        "ATM8           : L18," &
        "TDAT           : 
(E19,F17,E18,D20,D19,E17,D18,C17,D16,B17,A17,C16,D15,B16,A16,C15)," &
        "TPRTY          : G19," &
        "TSOC           : G20," &
        "TENB           : H18," &
        "TADR           : (H17,G18,F20,F19,F18)," &
        "TCA            : H19," &
        "TFCLK          : E20," &
        "DTCA           : (K19,J19,J18,J17)," &
        "RDAT           : 
(Y16,W16,U15,V16,Y17,W17,U16,V17,U18,T17,U19,U20,T18,R17,T19,T20)," &
        "RPRTY          : R18," &
        "RSOC           : M17," &
        "RENB           : N18," &
        "RADR           : (R19,R20,P18,N17,P19)," &
        "RCA            : N19," &
        "RFCLK          : P20," &
        "DRCA           : (M18,M19,M20,L17)," &
        "PHY_ADR        : (L19,L20,K18)," &
        "CSB            : C9," &
        "WRB            : B8," &
        "RDB            : D9," &
        "D              : (B15,A15,C14,D13,B14,A14,C13,D12)," &
        "A              : (B13,C12,B12,A12,D11,C11,B11,A11,C10,B10,B9)," &
        "RSTB           : C8," &
        "ALE            : A8," &
        "INTB           : A7," &
        "TCK            : B6," &
        "TMS            : C7," &
        "TDI            : D8," &
        "TDO            : B7," &
        "TRSTB          : A6," &
        "BIAS           : (H20,U17,D4,U4)," &
        "VDD            : 
V18,V19,W2,W3,W18,W19)," &
        "VSS            : 
W20,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y8,Y11,Y12,Y18,Y19,Y20)," &
        "NC             : D17";

attribute Tap_Scan_In of        TDI     : signal is true;
attribute Tap_Scan_Mode of      TMS     : signal is true;
attribute Tap_Scan_Out of       TDO     : signal is true;
attribute Tap_Scan_Reset of     TRSTB   : signal is true;
attribute Tap_Scan_Clock of     TCK     : signal is (1.0e6,BOTH);

attribute Instruction_Length of pm7346: entity is 3;

attribute Instruction_Opcode of pm7346: entity is
        "EXTEST (000)," &
        "SAMPLE (010)," &
        "IDCODE (001)," &
        "BYPASS (011)," &
        "BYPASS (100)," &
        "BYPASS (110)," &
        "BYPASS (111)," &
        "STCTEST (101)";

attribute Instruction_Capture of pm7346: entity is "001";

attribute Idcode_Register of pm7346: entity is
        "0010"                  & -- 4 bit version = 02H
        "0111001101000110"      & -- 16 bit part number = 7346H
        "00001100110"           & -- 11 bit manufacturer`s code
        "1";                      -- mandatory LSB by the standard

attribute Register_Access of pm7346: entity is
        "Boundary (STCTEST)";

attribute Boundary_Cells of pm7346: entity is "BC_1,BC_4,cele0";
attribute Boundary_Length of pm7346: entity is 198;

attribute Boundary_Register of pm7346: entity is
-- num  cell    port       function  safe[ccell disval rslt]
 "197   (BC_4,  TDAT(15),        input, X)," &
 "196   (BC_4,  TDAT(14),        input, X)," &
 "195   (BC_4,  TDAT(13),        input, X)," &
 "194   (BC_4,  TDAT(12),        input, X)," &
 "193   (BC_4,  TDAT(11),        input, X)," &
 "192   (BC_4,  TDAT(10),        input, X)," &
 "191   (BC_4,  TDAT(9),         input, X)," &
 "190   (BC_4,  TDAT(8),         input, X)," &
 "189   (BC_4,  TDAT(7),         input, X)," &
 "188   (BC_4,  TDAT(6),         input, X)," &
 "187   (BC_4,  TDAT(5),         input, X)," &
 "186   (BC_4,  TDAT(4),         input, X)," &
 "185   (BC_4,  TDAT(3),         input, X)," &
 "184   (BC_4,  TDAT(2),         input, X)," &
 "183   (BC_4,  TDAT(1),         input, X)," &
 "182   (BC_4,  TDAT(0),         input, X)," &
 "181   (BC_4,  TFCLK,           input, X)," &
 "180   (BC_4,  TADR(4),         input, X)," &
 "179   (BC_4,  TADR(3),         input, X)," &
 "178   (BC_4,  TADR(2),         input, X)," &
 "177   (BC_4,  TADR(1),         input, X)," &
 "176   (BC_4,  TADR(0),         input, X)," &
 "175   (BC_4,  TPRTY,           input, X)," &
 "174   (BC_4,  TSOC,            input, X)," &
 "173   (BC_4,  TENB,            input, X)," &
 "172   (BC_1,  TCA,             output3, X, 171, 1, Z),"&
 "171   (BC_1,  *,               control, 1),"&
 "170   (BC_1,  DTCA(4),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "169   (BC_1,  DTCA(3),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "168   (BC_1,  DTCA(2),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "167   (BC_1,  DTCA(1),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "166   (BC_4,  PHY_ADR(2),      input, X)," &
 "165   (BC_4,  PHY_ADR(1),      input, X)," &
 "164   (BC_4,  PHY_ADR(0),      input, X)," &
 "163   (BC_4,  ATM8,            input, X)," &
 "162   (BC_1,  DRCA(4),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "161   (BC_1,  DRCA(3),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "160   (BC_1,  DRCA(2),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "159   (BC_1,  DRCA(1),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "158   (BC_1,  RCA,             output3, X, 157, 1, Z),"&
 "157   (BC_1,  *,               control, 1),"&
 "156   (BC_1,  RSOC,            output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "155   (BC_4,  RENB,            input, X)," &
 "154   (BC_4,  RFCLK,           input, X)," &
 "153   (BC_4,  RADR(4),         input, X)," &
 "152   (BC_4,  RADR(3),         input, X)," &
 "151   (BC_4,  RADR(2),         input, X)," &
 "150   (BC_4,  RADR(1),         input, X)," &
 "149   (BC_4,  RADR(0),         input, X)," &
 "148   (BC_1,  RPRTY,           output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "147   (BC_1,  RDAT(15),        output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "146   (BC_1,  RDAT(14),        output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "145   (BC_1,  RDAT(13),        output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "144   (BC_1,  RDAT(12),        output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "143   (BC_1,  RDAT(11),        output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "142   (BC_1,  RDAT(10),        output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "141   (BC_1,  RDAT(9),         output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "140   (BC_1,  RDAT(8),         output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "139   (BC_1,  RDAT(7),         output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "138   (BC_1,  RDAT(6),         output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "137   (BC_1,  RDAT(5),         output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "136   (BC_1,  RDAT(4),         output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "135   (BC_1,  RDAT(3),         output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "134   (BC_1,  RDAT(2),         output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "133   (BC_1,  RDAT(1),         output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "132   (BC_1,  RDAT(0),         output3, X, 131, 1, Z),"&
 "131   (BC_1,  *,               control, 1),"&
 "130   (BC_4,  TICLK(4),        input, X)," &
 "129   (BC_4,  TICLK(3),        input, X)," &
 "128   (BC_4,  TICLK(2),        input, X)," &
 "127   (BC_4,  TICLK(1),        input, X)," &
 "126   (BC_4,  TIOHM(4),        input, X)," &
 "125   (BC_4,  TIOHM(3),        input, X)," &
 "124   (BC_4,  TIOHM(2),        input, X)," &
 "123   (BC_4,  TIOHM(1),        input, X)," &
 "122   (BC_4,  TPOH(4),         input, X)," &
 "121   (BC_4,  TPOH(3),         input, X)," &
 "120   (BC_4,  TPOH(2),         input, X)," &
 "119   (BC_4,  TPOH(1),         input, X)," &
 "118   (BC_4,  TPOHINS(4),      input, X)," &
 "117   (BC_4,  TPOHINS(3),      input, X)," &
 "116   (BC_4,  TPOHINS(2),      input, X)," &
 "115   (BC_4,  TPOHINS(1),      input, X)," &
 "114   (BC_1,  TPOHCLK(4),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "113   (BC_1,  TPOHCLK(3),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "112   (BC_1,  TPOHCLK(2),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "111   (BC_1,  TPOHCLK(1),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "110   (BC_1,  TPOHFP(4),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "109   (BC_1,  TPOHFP(3),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "108   (BC_1,  TPOHFP(2),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "107   (BC_1,  TPOHFP(1),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "106   (BC_1,  LCD(4),          output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "105   (BC_1,  LCD(3),          output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "104   (BC_1,  LCD(2),          output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "103   (BC_1,  LCD(1),          output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "102   (BC_1,  RPOH(4),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "101   (BC_1,  RPOH(3),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "100   (BC_1,  RPOH(2),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "99    (BC_1,  RPOH(1),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "98    (BC_1,  RPOHCLK(4),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "97    (BC_1,  RPOHCLK(3),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "96    (BC_1,  RPOHCLK(2),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "95    (BC_1,  RPOHCLK(1),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "94    (BC_1,  REF8KO(4),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "93    (BC_1,  REF8KO(3),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "92    (BC_1,  REF8KO(2),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "91    (BC_1,  REF8KO(1),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "90    (BC_1,  FRMSTAT(4),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "89    (BC_1,  FRMSTAT(3),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "88    (BC_1,  FRMSTAT(2),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "87    (BC_1,  FRMSTAT(1),      output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "86    (BC_4,  REF8KI,          input, X)," &
 "85    (BC_1,  ROHCLK(4),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "84    (BC_1,  ROHCLK(3),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "83    (BC_1,  ROHCLK(2),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "82    (BC_1,  ROHCLK(1),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "81    (BC_1,  ROHFP(4),        output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "80    (BC_1,  ROHFP(3),        output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "79    (BC_1,  ROHFP(2),        output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "78    (BC_1,  ROHFP(1),        output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "77    (BC_1,  ROH(4),          output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "76    (BC_1,  ROH(3),          output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "75    (BC_1,  ROH(2),          output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "74    (BC_1,  ROH(1),          output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "73    (BC_1,  TOHFP(4),        output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "72    (BC_1,  TOHFP(3),        output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "71    (BC_1,  TOHFP(2),        output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "70    (BC_1,  TOHFP(1),        output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "69    (BC_1,  TOHCLK(4),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "68    (BC_1,  TOHCLK(3),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "67    (BC_1,  TOHCLK(2),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "66    (BC_1,  TOHCLK(1),       output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "65    (BC_4,  TOHINS(4),       input, X)," &
 "64    (BC_4,  TOHINS(3),       input, X)," &
 "63    (BC_4,  TOHINS(2),       input, X)," &
 "62    (BC_4,  TOHINS(1),       input, X)," &
 "61    (BC_4,  TOH(4),          input, X)," &
 "60    (BC_4,  TOH(3),          input, X)," &
 "59    (BC_4,  TOH(2),          input, X)," &
 "58    (BC_4,  TOH(1),          input, X)," &
 "57    (BC_4,  RCLK(4),         input, X)," &
 "56    (BC_4,  RCLK(3),         input, X)," &
 "55    (BC_4,  RCLK(2),         input, X)," &
 "54    (BC_4,  RCLK(1),         input, X)," &
 "53    (BC_4,  RNEG(4),         input, X)," &
 "52    (BC_4,  RNEG(3),         input, X)," &
 "51    (BC_4,  RNEG(2),         input, X)," &
 "50    (BC_4,  RNEG(1),         input, X)," &
 "49    (BC_4,  RPOS(4),         input, X)," &
 "48    (BC_4,  RPOS(3),         input, X)," &
 "47    (BC_4,  RPOS(2),         input, X)," &
 "46    (BC_4,  RPOS(1),         input, X)," &
 "45    (BC_1,  TCLK(4),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "44    (BC_1,  TCLK(3),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "43    (BC_1,  TCLK(2),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "42    (BC_1,  TCLK(1),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "41    (BC_1,  TNEG(4),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "40    (BC_1,  TNEG(3),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "39    (BC_1,  TNEG(2),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "38    (BC_1,  TNEG(1),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "37    (BC_1,  TPOS(4),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "36    (BC_1,  TPOS(3),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "35    (BC_1,  TPOS(2),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "34    (BC_1,  TPOS(1),         output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "33    (BC_1,  INTB,            output3, X, 0, 1, Z),"&
 "32    (BC_4,  RSTB,            input, X)," &
 "31    (BC_4,  WRB,             input, X)," &
 "30    (BC_4,  RDB,             input, X)," &
 "29    (BC_4,  ALE,             input, X)," &
 "28    (BC_4,  CSB,             input, X)," &
 "27    (BC_4,  A(10),           input, X)," &
 "26    (BC_4,  A(9),            input, X)," &
 "25    (BC_4,  A(8),            input, X)," &
 "24    (BC_4,  A(7),            input, X)," &
 "23    (BC_4,  A(6),            input, X)," &
 "22    (BC_4,  A(5),            input, X)," &
 "21    (BC_4,  A(4),            input, X)," &
 "20    (BC_4,  A(3),            input, X)," &
 "19    (BC_4,  A(2),            input, X)," &
 "18    (BC_4,  A(1),            input, X)," &
 "17    (BC_4,  A(0),            input, X)," &
 "16    (cele0,  D(7),           bidir, X, 15, 1, Z)," &
 "15    (BC_1,  *,               control, 1)," &
 "14    (cele0,  D(6),           bidir, X, 13, 1, Z)," &
 "13    (BC_1,  *,               control, 1)," &
 "12    (cele0,  D(5),           bidir, X, 11, 1, Z)," &
 "11    (BC_1,  *,               control, 1)," &
 "10    (cele0,  D(4),           bidir, X, 9, 1, Z)," &
 "9     (BC_1,  *,               control, 1)," &
 "8     (cele0,  D(3),           bidir, X, 7, 1, Z)," &
 "7     (BC_1,  *,               control, 1)," &
 "6     (cele0,  D(2),           bidir, X, 5, 1, Z)," &
 "5     (BC_1,  *,               control, 1)," &
 "4     (cele0,  D(1),           bidir, X, 3, 1, Z)," &
 "3     (BC_1,  *,               control, 1)," &
 "2     (cele0, D(0),            bidir, X, 1, 1, Z)," &
 "1     (BC_1,  *,               control, 1)," &
 "0     (BC_1,  *,               control, 1)";

end pm7346;