BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: CM8A34003

-- ***************************************************************
--      Company: Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 
--      Part : CM8A34003
--      Title: BSDL file of CM8A34003
--      Generated by : AS
--      Release status: formal issue
--      Security level: client use
--      BSDL Version 2001
--      Revision History:
--              Jan 15, 2019:   initial release - QFN48
--              Jun 13, 2018:   ID[4:0] == [nc,nc,nc,nc,nc] == variant31 == 0x64F
-- Generated by boundaryScanGenerate 2015.2-p1      Mon Jun 29 23:40:43 GMT 2015 on 09/10/16 18:53:05
-- BSDL Version 2001

entity CM8A34003 is 
    generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "QFN_48");

    port (
        -- Port List
        OSCI                 : linkage  bit;
        OSCO                 : linkage  bit;
        XO_DPLL              : linkage  bit;
        nMR0                  : in       bit;
        SCL_M                : inout    bit;
        SDA_M                : inout    bit;
        SCLK_AUX                 : inout    bit;
        SDIO_AUX                 : inout    bit;
        SDI_A1_AUX               : inout    bit;
        CS_A0_AUX                : inout    bit;
        nTEST                : in       bit;
        CLK0                 : linkage  bit;
        CLK1                 : linkage  bit;
        nCLK0                : linkage  bit;
        nCLK1                : linkage  bit;
        Q9                   : linkage  bit;
        Q8                   : linkage  bit;
        Q10                   : linkage  bit;
        Q11                   : linkage  bit;
        nQ8                  : linkage  bit;
        nQ9                  : linkage  bit;
        nQ10                  : linkage  bit;
        nQ11                  : linkage  bit;
        GPIO_DC0             : in       bit;
        GPIO_DC1             : in       bit;
        GPIO_DC2             : in       bit;
        GPIO_DC3             : out      bit;
        GPIO_DC4             : in       bit;
        GPIO_DC5             : inout    bit;
        GPIO_DC8             : inout    bit;
        GPIO_DC9             : inout    bit;
        FILTER_PAD          : linkage  bit;
        VDD_CLK0          : linkage  bit;
        VDDA_BANDGAP         : linkage  bit;
        VDDA_FBDIV           : linkage  bit;
        VDDA_LC              : linkage  bit;
        VDD_GPIO_DC             : linkage  bit;
        VDDD                 : linkage  bit;
        VDD_FOD_Q10        : linkage  bit;
        VDDO_Q8            : linkage  bit;
        VDDO_Q9            : linkage  bit;
        VDDO_Q10            : linkage  bit;
        VDDO_Q11            : linkage  bit;
        VREG_XTAL            : linkage  bit);

    use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
    use LVS_BSCAN_CELLS.all;

    attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of CM8A34003: entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";

    --Pin mappings

    attribute PIN_MAP of CM8A34003: entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

    constant QFN_48: PIN_MAP_STRING := 
    "OSCI                 : 45    , " &
    "OSCO                 : 44    , " &
    "XO_DPLL              : 1    , " &
    "nMR0                  : 17    , " &
    "SCL_M                : 8    , " &
    "SDA_M                : 7    , " &
    "SCLK_AUX                 : 12    , " &
    "SDIO_AUX                 : 11    , " &
    "SDI_A1_AUX               : 10    , " &
    "CS_A0_AUX                : 9    , " &
    "nTEST                : 18   , " &
    "CLK0                 : 2   , " &
    "CLK1                 : 4   , " &
    "nCLK0                : 3   , " &
    "nCLK1                : 5   , " &
    "Q8                   : 40   , " &
    "Q9                   : 34   , " &
    "Q10                   : 27   , " &
    "Q11                   : 21   , " &
    "nQ8                  : 41   , " &
    "nQ9                  : 33   , " &
    "nQ10                  : 28   , " &
    "nQ11                  : 20   , " &
    "GPIO_DC0             : 42   , " &
    "GPIO_DC1             : 32   , " &
    "GPIO_DC2             : 29   , " &
    "GPIO_DC3             : 19   , " &
    "GPIO_DC4             : 37   , " &
    "GPIO_DC5             : 36  , " &
    "GPIO_DC8             : 25   , " &
    "GPIO_DC9             : 24   , " &
    "FILTER_PAD          : 14   , " &
    "VDD_CLK0          : 48   , " &
    "VDDA_BANDGAP         : 16   , " &
    "VDDA_FBDIV           : 47   , " &
    "VDDA_LC              : 15   , " &
    "VDD_GPIO_DC             : 13   , " &
    "VDDD                 : 6   , " &
    "VDD_FOD_Q10        : 30   , " &
    "VDDO_Q8              : 39   , " &
    "VDDO_Q9              : 35   , " &
    "VDDO_Q10              : 26   , " &
    "VDDO_Q11              : 22   , " &
    "VREG_XTAL            : 43   " ;

   attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET of GPIO_DC4                     : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of GPIO_DC2                     : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of GPIO_DC1                     : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of GPIO_DC3                     : signal is true;
   attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of GPIO_DC0                     : signal is (1.0000000000000000000e+07, BOTH);

    attribute COMPLIANCE_PATTERNS of CM8A34003 : entity is 
        "(nTEST) (0)";
   attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of CM8A34003: entity is 18;
   attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of CM8A34003: entity is
      "IDCODE       (111111111111111110)," &
      "BYPASS       (111111111111111111)," &
      "EXTEST       (111111111111101000)," &
      "SAMPLE       (111111111111111000)," &
      "PRELOAD      (111111111111111000)," &
      "HIGHZ        (111111111111001111)," &
      "CLAMP        (111111111111101111) " ;
   attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of CM8A34003: entity is "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx01";
   attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of CM8A34003: entity is
      "0001"             & -- version
      "0000011001001111" & -- part number
      "00000110011"      & -- manufacturer's identity
      "1";                   -- required by 1149.1
   attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of CM8A34003: entity is
      "DEVICE_ID    ( IDCODE ), " &
      "BYPASS       ( HIGHZ, CLAMP, BYPASS ) " ;

    --Boundary scan definition
    attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of CM8A34003: entity is 43;

    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of CM8A34003: entity is 
    -- num  cell         port               function       safe     [ccell disval  rslt]
    "  42   (BC_4       , nMR0              , observe_only , X   )                          ,"&
    "  41   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  40   (LV_BC_7    , SCL_M            , bidir        , X    ,   41     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  39   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  38   (LV_BC_7    , SDA_M            , bidir        , X    ,   39     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  37   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  36   (LV_BC_7    , SCLK_AUX             , bidir        , X    ,   37     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  35   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  34   (LV_BC_7    , SDIO_AUX             , bidir        , X    ,   35     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  33   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  32   (LV_BC_7    , SDI_A1_AUX           , bidir        , X    ,   33     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  31   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  30   (LV_BC_7    , CS_A0_AUX            , bidir        , X    ,   31     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  29   (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  28   (BC_0    , *         , internal        , 0    ),"&
    "  27   (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  26   (BC_0    , *         , internal        , 0  ),"&
    "  25   (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  24   (BC_0    , *       , internal        , 0  ),"&
    "  23   (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  22   (BC_0    , *        , internal        , 0  ),"&
    "  21   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  20   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO_DC5         , bidir        , X    ,   21     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  19   (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  18   (BC_0    , *         , internal        , 0 ),"&
    "  17   (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  16   (BC_0    , *         , internal        , 0 ),"&
    "  15   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  14   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO_DC8         , bidir        , X    ,   15     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  13   (BC_2       , *                , control      , 1   )                          ,"&
    "  12   (LV_BC_7    , GPIO_DC9         , bidir        , X    ,   13     , 1     , Z   ),"&
    "  11   (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  10   (BC_0    , *        , internal        , 0 ),"&
    "  9    (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  8    (BC_0    , *        , internal        , 0 ),"&
    "  7    (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  6    (BC_0    , *        , internal        , 0 ),"&
    "  5    (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  4    (BC_0    , *        , internal        , 0 ),"&
    "  3    (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  2    (BC_0    , *        , internal        , 0 ),"&
    "  1    (BC_0       , *                , internal      , 0   )                          ,"&
    "  0    (BC_0    , *        , internal        , 0 ) ";

end CM8A34003;
-- VHDL package to be uploaded
--package LVS_BSCAN_CELLS is
--    use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
--        constant LV_BC_7: CELL_INFO;
--package body LVS_BSCAN_CELLS is
--    use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
--        constant LV_BC_7: CELL_INFO := 
--           ((BIDIR_IN, EXTEST,  PI),  (BIDIR_OUT, EXTEST,  PO),
--           (BIDIR_IN, SAMPLE,  PI),  (BIDIR_OUT, SAMPLE,  PI),
--           (BIDIR_IN, INTEST,  X),  (BIDIR_OUT, INTEST,  PI));