BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: EZ80F92

--  eZ80F92.bsd
--     AGILENT 3070 BSDL COMPILER       
--     BSDL File /work/eZ80F92.bsdl, package LQFP100 compiled successfully.
--  BSDL File for eZ80F92  revision 1    Original Issue
--                                       Zilog Systems Development SDC
--                                       May 19, 2003
--    file could be used with F92 or F93 devices. Flash and RAM sizing is
--      die wire bonding controlled.  Both F92 and F93 BSDL files are
--      provided for clarity.
--    file is the same as eZ80L92.bsd except for:
--      device name and IDCODE contents
--  eZ80F92 is 1149.1 compatible not compliant.
--  This BSDL file is 1149.1 compliant.
--  eZ90F92 does not have a boundary register. Standard boundary register
--  defaults to outputting the OCIREV 8-bit code.
--  See eZ80 Device BSDL File Usage Applications Note.

entity eZ80F92 is

generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "LQFP100" );

port (Ad: linkage bit_vector (0 to 23);
CS: linkage bit_vector (0 to 3);
D: linkage bit_vector ( 0 to 7);
IORQN: linkage bit;
MREQN: linkage bit;
RDN: linkage bit;		
WRN: linkage bit;		
INSTRDN: linkage bit;   	
WAITN: linkage bit;		
RESETN: linkage bit;		
NMIN: linkage bit;		
BUSREQN: linkage bit;   	
BUSACKN: linkage bit;   	
HALT_SLPN: linkage bit;
RTC_XIN: linkage bit;
RTC_XOUT: linkage bit;
RTC_VDD: linkage bit;
TMS: in bit;
TCK: in bit;
TRIGOUT: linkage bit;
TDI: in bit;
TDO: out bit;
PD: linkage bit_vector ( 0 to 7);
PC: linkage bit_vector ( 0 to 7);
XIN: linkage bit;
XOUT: linkage bit;
PB: linkage bit_vector ( 0 to 7);
SDA: linkage bit;
SCL: linkage bit;
PHI: linkage bit;
VDD: linkage bit_vector ( 1 to 8);
VSS: linkage bit_vector (1 to 8));	

use STD_1149_1_2001.all;

attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of eZ80F92 :
	entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";

attribute PIN_MAP of eZ80F92 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

constant LQFP100: PIN_MAP_STRING:=

"Ad:(1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28),"  &
"CS:(29,30,31,32),"  &
"D:(35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42),"  &
"IORQN:45," &
"MREQN:46," &
"RDN:47," &
"WRN:48," &
"INSTRDN:49," &
"WAITN:50," &
"RESETN:51," &
"NMIN:52," &
"BUSREQN:53," &
"BUSACKN:54," &
"HALT_SLPN:55," &
"RTC_XIN:58," &
"RTC_XOUT:59," &
"RTC_VDD:60," &
"TRIGOUT:64," &
"PD:(68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75),"  &
"PC:(76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83),"  &
"XIN:85," &
"XOUT:86," &
"PB:(88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95),"  &
"SDA:98," &
"SCL:99," &
"PHI:100," &
"VDD:(7,18,33,43,56,67,87,96)," &

attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (10.0e6, BOTH);
attribute TAP_SCAN_IN    of TDI : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT   of TDO : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE  of TMS : signal is true;

-- TCK freq max is defined as half the eZ80F92 20 MHz clock-in freq

attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of eZ80F92 : entity is 8;

attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of eZ80F92 : entity is
	"BYPASS ( 11111111)," &
	"EXTEST ( 00000000)," &		-- JTAG required not F92 supported
	"SAMPLE ( 00000001)," &		-- JTAG required not F92 supported
	"PRELOAD ( 00000001)," &	-- JTAG required not F92 supported
	"IDCODE ( 00100010)";

attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of eZ80F92 : entity is "00000001";

attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of eZ80F92 : entity is
	"0000" &            -- version
      "0000000000000100" &  -- 0004h  eZ80F92 Part Number
      "00000011010" &       -- 01Ah   Zilog Mfg ID
      "1";                  -- required by JTAG Standard

attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of eZ80F92 : entity is

-- eZ80F92 does not have a pin boundary scan chain/register
-- this code section is a placeholder
-- For boundary register commands eZ0F92 will output 8-bit OCIREV code
-- on TDO then echo TDI -to- TDO with an eight TCK delay

attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of eZ80F92 : entity is 8;

attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of eZ80F92 : entity is

"0	(BC_4, *, INTERNAL, X)," &
"1	(BC_4, *, INTERNAL, X)," &
"2	(BC_4, *, INTERNAL, X)," &
"3	(BC_4, *, INTERNAL, X)," &
"4	(BC_4, *, INTERNAL, X)," &
"5	(BC_4, *, INTERNAL, X)," &
"6	(BC_4, *, INTERNAL, X)," &
"7	(BC_4, *, INTERNAL, X)";

end eZ80F92;