BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44

-- ********************************************************************
-- * ispPAC-POWR604 BSDL Model                                        *
-- * File Version:      1.00                                          *
-- * File Date:         04/17/03                                      *
-- *                                                                  *
-- * Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture         *
-- * VHDL Description File                                            *
-- *                                                                  *
-- * This BSDL file is created by ispBDF v3.1 according to:           *
-- * - IEEE 1149.1 1994 spec.                                         *
-- *                                                                  *
-- * This BSDL file has been syntax checked with:                     *
-- * - Lattice BSDL Syntax Checker                                    *
-- * - Goepel BSDL Syntax Checker                                     *
-- * - Agilent BSDL Syntax Checker                                    *
-- *                                                                  *
-- *  Copyright 2000 - 2003 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation         *
-- *  5555 NE Moore Ct., Hillsboro, OR 97124                          *
-- *  All rights reserved.  No part of this program or publication    *
-- *  may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a        *
-- *  retrieval system, or translated into any language or            *
-- *  computer language, in any form or by any means without this     *
-- *  notice appearing within.                                        *
-- ********************************************************************
-- *                                                                  *
-- *                           IMPORTANT                              *
-- *                                                                  *
-- * This device does not include a BSCAN register and does not       *
-- * directly support pin continuity testing.  The BSDL file is       *
-- * is provided to define the devices in a scan chain where the      *
-- * Instruction Register and Bypass instruction must be known.       *
-- *                                                                  *
-- * For Further assistance, please contact Tech Support at           *
-- *       1-800-LATTICE or               *
-- ********************************************************************
-- *                                                                  *
-- *                          REVISION HISTORY                        *
-- *                                                                  *
-- * Rev 1.00: 04/17/03                                               *
-- *  - Initial version                                               *
-- *                                                                  *
-- ********************************************************************

-- The Overall Structure of the Entity Description
entity ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44 is

-- Generic Parameter Statement
generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "TQFP_44");
-- Logical Port Description Statement
port (
      NC: linkage bit_vector(0 to 11);              --No Connect Pins
      VCC: linkage bit;
      IN1: linkage bit;
      IN2: linkage bit;
      IN3: linkage bit;
      IN4: linkage bit;
      RESET: linkage bit;
      VCCINP: linkage bit;
      OUT5: linkage bit;
      OUT6: linkage bit;
      OUT7: linkage bit;
      OUT8: linkage bit;
      COMP6: linkage bit;
      COMP5: linkage bit;
      COMP4: linkage bit;
      COMP3: linkage bit;
      COMP2: linkage bit;
      COMP1: linkage bit;
      TCK: in bit;
      POR: linkage bit;
      CLK: linkage bit;
      GND: linkage bit;
      TDO: out bit;
      TRST: linkage bit;
      TDI: in bit;
      TMS: in bit;
      VMON1: linkage bit;
      VMON2: linkage bit;
      VMON3: linkage bit;
      VMON4: linkage bit;
      VMON5: linkage bit;
      VMON6: linkage bit;
      CREF: linkage bit

-- Version Control
use STD_1149_1_1994.all;              -- 1149.1-1994 attributes

-- Component Conformance Statement
attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44 : entity is

-- Device Package Pin Mapping
attribute PIN_MAP of ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

constant TQFP_44 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=

      "NC: (1, 2, 3, 4, 16, 17, "&          --No Connect
      "      38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44), "&          --No Connect
      "VCC: 5,"&                      
      "IN1: 6,"&                      
      "IN2: 7,"&                      
      "IN3: 8,"&                      
      "IN4: 9,"&                      
      "RESET: 10,"&                      
      "VCCINP: 11,"&                      
      "OUT5: 12,"&                      
      "OUT6: 13,"&                      
      "OUT7: 14,"&                      
      "OUT8: 15,"&                      
      "COMP6: 18,"&                      
      "COMP5: 19,"&                      
      "COMP4: 20,"&                      
      "COMP3: 21,"&                      
      "COMP2: 22,"&                      
      "COMP1: 23,"&                      
      "TCK: 24,"&                      
      "POR: 25,"&                      
      "CLK: 26,"&                      
      "GND: 27,"&                      
      "TDO: 28,"&                      
      "TRST: 29,"&                      
      "TDI: 30,"&                      
      "TMS: 31,"&                      
      "VMON1: 32,"&                      
      "VMON2: 33,"&                      
      "VMON3: 34,"&                      
      "VMON4: 35,"&                      
      "VMON5: 36,"&                      
      "VMON6: 37,"&                      
      "CREF: 39";                       

-- Scan Port Identification

      attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : Signal is (1.0e6, BOTH);
      attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI : Signal is True;
      attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO : Signal is True;
      attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS : Signal is True;

-- Instruction Register Description

      attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44 : entity is 6;
      attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44 : entity is

-- 1149.1 instructions
      "BYPASS              (111111),"&
      "SAMPLE              (011100),"&
      "EXTEST              (000000),"&
      "IDCODE              (011001),"&
      "HIGHZ               (010111)";

      attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44 : entity is

-- IDCODE Definition
      attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44 : entity is
      "0000"&          -- version number
      "0000000101000001"&          -- part identification
      "00000100001"&          -- company code
      "1";          -- mandatory

-- Register Access Description
      attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44 : entity is
      "BYPASS           (BYPASS, "&
      "                 HIGHZ),"&
      "BOUNDARY         (SAMPLE, "&
      "                 EXTEST),"&
      "DEVICE_ID        (IDCODE)";

-- *****************************************************************
-- Boundary Scan Register Description, Cell 0 is the closest to TDO
-- *****************************************************************
      attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44 : entity is 1;
      attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44 : entity is

      --num cell  port  function  safe  [ccell  disval  rslt]
      "0 (BC_1,   *, INTERNAL, 0           )";

end ispPAC_POWR604_XXT44;