BSDL Files Library for JTAG

The only free public library that contains thousands of BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) models to use with BScan/JTAG tools

BSDL model: INTEL486_DX2_C_TM

-- Copyright Intel Corporation 1993 
-- Intel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products
-- and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in
-- this document nor does it make a commitment to update the information 
-- contained herein.
-- Boundary-Scan Description Language (BSDL Version 0.0) is a de-facto
-- standard means of describing essential features of ANSI/IEEE 1149.1-1990 
-- compliant devices.  This language is under consideration by the IEEE for 
-- formal inclusion within a supplement to the 1149.1-1990 standard.  The
-- generation of the supplement entails an extensive IEEE review and a formal 
-- acceptance balloting procedure which may change the resultant form of the 
-- language.  Be aware that this process may extend well into 1993, and at
-- this time the IEEE does not endorse or hold an opinion on the language. 
-- Intel486(TM) DX2 CPU BSDL description
-- C-stepping (aA Stepping SL-enhanced)
-- PGA Package verified electrically
-- NOTE: PQFP and SQFP have *NOT* been verified electrically!
-- --------------------------------------------------------- 
-- Rev: 2.0	12 Aug 1993

entity Intel486_DX2_C_TM is
   generic(PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "PGA_17x17");
   port (A20M     : in    bit;
         ABUS2    : out   bit; 
         ABUS3    : out   bit;
         ABUS     : inout bit_vector (4 to 31); -- Address bus (words) 
         ADS      : out   bit;
         AHOLD    : in    bit;
         BE       : out   bit_vector(0 to 3); 
         BLAST    : out   bit;
         BOFF     : in    bit; 
         BRDY     : in    bit; 
--         BRDYC    : in    bit;  -- chipset version only
         BREQ     : out   bit; 
         BS8      : in    bit; 
         BS16     : in    bit; 
         CLK      : in    bit;
         DBUS     : inout bit_vector(0 to 31);  -- Data bus 
         DC       : out   bit;
         DP       : inout bit_vector(0 to 3); 
         EADS     : in    bit;
         FERR     : out   bit; 
         FLUSH    : in    bit; 
         HLDA     : out   bit; 
         HOLD     : in    bit; 
         IGNNE    : in    bit; 
         INTR     : in    bit; 
         KEN      : in    bit; 
         LOCK     : out   bit; 
         MIO      : out   bit;
         NC       : linkage bit_vector(1 to 7); -- No Connects base
         NCP      : linkage bit_vector(1 to 33); -- No Connects PQFP
         NCS      : linkage bit; -- No Connects SQFP
         NMI      : in    bit; 
         PCD      : out   bit; 
         PCHK     : out   bit; 
         PLOCK    : out   bit; 
         PWT      : out   bit; 
         RDY      : in    bit; 
         SMI      : in    bit;  -- new
         SMIACT   : out   bit;  -- new
         SRESET   : in    bit;  -- new
         STPCLK   : in    bit;  -- new
         RESET    : in    bit;
         TCK, TMS, TDI : in bit;         -- Scan Port inputs 
         TDO      : out   bit;           -- Scan Port output 
         UP       : in    bit; 
         VCC      : linkage bit_vector(1 to 24);   -- VCC PGA&PQFP
         VCCS      : linkage bit_vector(1 to 30);   -- VCC SQFP
         VSS      : linkage bit_vector(1 to 24);   -- VSS PQFP
         VSSG     : linkage bit_vector(1 to 4);   -- VSS PGA
         VSSS     : linkage bit_vector(1 to 14);   -- VSS SQFP
         WR       : out   bit);
   use STD_1149_1_1990.all;
   attribute PIN_MAP of Intel486_DX2_C_TM : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

 constant PGA_17x17 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=        -- Define Pin Out of PGA
        "A20M     : D15, "  & 
        "ABUS2    : Q14, "  & 
        "ABUS3    : R15, "  &
        "ABUS     : (S16, Q12, S15, Q13, R13, Q11, S13, R12,"  &
        "            S7,  Q10, S5,  R7,  Q9,  Q3,  R5,  Q4,  Q8,  Q5,"  & 
        "            Q7,  S3,  Q6,  R2,  S2,  S1,  R1,  P2,  P3,  Q1)," & 
        "ADS      : S17, "  &
        "AHOLD    : A17, "  &
        "BE       : (K15, J16, J15, F17), "  & 
        "BLAST    : R16, "  &
        "BOFF     : D17, "  & 
        "BRDY     : H15, "  & 
--        "BRDYC    : S4,  "  &  --  chipset version only
        "NCS      : S4, " &  
        "BREQ     : Q15, "  & 
        "BS8      : D16, "  & 
        "BS16     : C17, "  & 
        "CLK      : C3,  "  &
        "DBUS     : (P1, N2, N1, H2, M3, J2, L2, L3, F2, D1, E3, "  & 
        "            C1, G3, D2, K3, F3, J3, D3, C2, B1, A1, B2, "  & 
        "            A2, A4, A6, B6, C7, C6, C8, A8, C9, B8),"  &
        "DC       : M15, "  &
        "DP       : (N3,  F1,  H3,  A5), "  & 
        "EADS     : B17, "  &
        "FERR     : C14, "  & 
        "FLUSH    : C15, "  & 
        "HLDA     : P15, "  & 
        "HOLD     : E15, "  & 
        "IGNNE    : A15, "  & 
        "INTR     : A16, "  & 
        "KEN      : F15, "  & 
        "LOCK     : N15, "  & 
        "MIO      : N16, "  &
        "NC       : (R17, C13, B12, B13, A10, A12, A13)," &
        "NMI      : B15, "  & 
        "PCD      : J17, "  & 
        "PCHK     : Q17, "  & 
        "PLOCK    : Q16, "  & 
        "PWT      : L15, "  & 
        "SMI      : B10, "  &
        "SMIACT   : C12, "  &
        "SRESET   : C10, "  &
        "STPCLK   : G15, "  &
        "RDY      : F16, "  & 
        "RESET    : C16, "  & 
        "TCK      : A3,  "  & 
        "TDI      : A14, "  & 
        "TDO      : B16, "  & 
        "TMS      : B14, "  &
        "UP       : C11, "  &
        "VCC      : (R8,  R9,  R10, R11, R14, P16, M2,  M16, L16, K2,  K16, " & 
        "            J1,  H16, G2,  G16, E2,  E16, C4,  C5,  B7,  B9,  B11, " & 
        "            R3,  R6),"  &
        "VSS      : (S6,  S8,  S9,  S10, S11, S12, S14, R4,  Q2,  P17, M1,  " & 
        "            M17, L1,  L17, K1,  K17, H1,  H17, G1,  G17, E1,  E17, " & 
        "            B3,  B4)," &
        "VSSG     : (B5,  A7,  A9,  A11), "  &
        "WR       : N17  ";
 constant PQFP_196 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=       -- Define Pin Out of Plastic Quad FP
	"A20M     : 104, "  & 
	"ABUS2    : 146, "  & 
	"ABUS3    : 150, "  &
	"ABUS     : (152, 154, 158, 159, 161, 163, 165, 172,"  & 
	"            174, 176, 178, 180, 181, 183, 189, 191, 193, 2,"  & 
	"              3,   4,   5,   7,   8,   9,  10,  12, 13, 14)," & 
	"ADS      : 145, "  &
	"AHOLD    : 129, "  &
	"BE       : (117, 116, 115, 113), "  & 
	"BLAST    : 144, "  &
	"BOFF     : 137, "  & 
	"BRDY     : 138, "  & 
	"BREQ     : 118, "  & 
	"BS8      : 135, "  & 
	"BS16     : 136, "  & 
	"CLK      : 123,  "  &
	"DBUS     : (17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 35, "  & 
	"            37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, "  & 
	"            53, 55, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 74),"  &
	"DC       : 110, "  &
	"DP       : (16,  30,  43,  57), "  & 
	"EADS     : 105, "  &
	"FERR     :  81, "  &  
	"FLUSH    : 102, "  & 
	"HLDA     : 122, "  & 
	"HOLD     : 130, "  & 
	"IGNNE    :  77, "  &  
	"INTR     : 101, "  & 
	"KEN      : 132, "  & 
	"LOCK     : 142, "  & 
	"MIO      : 111, "  &
	"NC       : (15, 34, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68), " &
	"NCP      : (72, 73, 76, 78, 79, " &
	"            82, 83, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 97, 124, 127, 134, " &
	"            140, 149, 151, 153, 155, 157, 160, 162, 166, 169, " &
	"	     171, 173, 186, 188, 190, 192, 195)," & 
	"NMI      : 100, "  &  
	"PCD      : 106, "  & 
	"PCHK     : 139, "  & 
	"PLOCK    : 143, "  & 
	"PWT      : 108, "  & 
	"SMI      :  85, "  &  
	"SMIACT   :  92, "  &  
	"SRESET   :  94, "  & 
	"STPCLK   :  75, "  & 
	"RDY      : 133, "  & 
	"RESET    : 103, "  & 
	"TCK      : 128, "  & 
	"TDI      : 185, "  & 
	"TDO      :  80, "  & 
	"TMS      : 187, "  &
	"UP       : 156, "  &
	"VCC      : ( 6,  19,  24,  28,  36,  49,  54,  62,  70,  84,  93, " & 
	"            98,  107, 112, 119, 125, 131, 147, 164, 170, 175, 179, " & 
	"            184, 196),"  &
	"VSS      : ( 1, 11,  21,  22,  33,  40,  50,  58,  66,  86, 95, 96, 99, " & 
	"           109, 114, 121, 126, 141, 148, 167, 168, 177, 182, 194), "  &
	"WR       : 120  ";
  constant SQFP_208 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=       -- Define Pin Out of SQFP package
	"A20M     : 47, "  & 
	"ABUS2    : 202, "  & 
	"ABUS3    : 197, "  &
	"ABUS     : (196, 195, 193, 192, 190, 187, 186, 182,"  & 
	"            180, 178, 177, 174, 173, 171, 166, 165, 164, 161,"  & 
	"            160, 159, 158, 154, 153, 152, 151, 149, 148, 147)," & 
	"ADS      : 203, "  &
	"AHOLD    : 17, "  &
	"BE       : (31, 32, 33, 34), "  & 
	"BLAST    : 204, "  &
	"BOFF     :   6, "  & 
	"BRDY     :   5, "  & 
	"BREQ     :  30, "  & 
	"BS8      :   8, "  & 
	"BS16     :   7, "  & 
	"CLK      :  24,  "  &
	"DBUS     : (144, 143, 142, 141, 140, 130, 129, 126, 124, 123, 119, "  & 
	"            118, 117, 116, 113, 112, 108, 103, 101, 100, 99, 93, "  & 
	"            92, 91, 87, 85, 84, 83, 79, 78, 75, 74),"  &
	"DC       : 39, "  &
	"DP       : (145, 125, 109, 90), "  & 
	"EADS     :  46, "  &
	"FERR     :  66, "  &  
	"FLUSH    :  49, "  & 
	"HLDA     :  26, "  & 
	"HOLD     :  16, "  & 
	"IGNNE    :  72, "  &  
	"INTR     :  50, "  & 
	"KEN      :  13, "  & 
	"LOCK     : 207, "  & 
	"MIO      :  37, "  &
	"NC       : (11, 63, 64, 67, 70, 71, 96)," & 
	"NCS      : 127," & 
	"NMI      :  51, "  &  
	"PCD      :  41, "  & 
	"PCHK     :   4, "  & 
	"PLOCK    : 206, "  & 
	"PWT      :  40, "  & 
	"SMI      :  65, "  &  
	"SMIACT   :  59, "  &  
	"SRESET   :  58, "  & 
	"STPCLK   :  73, "  & 
	"RDY      :  12, "  & 
	"RESET    :  48, "  & 
	"TCK      :  18, "  & 
	"TDI      : 168, "  & 
	"TDO      :  68, "  & 
	"TMS      : 167, "  &
	"UP       : 194, "  &
	"VCC      : ( 2,  3,  9, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 35, " & 
	"            38,  42, 44, 45, 54, 56,  60, 62, 69, 77, 80, 82, 86), " & 
	"VCCS     : (89, 95,  98, 102, 106, 111, 114, 121, 128, 131, 133,  " &
        "            134, 136, 137, 139,150, 155, 162, 163, 169, 172, 176, " &
        "            179, 183, 185, 188, 191, 198, 200, 205),"  &
	"VSS      : (1, 10,  15,  21,  28, 36, 43, 52, 53, 55, 57, 61, 76, " & 
	"           81, 88,  94,  97, 104, 105, 107, 110, 115, 120, 122), " &
        "VSSS     : (132, 135, 138, 146, 156, 157, 170, 175, 181, 184, 189, 199, " &
        "          201, 208), "  &
	"WR       :  27  ";
   attribute Tap_Scan_In of    TDI      : signal is true; 
   attribute Tap_Scan_Mode of  TMS      : signal is true; 
   attribute Tap_Scan_Out of   TDO      : signal is true;
   attribute Tap_Scan_Clock of TCK      : signal is (25.0e6, BOTH);
   attribute Instruction_Length of Intel486_DX2_C_TM: entity is 4;
   attribute Instruction_Opcode of Intel486_DX2_C_TM: entity is
      "BYPASS  (1111),"    & 
      "EXTEST  (0000),"    & 
      "SAMPLE  (0001),"    & 
      "IDCODE  (0010),"    & 
      "RUNBIST (1000),"    &
      "PRIVATE (0011,0100,0101,0110,0111,1001,1010,1011,1100,1101,1110)";
   attribute Instruction_Capture of Intel486_DX2_C_TM: entity is "0001"; 
   -- there is no Instruction_Disable attribute for Intel486_DX2_C_TM
   attribute Instruction_Private of Intel486_DX2_C_TM: entity is "private";
   attribute Instruction_Usage of Intel486_DX2_C_TM: entity is
      "RUNBIST (registers BIST; "  & 
      "result 0;"                  & 
      "clock CLK in Run_Test_Idle;"& 
      "length 1200000)";
   attribute Idcode_Register of Intel486_DX2_C_TM: entity is
      "0001"                  &  -- version 
      "0"                     &  -- 0=5v  1=3v part
      "000001010000101"       &  -- DX2-S production part ID 
      "00000001001"           &  -- manufacturers identity =Intel
      "1";                       -- required by the standard
   attribute Register_Access of Intel486_DX2_C_TM: entity is
      "BIST[1] (RUNBIST)" ;
--{  The first cell is closest to TDO                                 } 

   attribute Boundary_Length of Intel486_DX2_C_TM: entity is 109;
   attribute Boundary_Cells of Intel486_DX2_C_TM: entity is "BC_2, BC_1, BC_6";
   attribute Boundary_Register of Intel486_DX2_C_TM: entity is
      "0   (BC_2,  ABUS2,      output3, X,  107,  1,  Z),"  & 
      "1   (BC_2,  ABUS3,      output3, X,  107,  1,  Z),"  & 
      "2   (BC_6,  ABUS(4),    bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "3   (BC_6,  ABUS(5),    bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "4   (BC_1,  UP ,        input,  X),"   &
      "5   (BC_6,  ABUS(6),    bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "6   (BC_6,  ABUS(7),    bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "7   (BC_6,  ABUS(8),    bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "8   (BC_6,  ABUS(9),    bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "9   (BC_6,  ABUS(10),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "10  (BC_6,  ABUS(11),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "11  (BC_6,  ABUS(12),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "12  (BC_6,  ABUS(13),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "13  (BC_6,  ABUS(14),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "14  (BC_6,  ABUS(15),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "15  (BC_6,  ABUS(16),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "16  (BC_6,  ABUS(17),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "17  (BC_6,  ABUS(18),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "18  (BC_6,  ABUS(19),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "19  (BC_6,  ABUS(20),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "20  (BC_6,  ABUS(21),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "21  (BC_6,  ABUS(22),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "22  (BC_6,  ABUS(23),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "23  (BC_6,  ABUS(24),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "24  (BC_6,  ABUS(25),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "25  (BC_6,  ABUS(26),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "26  (BC_6,  ABUS(27),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "27  (BC_6,  ABUS(28),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "28  (BC_6,  ABUS(29),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "29  (BC_6,  ABUS(30),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "30  (BC_6,  ABUS(31),   bidir,  X,  107,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "31  (BC_6,  DP(0),      bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "32  (BC_6,  DBUS(0),    bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "33  (BC_6,  DBUS(1),    bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "34  (BC_6,  DBUS(2),    bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "35  (BC_6,  DBUS(3),    bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "36  (BC_6,  DBUS(4),    bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "37  (BC_6,  DBUS(5),    bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "38  (BC_6,  DBUS(6),    bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "39  (BC_6,  DBUS(7),    bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "40  (BC_6,  DP(1),      bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "41  (BC_6,  DBUS(8),    bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "42  (BC_6,  DBUS(9),    bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "43  (BC_6,  DBUS(10),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "44  (BC_6,  DBUS(11),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "45  (BC_6,  DBUS(12),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "46  (BC_6,  DBUS(13),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "47  (BC_6,  DBUS(14),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "48  (BC_6,  DBUS(15),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "49  (BC_6,  DP(2),      bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "50  (BC_6,  DBUS(16),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "51  (BC_6,  DBUS(17),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "52  (BC_6,  DBUS(18),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "53  (BC_6,  DBUS(19),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "54  (BC_6,  DBUS(20),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "55  (BC_6,  DBUS(21),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "56  (BC_6,  DBUS(22),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "57  (BC_6,  DBUS(23),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "58  (BC_6,  DP(3),      bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "59  (BC_6,  DBUS(24),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "60  (BC_6,  DBUS(25),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "61  (BC_6,  DBUS(26),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "62  (BC_6,  DBUS(27),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "63  (BC_6,  DBUS(28),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "64  (BC_6,  DBUS(29),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "65  (BC_6,  DBUS(30),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "66  (BC_6,  DBUS(31),   bidir,  X,  108,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "67  (BC_1,  STPCLK,     input, X),"   &
      "68  (BC_1,  IGNNE,      input, X),"   &
      "69  (BC_2,  FERR,       output3, X,  105,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "70  (BC_1,  SMI ,       input, X),"   &
      "71  (BC_2,  SMIACT ,    output3, X,  105,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "72  (BC_1,  SRESET ,    input, X),"   &
      "73  (BC_1,  NMI,        input, X),"   &
      "74  (BC_1,  INTR,       input, X),"   & 
      "75  (BC_1,  FLUSH,      input, X),"   & 
      "76  (BC_1,  RESET,      input, X),"   & 
      "77  (BC_1,  A20M,       input, X),"   & 
      "78  (BC_1,  EADS,       input, X),"   &
      "79  (BC_2,  PCD,        output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "80  (BC_2,  PWT,        output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "81  (BC_2,  DC,         output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "82  (BC_2,  MIO,        output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "83  (BC_2,  BE(3),      output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "84  (BC_2,  BE(2),      output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "85  (BC_2,  BE(1),      output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "86  (BC_2,  BE(0),      output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "87  (BC_2,  BREQ,       output3, X,  105,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "88  (BC_2,  WR,         output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "89  (BC_2,  HLDA,       output3, X,  105,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "90  (BC_1,  CLK,         input, X),"   &
--      "91  (BC_1,  BRDYC ,         input, X),"   &  -- chipset only
      "91  (BC_1,  * ,         internal, 1),"   &  
      "92  (BC_1,  AHOLD,       input, X),"   & 
      "93  (BC_1,  HOLD,        input, X),"   & 
      "94  (BC_1,  KEN,         input, X),"   & 
      "95  (BC_1,  RDY,         input, X),"   & 
      "96  (BC_1,  BS8,         input, X),"   & 
      "97  (BC_1,  BS16,        input, X),"   & 
      "98  (BC_1,  BOFF,        input, X),"   & 
      "99  (BC_1,  BRDY,        input, X),"   &
      "100 (BC_2,  PCHK,       output3, X,  105,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "101 (BC_2,  LOCK,       output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "102 (BC_2,  PLOCK,      output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "103 (BC_2,  BLAST,      output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   & 
      "104 (BC_2,  ADS,        output3, X,  106,  1,  Z),"   &
      "105 (BC_2,  *,          control, 1),"   &             -- DISMISC 
      "106 (BC_2,  *,          control, 1),"   &             -- DISBUS 
      "107 (BC_2,  *,          control, 1),"   &             -- DISABUS 
      "108 (BC_2,  *,          control, 1)";                 -- DISWR
end Intel486_DX2_C_TM;